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Thread: my cycle

  1. #41
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    im posting pic's from before i start, after week 12 then again after pct so we'll see if its a waste after that
    Why you think you will have good results?

    With that much gear you should show good gains.

    But my point is with less then half that you can get the same gains with much less sides. You are not a pro bb who needs that kind of cycle. And in fact most of the real big guys that do comps dont run that much.

    Tell me why you need this combo.

    13-20 masteron 500mgs a week
    13-20 winny 50mgs a day
    13-20 fina 75mgs a day
    15-20 var 45mgs a day

  2. #42
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    Why you think you will have good results?

    With that much gear you should show good gains.

    But my point is with less then half that you can get the same gains with much less sides. You are not a pro bb who needs that kind of cycle. And in fact most of the real big guys that do comps dont run that much.

    Tell me why you need this combo.

    13-20 masteron 500mgs a week
    13-20 winny 50mgs a day
    13-20 fina 75mgs a day
    15-20 var 45mgs a day
    why do i need this combo? so i can have awesome results. tell me why you think its so bad? as for pro's, i have 2 friends that compete profesionally and the dosage im running here dosnt touch what they do. there are bodybyilders who run 2 grams of test a week on top of deca and d-bol. would you say thats a waste? this is i big cycle but its nothing way out there by any means. just because you might be able to grow off 500mgs of test dont think the rest of the world can. also the var is being dropped from this cycle. im not sure if i posted that here or not yet because i have this cycle posted on 4 other boards but a few of us decided that it was useless to be in here and the only effects i would get out of it are negative
    Last edited by PT; 03-01-2008 at 04:49 PM.

  3. #43
    G-1000's Avatar
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    I agree with the var dropping it out. If that is in the thread i did not see it. sorry.

    Mast is a slow and will only start to work well after 4 5 weeks. That means you will only get 2-3 weeks of it effects.

    I like the winny and the Fina. The dht and 19nor work well together.

    And you right pros do run high does but that dont mean they run every compound under the sun. especially when most of them hit the same majority receptors.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    the mast is prop and is shot 5 days a week. as for the slin im not running it but when i do i run 10ius pwo 5 days a week 2 weeks on/2off. the igf will be run at 50mcgs shot twice a week for 30 days.
    I have never heard of using Lr3 IGF-1 just twice per week at 50mcg. Not sure if you'll see any results from it.

    Maybe Gear and Merc could chime in on this?

  5. #45
    G-1000's Avatar
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    1-8 d-bol 45mgs a day
    1-18 omandren 1000mgs a week shot eod
    1-12 deca 500mgs a week
    1-18 eq 600mgs a week
    13-20 winny 50mgs a day
    12-20 fina 75mgs a day

    This is a much better cycle.

    Run the test oman for the full 18 weeks to keep blood levels even. changing esters mid cycle will only hurt your gains and throw blood levels out and the short esters leve your system.

    Run the deca for 12 weeks as 500mg.

    Rune the eq the full 18 weeks. This will help with the sides from the fina. It will keep rbc up and help with cardio and so you can breath.

    Run the winny and Fina past the test and eq so your pct will line up..

    If your going to run the gh run 5iu 5on 2 off start 4 weeks before cycle and end 4 weeks after pct. or just stay on.

    IGf run 4 weeks on 4 weeks off right throw pct.

    Hcg 500iu a week right to the end of the cycle.

    run t4 for the gh at 75mcg day.

    run clen with pct.

    If this was me i would drop the test at week 12 with the deca. I would also run a liver support due to the amount of 17aa's

  6. #46
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    thanks bro and i am using milk thristle. as for the masteron , its prop so i shoot eod. thanks for the advice bro.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    thanks bro and i am using milk thristle. as for the masteron, its prop so i shoot eod. thanks for the advice bro.
    Yes i know the mast was prop. What i meant was that the results come on very slow even with the fast ester. Winny results are much faster. The cambo of the tren and win is going to make you hard as hell any way and a strong as an ox.

  8. #48
    200byjune's Avatar
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    where are these pics

  9. #49
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 200byjune View Post
    where are these pics
    ya bump that again..

    also i plan on runnin a 20 week cycle as you remeber commenting before just have started yet till its perfect.

    how is yours coming along?
    what week are on on?
    what are your stats now?

  10. #50
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    i love when people bump my old cycles. i changed it up after taking in the advice of a few people so this thread is useless. as for my pics, they will be posted in june at the conclusion of my cycle but if you really want i can send you a few pic's of me in my boxers right now. as for jacked, i will repost my cycle in a little while. i just woke up sick as hell with the flu and its only 5:30am. i started cutting already and the gains are great. i stsrted with omandren, npp, and d-bol and i gained 10lbs and decided to switch it up. personally i think i never should of run anything but cutting gear because i started at 235 which is a good weight for me. anyway i will be happy if i end this at 245-250lbs with 7%. i have a cruise im going on this summer and thats what i worked around. as for lifts, im not a powerlifter so i cant even tell you. i very rarely max out but last week when i went heavy i benched 425lbs for 4 reps.

  11. #51
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    i changed my cycle up at the top. its close to what im doing but dont call me a liar if it says 5000 instead of 500mgs a week because im sick as hell right now and probably made a few mistakes. i cant remember if i posted it but im also running 6ius of hgh and im running 80mcgs of igf during pct

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