Hi guys.... first post so be gentle....

Just about to embark on first cycle and would like some advice.

Cycle as follows:

Wk 1-8 200mg Deca
Wk 1-8 250mg Sustanon
Wk 1-8 20mg/day Nolvadex (from day 3)
Wk 3, 5, 8 500ui HCG

I know its a shorter cycle than most I've read about, and also the inclusion of Nolvadex during the cycle is not always the norm. I want to air on the side of caution first time round and see how I adapt to the cycle.

What I'm a little confused about is the PCT. I have included Nolvadex after reading Mick Hart's layman guides to steroids , but I can't see any mention of PCT. Is this not required as Nolv has been included in the cycle? If not what would you guys recommend as a PCT?

thanks in advance.....