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  1. #1
    tigermania is offline New Member
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    How Would You Cycle This....

    Been lifting for over 15 years, and I've done 3 cycles.(amateur)

    I have on hand:

    50 D-bol 50 mg tabs
    20 cc Deca 200mg/cc
    20cc Test Cyp 250mg/cc

    30 Clen 40mcg tabs.

    30 Clomid tabs
    10000 IU HCG

    I was thinking about running the d-bol 50mg every day x 4weeks, Test 500mg/week x 12 weeks, and deca 400mg/week x 12 weeks. Then starting my PCT of Clomid and HCG. I don't really know how to work Clen into this cycle. What would some of you guys do with this gear. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
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    Under your bed.....
    on the right track but lower the deca to only 10 wks should always run the test a lil longer than the deca and as for the clen just use it during the pct

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicenchris2989 View Post
    on the right track but lower the deca to only 10 wks should always run the test a lil longer than the deca and as for the clen just use it during the pct
    also, if you have 20ml test at 250mg/ml, how would you run 500mg/week for 12 weeks?

  4. #4
    tigermania is offline New Member
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    Thanks, I really want to get my PCT times correct. I've read so much on this site, I'm now overloaded. Being the amateur, I did my first cycles without PCT, blewup to lose most gains despite dieting and training. I hope the PCT helps. Little bit confused on the times to start the Clomid,Clen , and HCG with htis particular Cycle.

  5. #5
    tigermania is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    also, if you have 20ml test at 250mg/ml, how would you run 500mg/week for 12 weeks?
    Good Point, I guess I wouuld do the Test 10 weeks and the Deca 8 weeks?? Or should I just do each 10 weeks then start PCT??

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tigermania View Post
    Good Point, I guess I wouuld do the Test 10 weeks and the Deca 8 weeks?? Or should I just do each 10 weeks then start PCT??
    no, as stated above you should always run test 2 weeks longer than deca . Really deca should be run at least 10 weeks, could you get more gear and run 10 weeks deca and 12 test, or 12 weeks deca and 14 test?

  7. #7
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    would agree pct is really important not just to get your levels back to normal safely but will help keep gains cant really help with the clomid cuz i never use it so dont wanna give you wrong info but with hcg i just start it a wk after last shot maybe should wait 2 wks so the deca wnt be as active in the body but maybe ima******ger can steer you better

  8. #8
    tigermania is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    no, as stated above you should always run test 2 weeks longer than deca. Really deca should be run at least 10 weeks, could you get more gear and run 10 weeks deca and 12 test, or 12 weeks deca and 14 test?
    Won't be a problem at all. At what times after last dose of Test and Deca would you start the Clen ,Clomid, and HCG . Like I said, I've never done PCT, and I want to get that right so I keep more of my gains.

  9. #9
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    I'm not big on a clomid/hcg pct, personally I would run the hcg during cycle at about 500iu each week, and run nolva and clomid for pct. Anthony Robert's pct is also very well thought of, with nolva, hcg, and aromasin for pct. There are many variations on pct that all work well, do plenty of research on that before starting the cycle.

  10. #10
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    I've never used clen , as I diet accordingly that my body fat is always low so I've never needed it. Perhaps someone else can help with that. As for pct start times, I would start pct 15 days after last injection of test c.

  11. #11
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    Under your bed.....
    oh the clen just start it with the pct i like throwing it in there have done it for my last 2 cycles nice affect. i take 40mcgs first two days and from there take 80mcgs and usally by my 5th or 6th day im at 120mcgs (3pills) usally do 2wks on 2 wks off and then do 2 more wks

  12. #12
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    btw if you have never used clen before to give you the heads up take them early in the morning they wont let you sleep if you take them to late try to take them atleast 5hrs before you go to bed you can split the pills up during the day and some ppl get really bad cramps if you can handle 120mcgs just lower the dosage wouldnt go over 160mcgs like i said before my ideal dosage is 120 drink plenty water got those same 40mcgs good stuff

  13. #13
    tigermania is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ima******ger View Post
    I'm not big on a clomid/hcg pct, personally I would run the hcg during cycle at about 500iu each week, and run nolva and clomid for pct. Anthony Robert's pct is also very well thought of, with nolva, hcg, and aromasin for pct. There are many variations on pct that all work well, do plenty of research on that before starting the cycle.
    Appreciate the Info,I have thouroughly confused myself reading about all of the PCT, that is why I have decided to seek out advice on this forum. How much clomid and Nolvadex would you use, when after the last shot, and for how long?? Also, I've read where some run Arimidex throughout this cycle, Is that really Necessary?? It is real expensive and hard to get a hold of.

  14. #14
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    i dont run any AI's or anything else during my cycle unless needed might wanna have it on hand just incase but some guys like running it just incase

  15. #15
    PureLife07's Avatar
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    nolva.. week 1 and 2 40mg's a day. 3-6 20mgs a day. Thats what i use. I tried to PM you but does not work

  16. #16
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    25 posts to pm

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  18. #18
    tigermania is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PureLife07 View Post
    nolva.. week 1 and 2 40mg's a day. 3-6 20mgs a day. Thats what i use. I tried to PM you but does not work
    Thanks for the advice, Sounds like I should do the HCG during the cycle, and clomid and Nolvadex for PCT.

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