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    MikeAZ's Avatar
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    Could A Girl Get Prego While Im On Cycle?

    Any advice would help me out here! My girl thinks she is prego? No test to prove yet, but would it be possible for me to knock her up while I was 10 weeks into my cycle? I am takin Trenn A 50mg/EOD and Test E 450/wk.

  2. #2
    NightWolf's Avatar
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    Yes it is possible.

  3. #3
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    many bros have knocked up their girls while on

  4. #4
    redz's Avatar
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    What did you think steroids were birth control? I know several peopel who got girls pregnant while on the juice even with heavier cycles than you are on.

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    rockinred's Avatar
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    No she can't, that's impossible.... not by you at least.

  6. #6
    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockinred View Post
    No she can't, that's impossible.... not by you at least.
    Mike, I was just messin w/ ya.... of course she can.

  7. #7
    boxer08's Avatar
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    Of course the sperms and bigger and stronger as they are also using what you are using lol, Seriously though, yes you can.

  8. #8
    PT's Avatar
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    it is unlikely that you could knock her up 10 weeks into your cycle but it isnt impossible.

  9. #9
    PT's Avatar
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    test has actually been tested as a male birth control and works very well

  10. #10
    redz's Avatar
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    test has actually been tested as a male birth control and works very well
    I dont buy these studies I know a guy who knocked up a girl in one shot. Also all over this board there are similar threads about this and it would seem it DOES NOT work as birth control judging by how many are getting there ladies pregnant.

  11. #11
    DavidYork2's Avatar
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    In short: YES. And I know that for a fact because I found out the hard way!

  12. #12
    lowep3 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    test has actually been tested as a male birth control and works very well
    You have some of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on this bored. If you can't positively contribute to a thread just move on. This forum isn't about adding to your post count, but rather to help others with usefull information.

  13. #13
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Yes, Abstinence is the only 100% gaurantee she won't get pregnant. Every other form of BC has some risks of failure...including the first couple months after a vasectomy and fallopian tubes cut

  14. #14
    MikeAZ's Avatar
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    Damn, well I guess that does'nt make me feel any better! LOL, is there any risks of birth defects since im on a cycle?

  15. #15
    Elusive's Avatar
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    Have here swallow... Problem Solved!

  16. #16
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeAZ View Post
    Damn, well I guess that does'nt make me feel any better! LOL, is there any risks of birth defects since im on a cycle?
    No birth defects, testosterone and Nandrolone aren't radioactive

  17. #17
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowep3 View Post
    You have some of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on this bored. If you can't positively contribute to a thread just move on. This forum isn't about adding to your post count, but rather to help others with usefull information.
    are you mental? i stated a fact and thats it. it is possible to get someone pregnant when your on a cycle but its unlikely. also dont try to talk tough on your computer bro because if theres one thing i hate its a tough guy behind a computer whos really a 110lb weakling that would run in a second rather then fight

  18. #18
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    yeah its impossible, but u remember when she left that night with ur car and brought it back in the morning? well sorry we forgot to wash it?

    ...this may explain the prego!

    jk bro..very possible!

  19. #19
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowep3 View Post
    You have some of the most ignorant posts I have ever read on this bored. If you can't positively contribute to a thread just move on. This forum isn't about adding to your post count, but rather to help others with usefull information.
    by the way read y past posts, i gurentee you i helped way more people then you can ever dream of. if you have a problem with me shoot me a pm and we can solve this off the board because im sure nobody here wants to hear about this. and how did you contribute to this thread??? you didnt. i stated a fact and you just spit up some bs that shouldnt be on this board in the first place. dont forget to pm me so i can give you my email and we can solve our little problem, boy.

  20. #20
    iceman1961 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeAZ View Post
    Any advice would help me out here! My girl thinks she is prego? No test to prove yet, but would it be possible for me to knock her up while I was 10 weeks into my cycle? I am takin Trenn A 50mg/EOD and Test E 450/wk.
    Yea she can but the kids gonna come out JACKED lol J/K

  21. #21
    madmax1974's Avatar
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    yes you can get her pregnant, i got mine while on a cycle.

  22. #22
    lowep3 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    by the way read y past posts, i gurentee you i helped way more people then you can ever dream of. if you have a problem with me shoot me a pm and we can solve this off the board because im sure nobody here wants to hear about this. and how did you contribute to this thread??? you didnt. i stated a fact and you just spit up some bs that shouldnt be on this board in the first place. dont forget to pm me so i can give you my email and we can solve our little problem, boy.
    Dude, you show me proof that test is a consistent form of birth control. Otherwise you're just spreading garbage and stating it as a fact. But ne way, PM sent.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post

    yeah its impossible, but u remember when she left that night with ur car and brought it back in the morning? well sorry we forgot to wash it?

    ...this may explain the prego!

    jk bro..very possible!
    LOL, like the pic man! by all means im not ready for a little whaaaa, I just want make sure my cycle did'nt **** up the little dude. Think I should tell the doc about the cycle if the wiz quiz comes up +?

  24. #24
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lowep3 View Post
    Dude, you show me proof that test is a consistent form of birth control. Otherwise you're just spreading garbage and stating it as a fact.
    dude u have 88 posts and ur tellin people not to post just to get their count up? to a person who hat 1800 posts? a little dumg i think... and here u go next time dont be so ignorant to what you dont know... and no no birth control is 100%, other than absistance and if she is already prego....

  25. #25
    vicsptcruiser1 is offline New Member
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    Yea she can now your concern should be is my the baby ok! Meaning possibly slow, retarded, developing right etc. My ex is a pro bodybuilder and has done enough stuff to kill most animals and the doc said more than likely he can't have kids (now he can) but if you do it may not form correctly

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    and if she is just finding out... u might want to talk to a doc cause vicsptcruiser is right... and early enuff, depends on your views, there is always the clinic....

  27. #27
    lowep3 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    dude u have 88 posts and ur tellin people not to post just to get their count up? to a person who hat 1800 posts? a little dumg i think... and here u go next time dont be so ignorant to what you dont know... and no no birth control is 100%, other than absistance and if she is already prego....
    Dude you're an idiot. Read the conclusion at the bottom. This is taken straight from the link YOU provided...

    "Authors' conclusions
    No male hormonal contraceptive is ready for clinical use. Most trials were small exploratory studies. As a result, their power to detect important differences was limited and their results imprecise. In addition, the definition of oligozoospermia has been imprecise or inconsistent. To avoid bias, future trials need more attention to the methodological requirements for randomized controlled trials (RCTs). More trials with adequate power would also be helpful."

    You really know what your talkin about. A lot of things lower sperm count, recreational drugs, being sick, exogenous testosterone ; the list goes on. To go out and say that this is a form of contraceptive is just plain ignorance. Do some more research next time.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    dude u have 88 posts and ur tellin people not to post just to get their count up? to a person who hat 1800 posts? a little dumg
    Why would that be dumb (or dumg)? He's been here for years and is obviously not a post-whore since he only has 88 posts, I don't see your point.

  29. #29
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    i see why you got tough with me. i have no clue who you are but i went into your past posts and saw you did the same thing a few weeks ago because i told you my liver was more important to me then any cycle and you didnt like that. i dont want to bother anyone else on this board so from now on i wont post on your threads and if you dont have anything nice to say on mine then i would appreciate if you just kept your comments to yourself. this conversation is over

  30. #30
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    he was telling his not to be a 'post whore' to a person w/ over 1800 posts... and he has 88... just a lil ironic... and ok give me a form of birthcontrol that is 100% fool proof? yeah good luck w/ that one, i was just backin up pietro in saying that it has been tested as a bc, not perfect just that is has been tested and worked well... ...

    oh and since ur to dumb to actually educate urself before you argue..

    and male contraceptive is actually harder cause of the amount of sperm and the ones that do survive can become deformed...
    and never said it was perfect, just that it has been tested and worked well...
    so the authors saying that its not ready for mass use... so... a lower sperm count isnt a form of contraceptive? go read a anatomy book adn concentrate on the reproductive section...
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 02-23-2008 at 01:41 PM.

  31. #31
    lowep3 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    i see why you got tough with me. i have no clue who you are but i went into your past posts and saw you did the same thing a few weeks ago because i told you my liver was more important to me then any cycle and you didnt like that. i dont want to bother anyone else on this board so from now on i wont post on your threads and if you dont have anything nice to say on mine then i would appreciate if you just kept your comments to yourself. this conversation is over
    Dude I have nothing personal against anyone on this board. We've all been wrong. I just don't like it when peoplepost up blatantly unsure about a topic and claim it to be fact. Someone might search this topic in a few months and see what insight was given and take it the wrong way. We're all here to gain knowledge. Sorry if you took it the wrong way.

  32. #32
    lowep3 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    he was telling his not to be a 'post whore' to a person w/ over 1800 posts... and he has 88... just a lil ironic... and ok give me a form of birthcontrol that is 100% fool proof? yeah good luck w/ that one, i was just backin up pietro in saying that it has been tested as a bc, not perfect just that is has been tested and worked well... ...
    No contraceptive in the world is 100% perfect except abstinence. But to put a male's exogenous testosterone and a women's prescription oral contraceptive on the same level is just wrong. It's comparing apples to oranges.

  33. #33
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    well are they both fruit? and i leave it at that...

  34. #34
    MikeAZ's Avatar
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    I did'nt make this page to see who is a post whore or not, I have a serius issue and want some input from other people that have knowledge in this area. Please stay on subject, I can live with having a kid what I am most concerend about is if it will be healthy or not..... I dont want to think I fu**ed up my kid because I was selfish on trying to better myself at the child's expense. Im not even sure if she is prego for sure, she is a week late, however she is usually pretty consistant with her aunt flow.

  35. #35
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    Well bro.. What you really need to be thinking about is .. Are you ready for it if she is with child?? Because trust me I have knocked up a girlfriend or (4) whilst on cycle so I know for a fact that it does nothing for me as a Male form of Birth Control. Then once you TWO discuss what your options are be right and upfront with your Family Doc what you were using and for how long and how much you were on. If they have any form of intelligence they will be able to tell you if your unborn child is at any risk of anything. Remember the Doctor-Patient Privilege .. no one other than them will your info ever go Past. It's only fair to let them know so you can assess any type of complication.. if any at all that these Steroids could have done to the sperm/egg/fetus/ beginning of pregnancy phase.. ok thats my take on all this

  36. #36
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    he was telling his not to be a 'post whore' to a person w/ over 1800 posts... and he has 88... just a lil ironic... and ok give me a form of birthcontrol that is 100% fool proof? yeah good luck w/ that one, i was just backin up pietro in saying that it has been tested as a bc, not perfect just that is has been tested and worked well... ...

    oh and since ur to dumb to actually educate urself before you argue..

    and male contraceptive is actually harder cause of the amount of sperm and the ones that do survive can become deformed...
    and never said it was perfect, just that it has been tested and worked well...
    so the authors saying that its not ready for mass use... so... a lower sperm count isnt a form of contraceptive? go read a anatomy book adn concentrate on the reproductive section...
    your right no brith control is 100% but most are high 90's. I dont know what you consider to work well. But being on these boards for years i nkow alot of guys who have gotten thier girls prego while on. I wouldnt consider it to work well at all.

  37. #37
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    only if you f*** her in the a**.

  38. #38
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    One thing, if you read the studies, done for 18 months, with test cyp at 200mg EW (slightly higher than HRT doses), the guys taking it had high enough sperm counts for feritlity, up until the 6 month point.

    Who here runs their cycles for 6 months at a shot?

    Some, but not many.

    Then there are the AIs, and SERMs.

    Using either of those, with AAS, can actually keep a modest amount of sperm production going.

    Think about it. It is well known that E2 (Estradiol) is the primary culprit in the negative feedback loop of the HPTA.

    Hence why almost all PCT's are based around either SERM's or AIs, often a SERM run, followed by an AI.

    Testosterone as a chemical itself, is not very supressive to the HPTA, at doses under 200mg EW. Not unless a decent amount of it turns to E2, which it readily does.

    However, by blocking even a bit of that, you will get some LH and FSH flowing, as not enough E2 is saturating the E2 receptors in the hypothalimus. It will still make some GNRH, and the pituitary in turn will make some LH and FSH, which in turn will make your testes make at least a little testosterone, and SPERM.

    Meaning that if the guys nocking up the GF, or WIFE, or both, may have been using a little bit of a SERM, like nolva, or an AI with the cycle. Remember, both of those are used as fertility drugs too. Yes, AIs and SERMs are used as fertility drugs, and they work well too.

    Guys doing the long cycles often use small amounts of hcg to keep the nuts from shrinking too much as well. + they still may take a little nolva or liquidex to prevent gyno.

    So, then you have a bro, who thinks because he is 10 weeks into a cycle of AAS, that he is sterile. At this point, even without AIs, SERMs, or hCG, you likely are still fertile.

    Remember, unless you are using for 6 months straight, AND not using any sort of AI or SERM or hCG (unlikely for a 6 month long cycle), you will likely not be sterile.

    And there in we see why so many bros knock up a chick while on cycle. Especially the short 12-16 week cycles.

    Add to that the increase is sex drive, and you are asking for trouble by thinking you are sterile.

  39. #39
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    Thanks for the post meathead, I understand that I am still fertile. I was under the impression however that I would be less fertile. I have been doing some reading to see if anyway the kid could have birth defects since I am on the juice but found little support. I have found on this site as well as other steroid sites that the kid should be fine but I have found no answeres in any medical books or journals. Do you have any info on this?

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Well bro.. What you really need to be thinking about is .. Are you ready for it if she is with child?? Because trust me I have knocked up a girlfriend or (4) whilst on cycle so I know for a fact that it does nothing for me as a Male form of Birth Control. Then once you TWO discuss what your options are be right and upfront with your Family Doc what you were using and for how long and how much you were on. If they have any form of intelligence they will be able to tell you if your unborn child is at any risk of anything. Remember the Doctor-Patient Privilege .. no one other than them will your info ever go Past. It's only fair to let them know so you can assess any type of complication.. if any at all that these Steroids could have done to the sperm/egg/fetus/ beginning of pregnancy phase.. ok thats my take on all this
    did any of the girlfriends or (4) have any complications with the kid? What did you tell the doc, if anything?

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