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  1. #1
    Wizeguy's Avatar
    Wizeguy is offline Associate Member
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    Injected today, lost my breath and started cou***ng?

    I'm on week 5 of my cycle. This is also my 4th cycle. I'm no rookie to injecting and have always had no issues. Today I loaded my TestE and Deca and shot 2cc into my glute. After about 30 seconds after withdrawing the pin I started to cough uncontrollably and couldn't take a deep breath. It all dissapated with-in about 15 minutes but still now, 8 hours later, when I take a deep breath my chest/lunges feel a bit unusual. I asspirated as usual and didnt draw any blood. I may injected the oil a bit quick, a slow by steady push. I have heard of wierd issues if you inject into a vein ,but, like I said, I didn't get any blood when I aspirated. So what happened?? I got a bit nervouse but after it all dissapated I felt better. I'm thinking maybe I nicked a vein or injected too quickly?? If I did inject into vein, is there any issues to be concerned with? Also was the injection of AAS wasted??

  2. #2
    Fordfan01's Avatar
    Fordfan01 is offline Member
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    if u aspirated correctly and didnt see ne blood then u prob just nicked a vein

  3. #3
    RuhlFreak55's Avatar
    RuhlFreak55 is offline Purveyor of Thor's Hammer
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    i'm pretty sure that's what happens when u inject into a vein....never happened to me

  4. #4
    ricker35910's Avatar
    ricker35910 is offline Associate Member
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    happens to me all the time around the 5th wk of masteron and tren . those are the only 2 aas that make me cough. but i only cough when injecting into glutes nowhere else. a friend of mine says it happens to him all the time to right around the same time.
    Last edited by ricker35910; 02-24-2008 at 07:43 PM.

  5. #5
    canttouchthis9's Avatar
    canttouchthis9 is offline New Member
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    Its happened to me before as well when running masteron after a few weeks...major cou***ng feeling. not really sure what it is. At first I thought i was just coming close to a vein but it always seems to happen around the same time period....

  6. #6
    rodgerj's Avatar
    rodgerj is offline Associate Member
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    would love to know more on the science behind that...... You could have passed through a vein and so let some in. If it is not a vein nick or direct inject into the vein, could be just breaking scar tissue that is relatively fresh from lack of rotation?

    As far as I have read, There are two types of cough;

    1. A strong cough starts right after injection and makes you feel like you just swallowed a liquid down your wind pipe. This cough is hard to control, and it acts more like a reflex.

    2. The second kind take place a few minutes to 15 minutes after you've injected. It seems to occur when you start to work in the oil by walking around, or massaging it. This cough feels more like your lungs are expelling a chemical. It tastes a little funny, and is like an alcohol. This cough is very controllable, and its just a little irritating to your throat.

    Number two could be from solvents because the product is not made in a "clean room" they solve sterility problems with more solvent. When you inject and the needle pierces a vein the solvent gets taken up into your blood stream and within seconds hits your lungs. Your lungs thinking you've inhaled a toxin begin to cough or expel the toxin. The problem is that you didn't inhale it, it's on the inside. You're lungs will continue to cough out the solvent until it's gone.

    The other could be caused by Prostaglandins....

    Prostaglandins are synthesized from Lipoxygenase (which catalyze the dioxygenation of polyunsaturated fatty acids) in the cell membrane by the action of phospholipase A2. Cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways, compete with one another to form prostaglandins, thromboxane or leukotriene-leukotriene - a bronchial stimulator.
    In the cyclooxygenase pathway, the prostaglandins D, E and F plus thromboxane and prostacyclin are made. Thromboxanes are made in platelets and cause constriction of vascular smooth muscle and platelet aggregation. Leukotrienes are made in leukocytes and macrophages via the lipoxygenase pathway. They are potent constrictors of the bronchial airways. They are also important in inflammation and hypersensitivity reactions as they increase vascular permeability.

    It's the pathway from which prostaglandins are constructed that dictates "fina cough". As prostaglandins made from the Cyclooxygenase pathway dictate muscle constriction and platlet aggregation, and the Lipoxygenase pathway dictates bronchial constriction (the main form of expulsion)

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