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  1. #1
    HHH_batista is offline New Member
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    Cool i am new on steroids

    Hi, I am single again and I started to work out, I am overweighted, i am 5'10 and I weight 258 lbs, I lost 4 pounds in 4 days, all I do rite now it's cardio. Until I make it to 220 at least. I am thinking of taking that 48 Hours Miracle Diet Juice,to lose more weight. But after this I wanna have a rocking body, and I now steroids would help me faster (and of course continue with my diet and exercising, wich I am already doing) . Everyone tells me about how good is Deca and the almost no side effect that has. I would like to hear from people who has taken, my bones are thick so I am already big, I just want to get bigger shoulders, bigger biceps, cut my pecs and also a 6 pack. I have been in a 2 year long serious relationship and I am only 21, and I want to be ready for this summer, I wanna go to the clubs and have all chicks hitting on me and checking me out. People say that if I use steroids , I am gonna get addicted, I am gonna die, and I know they are being exagerated. Anyway if I die of steroids at age 35, I rather die at 35 looking good and had a lot of girls than die when I am 75 all old and rinkled. Basically the reason why I want to have a good phisique it's for the women. So, Vanity most like it.

    The point, it's that some people told me Deca it's the best for me, but other say that when I'll stop taking deca all my muscles are gonna fall, I am not sure if I am willing to use steroids for the rest of my life, I just want a little help to get the 6 pack, pecs and arms that I always wanted. Also I heard that you could lose hair and I dont know why but I've been losing hair fro the last 2 yrs, and I do not have any acne on my face and they say that I could get acne from side effects, also if i am taking it it's so I could sleep with women and if it's gonna take my sexual power... that's kinda messed up bcause thats why i am doing it for!! and also I've heard that your temper changes, I dont know if only while you in cycles or the moment you take the steroids. Thanks!

  2. #2
    PT's Avatar
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    sounds like your a dreamer bro and are looking for a miracle drug. i like that you would rather die at 35 looking good then 75 being old. lets see if you still feel that way when your 35 laying on your death bed knowing that you'll never get to see your kids grow up and get married. i dont know you whatsoever but i dont like the way you think so i refuse to give you any more advice then this. go talk to a shrink and learn to eat healthy and do alot of cardio

  3. #3
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    Whats up bro yea, steroids arent the only way out, do your research first, cause i started doin them when i was 18 and i had researched the profiles of every steroid i was goin to take and i did about 2 years research before i tried it, but the key is, is to take them the right way, newbies from my experience tend to think if they take more, the double there gains which is not always true and tends to just waste money that way and end up gettin them self hurt, another thing is takin them for too long, which my advice if u do jump into it is about 8 weeks max and then take u about a 3months off by just takin natural supplments. and like any newbie, i would reccomend deca and maybe a test to better understand how it works, cause thats how i started out, cause u dont want to jump into the hardcore stuff at first, just work your way up to those type of gear. and remember this, it takes a lot of dedication once you start and a lot of man hours in the hym and eating healthy is a must and lots or protien, but if i wur you, stick to natural supplements first and get into the best shape u can nautral, then try the gear cause u wont work as hard trying to bust your ass while your on the gear, and one more thing once u start, it take a good 3 weeks or soo before you start feeling the effects and seein good results cause it takes time for your body to adjust to the gear. hope that helped you out any, if u need anymore advice bro let me know

  4. #4
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    sounds like your a dreamer bro and are looking for a miracle drug. i like that you would rather die at 35 looking good then 75 being old. lets see if you still feel that way when your 35 laying on your death bed knowing that you'll never get to see your kids grow up and get married. i dont know you whatsoever but i dont like the way you think so i refuse to give you any more advice then this. go talk to a shrink and learn to eat healthy and do alot of cardio
    Pietro is right, but like i said bro do your research first, Gear is not a game and should be taken very serious

  5. #5
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you are not physically or mentally ready for steroids ...steroids are NOT magic pills; they will not make you huge and shredded over night, deca has more sides than your friends tell you..the only thing you should be doing it learning how to eat and train is everything in this game, you should be able to make a lot of gains at your age if you learn how to eat....steroids are something not to be taken lightly..

  6. #6
    HHH_batista is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    sounds like your a dreamer bro and are looking for a miracle drug. i like that you would rather die at 35 looking good then 75 being old. lets see if you still feel that way when your 35 laying on your death bed knowing that you'll never get to see your kids grow up and get married. i dont know you whatsoever but i dont like the way you think so i refuse to give you any more advice then this. go talk to a shrink and learn to eat healthy and do alot of cardio
    don't get me wrong man, I am not a dreamer just wanted to be honest

  7. #7
    HHH_batista is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    you are not physically or mentally ready for steroids...steroids are NOT magic pills; they will not make you huge and shredded over night, deca has more sides than your friends tell you..the only thing you should be doing it learning how to eat and train is everything in this game, you should be able to make a lot of gains at your age if you learn how to eat....steroids are something not to be taken lightly..
    I don't think steroids are gonna make me huge overnight, as I said in my post i want to exercise and eat right!

  8. #8
    Second2None's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HHH_batista View Post
    I don't think steroids are gonna make me huge overnight, as I said in my post i want to exercise and eat right!
    1st you need to get your bodyfat down
    get your diet right, look into clen , but read into 1st and see if its for you

    Clen Faq. You better like it it took me ages.
    look at this
    Last edited by Second2None; 02-22-2008 at 07:39 AM.

  9. #9
    longhorn814's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HHH_batista View Post
    I don't think steroids are gonna make me huge overnight, as I said in my post i want to exercise and eat right!
    well thats how you sounded in your post..learn how to eat and train right..then maybe in a couple years you can consider AAS..steroids wont do much if you dont have a solid foundation built and know how to eat and train the right way

  10. #10
    STEROIDMD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    well thats how you sounded in your post..learn how to eat and train right..then maybe in a couple years you can consider AAS..steroids wont do much if you dont have a solid foundation built and know how to eat and train the right way
    Not to mention if your muscles, tendons, connective tissues, and joints don't already have a good base from years of working out naturally and u jump on AAS u will hurt yourself. Then won't be able to train and it will be a big waster of time and money.
    Do more research on diet and training. Maybe use some clen (after proper research). Utiliize legal supplements and train hard for at least a year. Also use that time do do extensive research on steroids and then maybe you can consider it. Really bro...take our advise.

  11. #11
    midnight777's Avatar
    midnight777 is offline Associate Member
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    Wow, great read ,,, I have been lifting for over 2 years,,, I am still not ready for a cycle... I am still making nice gaines with a little creatine and eating right... I am still planning and eating right and trying to stay injury free. I will use AAS as something to get me over the hump rather then a quick fix.. atleast you were honest...

  12. #12
    wilson9d's Avatar
    wilson9d is offline Senior Member
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    Your, too young man. At your age you can loose 40lbs by summer with a good diet and exercise program. Start lifting immediately. The more muscle you have the faster your metabolism, and the faster you burn fat. If you do aas right now you will make your situation worse. Pick up a couple fitness mags learn some work out routines. Lift for about an hour a day then do your 30 to 40 mins of cardio 4 to 5 days a week. Up no some diets and the fat will melt off.

  13. #13
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    sounds like your a dreamer bro and are looking for a miracle drug. i like that you would rather die at 35 looking good then 75 being old. lets see if you still feel that way when your 35 laying on your death bed knowing that you'll never get to see your kids grow up and get married. i dont know you whatsoever but i dont like the way you think so i refuse to give you any more advice then this. go talk to a shrink and learn to eat healthy and do alot of cardio
    LOL another Miracle seeker. In order to take AAS you need to have a foundation, dedication, and the right state of mind. You have none of the above. Plus the fact that you are only working out because you are single again speeks that you are not dedicated to it

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