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  1. #1
    Knucklehead's Avatar
    Knucklehead is offline New Member
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    Fina or Winstrol

    I am about to start getting ready for my first competition in June. I am currently 29yrs old, 5'11",220lb at 11.5%bf. I on TRT ever two weeks plus I add to that with test cyp 300 and HGH 2ius daily. My diet will start in about 6 weeks and I want to keep as much mass as possible while cutting down. I have some friends at my gym that take fina and love it. But my concern is that it raises your heart rate fairly quickly and I have aortic stenosis( Heart Murmer). Is there a safe dose to take with this or can i get the same benifits from winstrol as fina? or is there another hardener that i am not awair of that I could take to get a rock hard appeariance?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Under your bed.....
    look into masteron its alot less toxic and not as harmful to the body but with your heart murmer i still wouldnt be sure leave that part to the more experienced goodluck

  3. #3
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Who designed your plan? TRT at age 29? 2IU's of GH for a fairly young individual? All steroids are going to up your bp so heart condition not good. Perhaps a different hobby?

  4. #4
    Knucklehead's Avatar
    Knucklehead is offline New Member
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    Brother my test levels were 80. so they put me on trt. the hgh is a very low dose which I added gor 16weeks for fat loss.

  5. #5
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    my bad, so many r-tards are putting themselves on hrt, hard to tell who needs it. 2iu's for 16weeks is kinda low for a young guy. Anyway are you not worried about ventriular hypertrophy and increased wear and tear on your narrowing valve?

  6. #6
    Knucklehead's Avatar
    Knucklehead is offline New Member
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    Noproblems, I am monitored every six months for the past five years and it has not progressed any. My blood pressure is checked twice a month and it s normal every time. after I do this show, that is if i can get to the contest weight i will probably only continue with my trt dose from then on out. I am just trying to find a way to stay hard while cutting down. Could I could my muscle mass with just test and a great diet?

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