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  1. #1
    mmafan is offline New Member
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    Sore Delt Jab, Reasons to be worried?

    I`m on a course where I`m injecting 100mg of Test Prop e/d. I`m cycling the sites of Quads, Delts and Glutes.

    I did a jab in my delt on Sunday, I had to go in three times because I hit blood on the first two times. I sterilised the area with a sterile wipe before I jabbed. The next day it felt pretty sore, a but above normal muscle soreness.

    It`s still pretty sore now but more uncomfortable, especially if I put my arm above my head. There`s no redness or lumps but the muscle does feel slightly swollen and tight. I also wouldn`t want to bump into anything with it.

    I have no temperature and have been training all week so far with now problems. I`m also a window cleaner by the day and I have to move my arms about a lot during the day. Hence I`ve noticed the pain with this injection.

    Should I be worried or just carry on? I`m going to leave off on the delt injections for a week.

  2. #2
    Hollywood080's Avatar
    Hollywood080 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm about to start a cycle with prop. I've never used it before but I've heard that it is painful.

  3. #3
    mmafan is offline New Member
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    To be honest I`m running this with Tren at 150mg every three days. I heat the vials both in warm water before I jab. The Tren hurts more!!! Test goes in pretty easy. Just take your time.

  4. #4
    Bigmax's Avatar
    Bigmax is offline Retired VET~ If you dont know... ask me
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    yeah thats me in avvy
    Bro,If its just sore...there shouldnt be a long as it doesnt get red and Hot...and most important it doesnt spread....

  5. #5
    Hollywood080's Avatar
    Hollywood080 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think that you may just be sore from the multiple jabs and the nix to the veins if you don't think it's the prop.

  6. #6
    PEWN's Avatar
    PEWN is offline AR Addict
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    your ok .... welcome to the pin cushion club...

  7. #7
    mmafan is offline New Member
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    To be honest it hasn`t spread I can`t notice any difference in the warmth of it. The major problem like I say is when I raise my arm above my head or push my fingers into the muscle or rest a lot of weight on it. It isn`t agonising pain but it`s uncomfortable. I was just thinking very bruised muscle but I just wanted some opinions too just in case.

  8. #8
    mmafan is offline New Member
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    The multiple jabs aren`t too bad. Before I was only doing two/three jab a week. Ten week courses. This is my first four week course. In and out jabs everyday.

    But it`s actually okay just under two weeks in my weight is not up much, about three pounds but I`m looking a lot tighter and have dropped bodyfat. It`s a good course so far. I like the intestity of four weeks all out training and growth as to the marathon trying to keep the entusiaism up with the ten/twelve week course.

  9. #9
    mmafan is offline New Member
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    If i doesn`t better by Friday I`m going to see the doctor. I live in the UK. Should I just be straight up with the Doctor and say I`ve been jabbing steroids ?

  10. #10
    theflyzman is offline Associate Member
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    Yes. If he ask just tell the truth. what else can you really say. I had to do the same thing about 2 weeks ago and the doctor never even ask if the were prescribed or not.

  11. #11
    maxumboater's Avatar
    maxumboater is offline Associate Member
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    i had a tetnus shot a while back in my side delt and it hurt for bout a week. I had all the soreness that ur explaining. Ive been shooting test prop eod in my glutes and quads. four different injection sites should be plenty. The pain of prop for me is pretty low but ive heard some people say they cant even walk, stand or sit.

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