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Thread: starting PGCL

  1. #1
    darkwing's Avatar
    darkwing is offline Junior Member
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    starting PGCL

    Day 1: Starting low, 80mcg today. 1st shot 20mcg into each bi. Shots went ok. A little a**ominal craming, not bad. I had a BM about an hour later. It was a little more than normal, but not bad. I did verp, but I did not throw up. I have eaten egg whites, low fat yogurt, and I just ate a Promax bar. Still no problems. I worked out, nothing exciting to report there. I am not running anything else right now. So far so good. going to eat some more, and 2 hours later do my second set of shots. I may up the dose, if things go well tonight.

  2. #2
    darkwing's Avatar
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    Just did 2nd set of shots, 20mcg in ea. tri. Everything is going well still. Right now just a little stomach cramping and kind of a heart burn feeling. No bathroom probs yet and no headaches. May up the dose to 3 x 40 mcgs.

  3. #3
    darkwing's Avatar
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    45 min post shot, got diarhea. Thought I got everything out, but 2 min later, I am back in there. Then I thought for sure my colon was clean, but 10 min later back in there. It is a lot of water. It has been about an hour now, I feel like it might be done??

  4. #4
    darkwing's Avatar
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    Day2: I did not have any probs after 1st shot. I didn't have a bm untill after 2 nd shot, and it was like yesterday. It was a lot of water. Not much else to repor yet.

  5. #5
    naturalsux's Avatar
    naturalsux is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkwing View Post
    Day2: I did not have any probs after 1st shot. I didn't have a bm untill after 2 nd shot, and it was like yesterday. It was a lot of water. Not much else to repor yet.
    i wonder why your not having as many bowel movements as everybody else?

    any ideas?

  6. #6
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    is your last name Duck? lol jk

  7. #7
    darkwing's Avatar
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    Day 3: The most BM's today. I shot 20mcg in ea. delt, and about 45min later I had 4 episodes of the shits. After about an 1 1/2 hrs I was good again. The triceps and delt shots seem to give me more GI probs. The 2 times in biceps so far have caused the least GI probs. Don't know why? Maybe just coincendence, or just that my bi shotswere in the A.M. when most stuff has moved through my bowels. I am also only doing 80mcg a day. I will likely up my dose in a day or 2.
    To sum up so far:
    am shot and within 1 hour I have about 3 episodes of diarhea with a lot of water. I also have increased urine frequency. No change in workouts. No increase in pump. I feel like if I have lost weight it is water.
    sides: besides the obvious bathroom issues, the only thing is my hands and feet are really cold. (vasoconstriction?). No headaches or sweating.
    I have to take my 2nd shot at work tonight...... I'll see how it goes.

    Kratos, yes it is Duck

  8. #8
    darkwing's Avatar
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    It feels like a blowtorch on my a-hole. Second shot today. I don't want to down play my sides. IT wasn't so bad the first day, but since then i have had more similar experiences to others. I wIll try to keep it up, but is going to be hard w/ work. I weighed myself and only lost a pound so far in 3 days.

  9. #9
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    Day4: I am down 2 more pounds. I am uping the dose today. adding another 40mcg, for a total of 120mcg. I did take an imodium ad today because i had to go to work early. I didn't want any accidents. Sides have still been the same within about an hour I have 2-3 episodes of diarrhea. I feel a little dehydrated, so trying to up my water intake. Workout sucked today, a little lethargic. No change in strength though.

  10. #10
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    Day 5: Continuing 120mcg split into 3 40mcg shots, and the 40mcg split into 2 20mcg shots. So I am doing 20 mcg in each triceps, or biceps. I think I am going to quit shoting bis because it is leaving little bruises. You can even see the punture mark. I have been rotatng sites some, but mostly bis/tris. Yesterday and today I tried subq in my spare tire, and those went ok. I even tried calves, that wasn't fun to may veins. Starting to look a little leaner, but still no pump or fullness of muscles.

  11. #11
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    BABY wipes for the win~`

  12. #12
    darkwing's Avatar
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    I took my last dose last night. I am going to take a little time off, and give my pooper a break. I am going to change my dosing amount and maybe run some thing else with it.
    Summary: 5 days total (3 days of 80mcg and 2 of 120mcg).
    sides: always diarrhea post shot, cold hands & feet, abdominal cramping, dehydration, deeper sleep, and a little lethargic
    Effects: I only lost about 3 lbs, and I feel like it is mostly water. No increase in size, pump, hardness, or strength.
    Next plan: I will increase my dose to 200 mcg a day. (I think that was what Tai ended up using with good results).
    What I can say for me: the doses I used did not seem effective for me. It may also be that I am missing out on a synergistic effect with some gear.
    I will update in a couple of weeks on the next cycle.

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