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  1. #1
    Rtansey2007 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008

    My 2nd bulking/cutting cycle

    Hi, all I've been reading here for a while without joining but I'm considering my second cycle soon and would like some opinions. I'm 23 yrs old. 6'0" and 195lbs with around 11-12%bf. My diet is in check with 7-8 meals a day, 3 shakes and mostly tuna, egg whites, and chicken with lots of steamed vegetables. I have done one cycle in the past which was just a Test only cycle at 500mg/week. Here's what I have planned.

    Test E weeks 1-10 500mg/week
    Equipoise weeks 1-10 400mg/week
    Anavar weeks 6-10 60mg/day
    Pct is Nolvadex 40mg for 2 weeks after last shot then 20mg for another 2 weeks
    I do have hcg if needed.

    Also thinking of throwing winny at the end to cut a little more it's 100mg/ml injectable but I may save that for a later cycle.

  2. #2
    Rtansey2007 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008

  3. #3
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Rtansey2007 View Post
    Hi, all I've been reading here for a while without joining but I'm considering my second cycle soon and would like some opinions. I'm 23 yrs old. 6'0" and 195lbs with around 11-12%bf. My diet is in check with 7-8 meals a day, 3 shakes and mostly tuna, egg whites, and chicken with lots of steamed vegetables. I have done one cycle in the past which was just a Test only cycle at 500mg/week. Here's what I have planned.

    Test E weeks 1-10 500mg/week (Run this for 12 weeks and Frontload)
    Equipoise weeks 1-10 400mg/week (drop this)
    Anavar weeks 6-10 60mg/day (Run this weeks 10-14 instead)

    Add an AI in your PCT (Aromasin 20-25mg ED weeks 13-16)
    Pct is Nolvadex 40mg for 2 weeks after last shot then 20mg for another 2 weeks (Nolva 20mg ED weeks 15-19)
    I do have hcg if needed. (HCG 300 IU's M-W-F Weeks 4-14)

    Also thinking of throwing winny at the end to cut a little more it's 100mg/ml injectable but I may save that for a later cycle.
    Just run that for now..... when you hit weeks 13 and 14 You're goona dry out and harden up real nicely..

  4. #4
    Rtansey2007 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    thanks soulstealer

  5. #5
    Rtansey2007 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    why drop the equipoise ?

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