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Thread: lifestyle help

  1. #1
    idaho is offline New Member
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    lifestyle help

    I have searched this site for info but cant seem to find what im lookin 40 yrs 205lbs 27%b/f gym time will consist of 3 days lifting three day cardio what im wondering is this when takin wynn is this a lifestyle or will it work for six weeks then petter out do i need to continue(cycle) for ever........looking to get about 220lbs at 17% b/f any info or links would be apreciated thanx all

  2. #2
    damiongage's Avatar
    damiongage is offline Anabolic Member
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    for a goal of 17% BF...all you need to do is eat OK...doesn't even have to be clean...maybe cut out the fast food and junk food, and go to the gym a few days a week.

    At 40yrs may need a little help adding the mass you desire to be at 220...seeing as we are talking around 40lbs of lean mass. 1st thing you need to do is post up a diet in the diet section and a workout in the workout section and have those critiqued. Nobody wants to hear that...but you cannot build a house without a foundation....and diet and exercise are the foundations of a nice physique.

    I am not sure what you mean by wynn...maybe winny or some pro hormone...but in either do not need it right now. I know with the proper diet and workout you will see great results and I would save compounds for when those results diminish.

  3. #3
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    If your 40 yrs old, with 27% bodyfat, go to a Urologist, and have him test your testosterone levels .


    As well as



    Make sure you are healthy before you start anything, but at age 40 you may be running low on testosterone, and TRT can do some wonderful things.

    Sure the doses of 100mg-200mg weeky will not make you Ronnie COleman big or lean, however, it is a lot better than what most 40 year olds could have with natural aging.

  4. #4
    Getinbgr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    If your 40 yrs old, with 27% bodyfat, go to a Urologist, and have him test your testosterone levels .


    As well as



    Make sure you are healthy before you start anything, but at age 40 you may be running low on testosterone, and TRT can do some wonderful things.

    Sure the doses of 100mg-200mg weeky will not make you Ronnie COleman big or lean, however, it is a lot better than what most 40 year olds could have with natural aging.
    Urologist necessary to check test levels?

  5. #5
    Getinbgr's Avatar
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    If you're being serious, no, Winny or any other steroid , is not intended to be used continuously. Each cycle (weeks of time) will produce results. The amount of those results you keep forever depend on your diet and routine.

  6. #6
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Getinbgr View Post
    Urologist necessary to check test levels?
    If you want help based on the results, then yes.

    Endos vs. Urologists.

    Endos do not care where your testosterone levels are, so long as it is anywhere in the range. Even at the very low end. Urologists want you in the upper 1/3rd of the range of testosterone , as that level is least frequently associated with ED.

    In short, they are more likely to treat you.

    At least what I have found.

  7. #7
    timtim is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by idaho View Post
    I have searched this site for info but cant seem to find what im lookin 40 yrs 205lbs 27%b/f gym time will consist of 3 days lifting three day cardio what im wondering is this when takin wynn is this a lifestyle or will it work for six weeks then petter out do i need to continue(cycle) for ever........looking to get about 220lbs at 17% b/f any info or links would be apreciated thanx all
    you shouldnt even be thinking about taking drugs right now. learn to diet and train, see what happens, and adjust from there accordingly.

  8. #8
    idaho is offline New Member
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    thanx for all the input....seems diet is the answer have cut out most carbs and on high protein diet for most part ie.muscle milk,soy protein, creatine. results are slow maybe to impatient? base diet and training on modified body for life program but plateau real quickly and cant seem to get over it. Any recomendations on what would help? thanx for the time

  9. #9
    im83931's Avatar
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    all diets will have some plateaus. You just have to stick with them to poush thru it. At 27% you will be wasting your money with winny. And if you run it continuosly youll destroy your liver.
    You wont cut and bulk at the same time anyway. Adding 15lbs of muscle at the same time as losing 10% body fat is probably not very realistic. If you just want to be in great shape then the b4l program is great.

  10. #10
    Oki-Des's Avatar
    Oki-Des is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hello, I am 36 and I run low levels of test year around as prescribed by my physician. If you have the money, I would also run HGH. My diet is not great, my routine is staggered due to my busy work schedule. But I maintain a decent physique with the help of the test and HGH. Someone above said that AAS is not intended for year around use, and this is not true. It is intended for year around use in low quantities, but sometimes people use more than usual to produce additional results/effects. When I was younger I did the normal "cycles" but now am simply trying to maintain and live somewhat healthy without being a fanatic.
    Go to a clinic specializing in Anti Aging and tell them you are feeling more sluggish as you did when you were younger. Give them some blood and get some test and HGH prescribed to you. Go to the pharmacy and you will have what you need. First, get healthy on your own, but you are at the age you will most likely qualify for something.
    This is just my two cents, but it works for me.
    Good Luck.

  11. #11
    damiongage's Avatar
    damiongage is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oki-Des View Post
    Hello, I am 36 and I run low levels of test year around as prescribed by my physician. If you have the money, I would also run HGH. My diet is not great, my routine is staggered due to my busy work schedule. But I maintain a decent physique with the help of the test and HGH. Someone above said that AAS is not intended for year around use, and this is not true. It is intended for year around use in low quantities, but sometimes people use more than usual to produce additional results/effects. When I was younger I did the normal "cycles" but now am simply trying to maintain and live somewhat healthy without being a fanatic.
    Go to a clinic specializing in Anti Aging and tell them you are feeling more sluggish as you did when you were younger. Give them some blood and get some test and HGH prescribed to you. Go to the pharmacy and you will have what you need. First, get healthy on your own, but you are at the age you will most likely qualify for something.
    This is just my two cents, but it works for me.
    Good Luck.
    There is a big difference between a hormone replacement level of testosterone and someone considering a year long cycle of winny. The advise stands true...Steroids are not ment for year around use...there will always be exceptions to the rules....

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