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  1. #1
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    Anavar, Test, Deca, Growth and Slin cycle

    I'm 51, 5'5" 160lbs and about 16% bf. I'm on HRT because my nuts don't produce enough Test for a squirrel. Thats why I'm running this so long, at the end I just go to 100mg/wk Test.
    I'd appreciate one of the knowlegeable people here reviewing this cycle and give me their comments.

    Test Susp 100mg/day 3 shots/day wk 1-3
    BTG Var 35mg/day wk 1-26
    Test E 400mg/wk wk 1-26
    Deca 200mg/wk wk 1-26
    HGH 6iu/day wk 1-26
    Slin 18iu/day wk 1-26 1st thing in morning and after workout
    Take 2IU HGH with the Slin and 1 more at bedtime

    I have Arimidex and Teslac for anti-E's if necessary(I am prone to gyno).
    Dextrose and Creatine Drunk 2x/day after slin/HGH shots
    Whey Protein, Soy Protein mixed with milk
    Milk Thistle
    Calcium Capsules, Multiple Vitamins
    The HGH is supposed to help prevent tendon damage and build more muscle cells and bone. I know most people say it is a pro's drug but I've going with the minority opinion. It was recommended for tendon health for newbies. The Test Susp is to kick start the cycle.

  2. #2
    McBain is offline Member
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    Maybe HCA wouldn't be a bad idea to help prevent fat storage from the slin? Atlhough the GH will prob take care of that. Damn bro 18IU seems high for your weight, I'm about the same weight and am considering slin and was thinking of working up to like 8IU. Hope you have experience with the stuff. But that cycle looks pretty good, maybe increase the deca a little.

  3. #3
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    Thanks. Citrimax is 750 mg of HCA. I'm talking about taking 9iu twice a day, I am taking 8 iu once a day after workout now. I'm using humelin R

  4. #4
    McBain is offline Member
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    oh ok makes sense

  5. #5
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    Anybody else have any comments??

  6. #6
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Looks very good to me. I would get some Tyler's as some added liver protection for the var. I think you can get away with shooting the suspension twice a day but nothing wrong with three times. You may want to consider running the cycle for 13 weeks then taking a low level test/deca bridge for a few weeks then bumping the dosages back up for another 13 but I have done cycles that long so I will leave that up to you.

  7. #7
    Tarzan's Avatar
    Tarzan is offline Associate Member
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    What are your goals bro! hard to make a recomendation with out this info. Your bf seems a little high to start this cycle. Might want to cut a little or add some t-3 to your cycle to keep your gains more lean. i like to be about 10% before I cycle. I would drop the var or the deca your choice. Are you runing deca to mix with test or for joint pain? Other than that nice cycle.

    Good luck

  8. #8
    nitro4 the body's Avatar
    nitro4 the body is offline Junior Member
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    are you diabetic ? That seems like a lot of insulin in a day , my friends dad is diabetic and he only does 5 iu's inthe morning and 4 at night. Are you counting the hash marks as iu's? I do u100 also ,5.5 hash marks makes 1 iu. I only do 2 ius after I work out thats all i can handle ,I did 3 iu's and got hypo like so i had to back down. Your needles also need to be for u100 or you measurments will be wroung.

  9. #9
    Mastiff is offline Member
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    Thanks, McBain and Tarzan. I appreciate the comments.

    Tarzan, I'm trying to put on 35 pounds of keepable lean muscle. I'm not too worried about the bodyfat. I have a 3 month supply of triyotex (T-3) from Mexico. I was planning to take it with the HGH but read that its now considered a bad idea. I plan on cutting after this cycle, I've got enough HGH to go another 6 months after this is over.. I was taking the Deca to add to the Test, not for joint pain. Could you tell me why you would cut out the Var or Deca? I thought it was a good stack. If there is something I've missed please let me know. Thats why I asked the question.

    Nitro, the small marks on the U-100 barrel are iu's if you're shooting insulin . Thats what U-100 means(100 units). The 5.5 per iu is if you are shooting HGH. ( From HGH Faq in educational threads-Some people choose to only do it in cc’s but here is how you can do it in units on a slin dart

    5.5 = 1iu, so 2iu = 11 on a slin dart )

    Your 3 units of insulin was actually 16.5 iu's. The 2 units is actually 11 iu's.

  10. #10
    Tarzan's Avatar
    Tarzan is offline Associate Member
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    If you are mixing the test with deca that cool. The var in my view is not needed. I would keep it for your cutting cycle with t-3, as you know t-3 will cut fat and muscel this way you will keep that hard earned beef.

    Good luck

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