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  1. #1
    XLCanadian's Avatar
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    Question Which test is best? (For the experienced guys please...)

    Okay guys. I was gonna use the Sust 250 as it waters you up less than Test-E. But now my buddy who's running it says it feels like he has a tennis ball on either side of his ass.

    I am not willing to be unable to sit properly to avoid water weight.

    Let's make my goal clear here. I want to shoot up test as less often as possible with as little pain as possible.

    Here are my choices:

    Sust 250

    I guess from my own research that I'm looking at E or C, which can be shot 2 times per week. But I may run into some water weight.

    What is really the least obvious as far as visibility of the injection site?

  2. #2
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
    Johny-too-small is offline Vive Memor Leti
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    Any injection can/will be painful in spite of the anabolic used for the newbie. Its called, "virgin muscle." The first several times that you inject into a muscle, it will cause inflammation and pain.

    Test E and C are good choices for the newb as it requires fewer injects. Prop is a poor choice, as it can cause pain due to its short ester for many users and the frequent injections.

    All test esters will cause water gain esp the longer esters like Sust, Enan, Cyp. However, this can be handled by a clean diet and the use of AIs.

  3. #3
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Sugar and soduim intake have a huge influence on water retention

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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    Great place to start researching !

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    ive seen plenty of people get a lot of bloat from sust..saying it bloats you less is crap has a longer ester (deconate) than test e or cyp..i prefer prop..its my favorite, but I like injecting myself daily..for a newbie go with test e or cyp..only two injects/wk

  5. #5
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    ive seen plenty of people get a lot of bloat from sust..saying it bloats you less is crap has a longer ester (deconate) than test e or cyp..i prefer prop..its my favorite, but I like injecting myself daily..for a newbie go with test e or cyp..only two injects/wk
    Shit, if they are doing a really low dose cycle for starts they could get away with injecting Test-C (or E) once per week.

    2* a week may be a little better, but it does have a 7-10 day half life.

    2ml (400mg) alone should have strong effects for a newb.

    Could start the cycle with an oral for the first 5-6 weeks until the C kicks in too.

  6. #6
    cfiler's Avatar
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    For a newbie, Test C or E is best due to less injects.

    Prop should be injected ed or eod.
    Sust should be injected eod or e3d.

    For a 1st cycle, you could try a low dose cycle of Test e or c, of 200-250mgs weekly.
    You would still be able to make great gains on it.

  7. #7
    BuffBuffalo's Avatar
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    I've done sustanon and enth. I would have to say I saw bigger size gains with sustanon, but it was also my first cycle. Strength gains on the other hand, I guess they were pretty close.
    Last edited by BuffBuffalo; 01-15-2008 at 11:52 AM.

  8. #8
    alny is offline New Member
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    test c is a easier injection than test p. less injections, less volume to inject and less pain. unless your doing a large amount of test i would go with test c. just my experience.

  9. #9
    dadiesel5 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler View Post
    For a newbie, Test C or E is best due to less injects.

    Prop should be injected ed or eod.
    Sust should be injected eod or e3d.

    For a 1st cycle, you could try a low dose cycle of Test e or c, of 200-250mgs weekly.
    You would still be able to make great gains on it.

  10. #10
    XLCanadian's Avatar
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    Yeah. Talked to my guy today and he says the Tect C is bect. It it 250mg/ml. So he says 1 shot of 2cc ever 5-7 days. That'll give me 500mg's every 5 - 7 days. He says if I water up too much doing the 5 day schedule, to switch to the 7 day.

  11. #11
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Yeah. Talked to my guy today and he says the Tect C is bect. It it 250mg/ml. So he says 1 shot of 2cc ever 5-7 days. That'll give me 500mg's every 5 - 7 days. He says if I water up too much doing the 5 day schedule, to switch to the 7 day.
    you should really inject every 3.5 days or so..if you bloat too much then take an AI such as arimidex ..dont change injection frequency..will get your blood levels outta whack and may give more sides

  12. #12
    10nispro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Yeah. Talked to my guy today and he says the Tect C is bect. It it 250mg/ml. So he says 1 shot of 2cc ever 5-7 days. That'll give me 500mg's every 5 - 7 days. He says if I water up too much doing the 5 day schedule, to switch to the 7 day.
    Inject 2/wk to keep you blood levels more stable. Helps with sides. And its only 1cc per injection. M and Thurs. Good Luck

  13. #13
    10nispro's Avatar
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    longhorn beat me to it...thanks though

  14. #14
    KJSolid is offline Associate Member
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    That is what I would do also. Figure right glute Monday and left glute Thursday. Your right will be fine by the time the next shot come Monday. I agree with cyp also.

  15. #15
    Bobbarker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Okay guys. I was gonna use the Sust 250 as it waters you up less than Test-E. But now my buddy who's running it says it feels like he has a tennis ball on either side of his ass.

    I am not willing to be unable to sit properly to avoid water weight.

    Let's make my goal clear here. I want to shoot up test as less often as possible with as little pain as possible.

    Here are my choices:

    Sust 250

    I guess from my own research that I'm looking at E or C, which can be shot 2 times per week. But I may run into some water weight.

    What is really the least obvious as far as visibility of the injection site?
    Yeah, I had the same problem as your friend. My cousin who is a nurse told me to hit it higher (the gluteus medius), to wiggle my toes while injecting (helps relax the muscle) and to massage the area for a while after. I also found it helped to work out soon after my injection.

  16. #16
    inky-e's Avatar
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    i did a prop cycle and got fair results and the inj sites were without major complaints,then i did a sust 500 wk and deca 300wk and got better results,the only problem was the sust sites did get an egg sized lump towards the end of cycle,maybe i went to the exact same site twice?all i know is that i want to do it again,i'm in pct now and gonna lay off juice a while,next time i'll hit the weights alot harder and might swap something else for the deca,maybe,cause i like deca,i'll know for sure when i'm ready

  17. #17
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    its all the same in my book.

  18. #18
    XLCanadian's Avatar
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    thanks guys

  19. #19
    orton4 is offline Member
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    i think prop is the best, but i dont think i would say use it for first cycle... ive used both test p and test cyp... i liked test p much better..test is test, but i like test p better because there is usually less water retention, its a faster acting ester so u can feel the effects after a week usually, more stable blood levels so less sides... the reason why i wouldnt suggest it for a first cycle are it tends to be a bit more painful than the other tests and you have to shoot it ED or EOD. i say go with test cyp or enth 500mgs a week for first cycle..thats my opinion... as far as injection visibility you wont see nething really unless you get infected.

  20. #20
    DEVLDOG's Avatar
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    TEST IS TEST,just depends on how many times a day/week you want to stick yourself...true,some have higher absorbtion rates but not really enough to make a difference,the bloat comes from a sh!ty diet...

  21. #21
    BuffBuffalo's Avatar
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    When using prop how many different injection sites do you guys usually use?

  22. #22
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Test is Test, of course of course.

  23. #23
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  24. #24
    orton4 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuffBuffalo View Post
    When using prop how many different injection sites do you guys usually use?
    i used delts, glutes, quads, pecs

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