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Thread: Confused!!!

  1. #1
    QUICK351LX's Avatar
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    I am a 35 year old thats starting my 2nd cycle of a test c only cycle for 10 weeks at 500mgs a week. i have done search after search and now I am just getting confused. So I have a few questions I hope this is the right place for this thread.

    1. My last cycle was a sustanon + dbol for 8 weeks and a I didn't do a pct and had no problems. So is it a requirment If had no symptoms of gyno or could I still get it, and if so should I run just clomid and at what dose, it seems every one has his own opinion.

    2. Since my last cycle I have put on a little weight from 205 to about 220, now is it ok to have a little (or some may say that 15 lbs is alot ) of fat on you before you start a cycle. My last cycle if was hard for me to keep the weigh on I was trying to eat 3000cals or more and it didn't seem to mater. I was thinking if I start off a little heavy I could use some of that fat for bulking.

    I know I am going to get flamed for my questions but Ive read post after post and now im confused as hell. Any help you guys can give is really needed.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by QUICK351LX View Post
    I am a 35 year old thats starting my 2nd cycle of a test c only cycle for 10 weeks at 500mgs a week. i have done search after search and now I am just getting confused. So I have a few questions I hope this is the right place for this thread.

    1. My last cycle was a sustanon + dbol for 8 weeks and a I didn't do a pct and had no problems. So is it a requirment If had no symptoms of gyno or could I still get it, and if so should I run just clomid and at what dose, it seems every one has his own opinion.

    2. Since my last cycle I have put on a little weight from 205 to about 220, now is it ok to have a little (or some may say that 15 lbs is alot ) of fat on you before you start a cycle. My last cycle if was hard for me to keep the weigh on I was trying to eat 3000cals or more and it didn't seem to mater. I was thinking if I start off a little heavy I could use some of that fat for bulking.

    I know I am going to get flamed for my questions but Ive read post after post and now im confused as hell. Any help you guys can give is really needed.
    1. Id run nolva instead of clomid. Studies show 1 in 3 gear heads are happier when on nolva.

    2. What explains your recent weight gain, slackin at gym, eating too many Big N Nasty's at McDougals?

    3. Vat are your goals? ripped or more mass? How tall r you?

    4. Is that a real dog in your avy if so just do whatever cycle he's on and train with him 5x per week.

  3. #3
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    So just run nolva at the end of my cycle whats the times and mgs most people use. As far as the weight goes i hurt my shoulder a while back, moved into a new house and holidays (I know excuses, excuses). My goals are to put on some mass right now ill do a cutting cycle when i get to the mass i like, and im 5'11 but i look in proportion i think. AND THE DOG IS REAL LOL

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by QUICK351LX View Post
    So just run nolva at the end of my cycle whats the times and mgs most people use. As far as the weight goes i hurt my shoulder a while back, moved into a new house and holidays (I know excuses, excuses). My goals are to put on some mass right now ill do a cutting cycle when i get to the mass i like, and im 5'11 but i look in proportion i think. AND THE DOG IS REAL LOL

    No I didnt say JUST run nolva at end of cycle, i just said run it instead of clomid. I just ran nolva at the end of my 1st cycle and everything turned out fine for me, but most people here will blast you if you just run nolva alone then they will tell you to do research on PCT, as there is a wealth of information on the PCT forums, by far more info then I could possibly give you. So you're 5'11 220 lbs, and you want to bulk up? Id just worry bout me diet and do a shytload of cardio.

    .. sorry cant get over that dog... is that your dog, and I wonder what his diet looks like...

  5. #5
    sphincter is offline Member
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    Based on your weight.. 3000 cal's is very very not much. My maintenance cals is over 3000 and I'm only 210lbs.

    secondarily, PCT is not only to help maintain gains it is mostly to get your boys working properly again and get your natural test production back to normal faster.

    you should be eating 4000-5000 cals ED when on cycle and 3000 off just to maintain bro.

  6. #6
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    Damn im i just a dumb ass or something i still trying to get this whole pct thing down. so take nolva 18 days after my last pin, is ther anything else i should be taking. and alos where can i get it with lion being out most of the time are there other suppliers? and ill up my calorie intake when i get on. if somebody can ive me some straight answers id appreciate it,ive been staring at this computer so much the last 2 weeks i have a headache.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by QUICK351LX View Post
    Damn im i just a dumb ass or something i still trying to get this whole pct thing down. so take nolva 18 days after my last pin, is ther anything else i should be taking. and alos where can i get it with lion being out most of the time are there other suppliers? and ill up my calorie intake when i get on. if somebody can ive me some straight answers id appreciate it,ive been staring at this computer so much the last 2 weeks i have a headache.
    Did you try reading the PCT boards yet?

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