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  1. #1
    MMAfanboy is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2008

    I would like your help...

    OK, this is my first post on here or any body building site. First some background on me:

    -I am 5'9 197 pounds and 31 year old male
    -I have been lifting weights steady since I was 16.. when I started I was at the same height.. only weighed 119 pounds
    -Only AS I ever used was two 6 week cycles of Dianabol when I was 21 years old. Didnt stack or do anything else with it..
    -I do want to be in general good shape.. do cardio every other day and weight training every other day.. training one body part at a time.. ie arms one day.. back another..
    -I consider myself advanced in that I eat very healthy ... use protein powder.. ZMA, multivitamin.. glutamine, Glucosamine.. fat burner.. DHEA.. fish oil etc.. probably only took a week off three times since 16 from lifting.. in other words I am certain I have reached my genetic potential...

    I recently went to the doctor after having trouble sleeping.. loss in sex drive etc.. Did full blood work.. my test was 351 ng/dL 270-1070 Natural GH levels higher than normal.. went to an expert (endocrinologist) who told me everything looked in order for my age..

    I am noticing I am getting fatter in the face as I get older...started losing my hair.. used to worry about this if I took test.. but since I am losing hair anyway...

    again, I do all the right things.. I am considering doing a couple of cycles to to break through the wall and get some additional gains.. I read all of the noob recommended posts.. Just want to hear your thoughts.. Also considered going to a doctor to get my test up.. but the one I went to was not going to write a prescription for me.

    here is some of my other blood work results:


    GLUCOSE, 96 mg/dL 70-105

    SGOT (AST) 26 U/L 8-40

    BUN 25 H mg/dL 6-19

    BILIRUBIN, TTL 0.5 mg/dL 0.1-1.5

    CREATININE, SERUM 1.2 mg/dL 0.5-1.2

    ALK. PHOSPHATASE 56 U/L 39-117

    SODIUM 141 mmol/L 133-145

    PROTEIN, TOTAL 7.3 g/dL 5.9-8.4

    POTASSIUM 4.5 mmol/L 3.6-5.5

    ALBUMIN 4.8 g/dL 3.2-5.1

    CHLORIDE 101 mmol/L 96-110

    BUN/CREAT RATIO 21 4-62

    CALCIUM 10.1 mg/dL 8.5-10.4

    CO2- 30 meq/mL 21-31

    SGPT (ALT) 35 U/L 0-40

    CHOLESTEROL 212 H mg/dL 120-200

    HDL CHOLESTEROL 57 H mg/dL 35-55

    TRIGLYCERIDES 146 mg/dL 0-200

    VLDL/CALC 29 mg/dL 5-40

    CHOL/HDL/CALC 3.7 3.4-5.0

    LDL CHOL, CALC 126 mg/dL 50-130

    WBC 4.5 L x10^3/uL 4.8-10.8

    RBC 4.80 x10^6/uL 4.7-6.1

    HGB 15.1 g/dL 14-18

    HCT 43.6 % 42-52

    MCV 90.9 fL 80-94

    MCH 31.5 H pg 27-31

    MCHC 34.7 g/dL 32-36

    RDW 13.4 % 11.5-14.5

    PLATELET COUNT 276 x10^3/uL 150-400

    MPV 7.4 fL 7.4-10.4

    SEGS 46.8 % 40-75

    LYMPHS 39.5 % 17-45

    MONOS 7.0 % 0-12

    EOS 6.4 % 0-9

    BASOS 0.3 % 0-3

    PROSTATIC SPEC. ANTIGEN 0.476 ng/mL 0.0-4.0

    ROCHE uses a electrochemiluminescent immunoassay "EC

    modular E170 analyzer, which is intended for the qua

    prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The measured tPSA v

    vary depending on the test procedure used. The labo

    therefore always contain a statement on the tPSA ass

    determined on patient samples by different test proc

    compared with one another and could be the cause of

    interpretations. If there is a change in the tPSA a

    monitoring therapy, then the tPSA values obtained up

    procedure must be confirmed by parallel measurements

    TESTOSTERONE , TOTAL 351 ng/dL 270-1070

    TSH 1.560 uIU/mL 0.270-4.200

  2. #2
    breakbones's Avatar
    breakbones is offline Senior Member
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  3. #3
    MMAfanboy is offline Junior Member
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    Think I should delete all of the statistics?... assuming that is what you are saying Daaammnn too..

  4. #4
    Getinbgr's Avatar
    Getinbgr is offline Associate Member
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    Post a proposed cycle for critique.

  5. #5
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Well my first comment is your Cholesterol and Triglycerides are pretty fvcked, did the Dr mention that to you ?. Everything else is pretty good. PSA is excellent. Test is a bit low. I would also recommend getting an Estradiol test as well as high Estrogen could be the cause of your problem, the same as low Test.

    You can cycle for sure but I would also consider going onto HRT if your Test Levels are consistently low. 100mg a week of Testosterone Enanthate will bring that right back to the top of the range. You can also cycle while you are on HRT you simply increase the Test dose and add in other compounds as needed.

  6. #6
    hobbs9963's Avatar
    hobbs9963 is offline Associate Member
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    What are you thinking about? Why did you stop?

  7. #7
    MMAfanboy is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for all the help guys. Doctor did say those levels were high, but said that both good and bad cholesterol high. I take a lot of fish oil and a ton of protein everyday. After I got this test I looked and the protein powder I was using was high in saturated fat.. I have since changed brands. I wonder if my lower test levels have to do with being so active in terms of both cardio and weight training. One good thing is since I have been training for so long without test I know what works for my body lifting wise. Test really is the only missing piece of the puzzle. I do not jump into things and do my research first.

    I have no idea about where to get a cycle or what would fit me. I guess what I would want is something that boosts my text levels without too bad side effects and medium to mild positive effects because this is my first cycle. Probably my biggest fear is I don't want to screw up my system in terms of stopping my own test production too much. Also, I want to keep the gains I get as much as possible. Any recommended cycles would be appreciated. Also, I have no sources at all. Even though I work out everyday I keep to myself at the gym and dont talk to others in the gym. Also, I am afraid of buying online and getting screwed or worse, getting something that is not what I bargained for. I live in the south west and could go to Mexico, but I have no idea how high the risks are in going that route.. again, any advice is appreciated.

    I think getting androgel or something like that from a doctor would be great. I had more advanced levels checked as well. Endocrinologist did not want to give me test, despite my lower test levels. I contacted a longevity clinic online but got a shady vibe from them. If I get prescription, do I have to cycle it or can I take it steady? If I start taking, will I have to take it for the rest of my life? How do I find a credible doctor who will write me a prescription based on my test levels? Any recommendations of a good doctor would be appreciated. I live on the west coast. Keep in mind, this is asking for a legit source for prescription based on my test levels being lower and my age.

  8. #8
    MMAfanboy is offline Junior Member
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