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  1. #1
    math2008 is offline New Member
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    Something to help me gain weight.

    Hey guys,

    First of all i'm 21, 5"10, and weigh around 9stone 5 pounds - quite underweight for my height.

    I can't eat alot of food (calories), so I struggle to put the weight on, so i'm looking for something to help me out a bit. I have a few guidelines which may narrow down a certain product that someone could suggest.

    - Must be tablet form.
    - Least side effects as possible.
    - Don't want something that'll just make me retain water, and then dissapear when I stop taking it.
    - Finally, I don't want to take it for a long period of time. Ideally i'd like to put on a stone, I will be training whilst using it (although not extremely intense), but my goal is primarily weight - and not just to get as ripped as a bodybuilder!

    I hope i've provided enough information for a few suggestions. Thanks in advance. Matt.

  2. #2
    EZgainer is offline New Member
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    why CANT u eat alot of food?

  3. #3
    BEAMERMAN's Avatar
    BEAMERMAN is offline Junior Member
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    wtf is a stone

  4. #4
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    man your diet is the only thing you need to do now ,useing sterois will not help you at all you can gain lots of natural weight easy,you say you want to use an oral only that is a big no no for anyone,lift hard ,eat big and you will hit your goals with no problem....STEROIDS ARE NOT THE WAY TO DO THINGS AT YOUR WEIGHT ,AGE INEXPERIANCE,ECT...


  5. #5
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BEAMERMAN View Post
    wtf is a stone
    1 stone is 14lbs.

    we say stone in the uk you say lbs in the us

  6. #6
    EZgainer is offline New Member
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    lol i am sry but this just looks like a riddle or something....cant eat food....wont lose gains...cant trian intense...and happen quick...idk but when u find this "tablet" let me know

  7. #7
    math2008 is offline New Member
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    I just dont have a great appetite. For me to get the recommended calorie intake per day i'd probably really have to force myself, causing me to feel sick.

    A stone is a british term, is equals 14 pounds. So I weigh approx 131 pounds.

  8. #8
    BEAMERMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZgainer View Post
    lol i am sry but this just looks like a riddle or something....cant eat food....wont lose gains...cant trian intense...and happen quick...idk but when u find this "tablet" let me know
    lmao and it sound like you need to man up with the eating

  9. #9
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by math2008 View Post
    I just dont have a great appetite. For me to get the recommended calorie intake per day i'd probably really have to force myself, causing me to feel sick.

    A stone is a british term, is equals 14 pounds. So I weigh approx 131 pounds.
    you have got to force feed your self to gain weight mate...

    i was the same ,130lbs 4 years ago i am now 190lbs and 9% body fat ,stick around here and get reading and you will soon learn what is right and what is wrong.............just read here for a couple of days..........

  10. #10
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    you have anorexia,, get some counsling help.....
    or just force feed untill your body adapts,, it will take time, effort, and maybe uncomfurtable for a bit, but if your really wanna gain that extra stone or 2 youll put in the work

  11. #11
    math2008 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZgainer View Post
    lol i am sry but this just looks like a riddle or something....cant eat food....wont lose gains...cant trian intense...and happen quick...idk but when u find this "tablet" let me know

    I didn't say I couldn't eat food. I said I struggle to eat alot of food, which is why I don't put on weight. Maybe I should just force myself as the guy said above. I train about 2/4 times a week, I class intense as every day - which I don't have the time to do.

    As for a 'tablet', i'm not looking for some miracle cure. Just advice, maybe steroids aren't the right route for me - as said above. But that's why i'm here, to get some help - not sarcy comments!

  12. #12
    EZgainer is offline New Member
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    Bodybuilding, as in many cases in life is all about putting urself in uncomfortable situations Arnold has refer to this many times...all the media and pics u see of people in good shape work very hard to get that way and make many sacrifices...juice or not...I like squatting till i throw up it means its working...if u do decide to eat untill u throw up try not to actually throw up cuz then u have to start all over lol

  13. #13
    math2008 is offline New Member
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    3/4 times*

  14. #14
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cowboy-chris View Post
    you have anorexia,, get some counsling help.....
    or just force feed untill your body adapts,, it will take time, effort, and maybe uncomfurtable for a bit, but if your really wanna gain that extra stone or 2 youll put in the work
    do listen to the anorexia part of this post

  15. #15
    EZgainer is offline New Member
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    Last edited by EZgainer; 01-17-2008 at 11:21 AM.

  16. #16
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by math2008 View Post
    I didn't say I couldn't eat food. I said I struggle to eat alot of food, which is why I don't put on weight. Maybe I should just force myself as the guy said above. I train about 2/4 times a week, I class intense as every day - which I don't have the time to do.

    As for a 'tablet', i'm not looking for some miracle cure. Just advice, maybe steroids aren't the right route for me - as said above. But that's why i'm here, to get some help - not sarcy comments!
    only work one body part per week and keep reps to around 8-10 reps ,what i mean is your 8-10 rep you should reraly struggle to do it ..

    lift heavy and hard and you will soon have a appertite

  17. #17
    EZgainer is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by math2008 View Post
    Hey guys,

    First of all i'm 21, 5"10, and weigh around 9stone 5 pounds - quite underweight for my height.

    I can't eat alot of food (calories), [/U]so I struggle to put the weight on, so i'm looking for something to help me out a bit. I have a few guidelines which may narrow down a certain product that someone could suggest.

    - Must be tablet form.
    - Least side effects as possible.
    - Don't want something that'll just make me retain water, and then dissapear when I stop taking it.
    - Finally, I don't want to take it for a long period of time. Ideally i'd like to put on a stone, I will be training whilst using it (although not extremely intense), but my goal is primarily weight - and not just to get as ripped as a bodybuilder!

    I hope i've provided enough information for a few suggestions. Thanks in advance. Matt.
    Dude I can qoute what u say

  18. #18
    KJSolid is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah man, you will have to force feed yourself for awhile, but your body will adjust and you will start to be hungry more often. Shit now I can eat Thanksgiving dinner and be hungry ten minutes later. Good Luck. And nowd thanks for the conversion from stones to pounds as I see a lot of post and didnt know the conversion, and I was too lazy to look it up.

  19. #19
    math2008 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZgainer View Post
    Dude I can qoute what u say
    I used the word 'alot', as in, a large amount. Anyways, I didn't come here to argue.

    Thanks for the advice though lads. I'll have a little read on the site and stop being naive.

  20. #20
    EZgainer is offline New Member
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    ur right sry for the sarcasiom...i did however add some serious advice also...not trying to be a dick just jokin round a lil...stick around maybe ur motivation on eating will change. there is also a diet forum i encourage u to glance at for an example of a bulking diet...good luck bro

  21. #21
    im83931's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by math2008 View Post
    I can't eat alot of food (calories),

    I hope i've provided enough information for a few suggestions. Thanks in advance. Matt.
    You have provided enough info.

    this is the main problem: You cant eat alot of calories. Even when you find an aas that meets those qualifications if you cant eat enough it wont do you any good. AAS only gives your body the ability to grow. If you dont fuel it and give yourself the protein and calories needed for growth then youll waste your money.

  22. #22
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nowdenlid View Post
    do listen to the anorexia part of this post
    it wast a very bad joke,, and now hat you brought it up,, it is even worse of joke,, i shall leave now in shame,,,,

  23. #23
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you have to train your body how to eat properly if you want to grow..if you cant do that no amount of steroids will make you bigger..they arent just some magic pill that you can take and boom you just start building muscle..they are only a small part of the have to learn to start eating 6-8 meals a not talking large meals where you get full..just enough to keep you satisfield for about 2 hours and then repeat..head over to the diet section and start is an example of a bulking diet, you wont be able to eat like it at first, but work your way up and you'll be eating like that in no time

    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...

  24. #24
    math2008 is offline New Member
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    Well I just tried it. 2 Hours after eating my main meal I forced down some spaghetti on toast, didn't feel hungry at all but I managed to eat it. Proof enough for me it's possible, just have to keep at it!

    Cheers again for the advice to all, i'll read that diet section in full tonight. Hopefully I can report back in a few weeks saying i've gained a few! Matt.

  25. #25
    feanixco is offline Banned
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    I was 125 lbs a few years ago. It's not going to happen over night but keep feeding yourself. I'm not talking about fast food either. Keep training and eating and you will find your way on the scale. Your a little young still and I would suggest you achieve your goals naturally until your genes wont allow you to progress any further.

  26. #26
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by math2008 View Post
    Well I just tried it. 2 Hours after eating my main meal I forced down some spaghetti on toast, didn't feel hungry at all but I managed to eat it. Proof enough for me it's possible, just have to keep at it!

    Cheers again for the advice to all, i'll read that diet section in full tonight. Hopefully I can report back in a few weeks saying i've gained a few! Matt.
    try somethink like chicken and brown rice or sweat patatoe and some beef or tuna ,start getting protein and carbs down your neck here is a little list of were to start


    brown rice
    sweet patatoes

    try these for snacks

    cottage cheese
    and a good protein shake but dont have more than 2/3 a day and try and cut them out after a while.

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