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  1. #1
    rknagle is offline New Member
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    Cincy, OH

    1st Clen experience...

    So far so good....

    3 days into it and I have had the mild headaches and shakes, but nothing major. On the other hand, I am cramping in every muscle & my joints ache!! Ive been taken 2000mg of Taurine also, but it seems like with every step I am on the verge of a serious quad or calf lock up!!!

  2. #2
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    What is your daily dosage? Is this your first experience with clen ?

  3. #3
    rknagle is offline New Member
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    Cincy, OH
    60mcg 1st 3 days...going to 80

    Yes this is my 1st time using Clen

  4. #4
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2005
    Bro, 60mcg may be good for you. Everyone is different. You don't have to do more just b/c some recommend it. One of my buddies does great on 60mcg. I have to use 120. The way I look at it is that he just gets to do it for half the price. You might want to stay at 60 at least for a while, just to let your body get more used to it. You can always go up the next day. Just my 2 cents.

  5. #5
    rknagle is offline New Member
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    Cincy, OH
    Good idea....I seem to be fine with the slight headaches & the minimal shakes, BUT the f'n cramps are a pain. I played 3 games of soccer last night and by the middle of the 3rd game...I damn near cramped up with each step!!

  6. #6
    djcj2002's Avatar
    djcj2002 is offline Associate Member
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    OMG! I didn't know you were playing soccer. I can't imagine trying to play soccer on clen . I'd die. It actually even affects my high intensity cardio when i'm on. Can't imagine a soccer game, let alone three. If you play soccer regularly, it's hard for me to see how you would need clen. That's killer cardio, bro.

  7. #7
    rknagle is offline New Member
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    Cincy, OH
    Yeah, but I dont play as much as I used to!! Its softball all summer & soccer all winter...

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