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  1. #1
    hogloggins is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008

    1st cycle PCT help please!

    Ok guys, I know how the majority feels about oral, but I am getting them for damn near free and a legit source. It's gonna be my 1st cycle and I have reached alot on it. But I have a question on what some pros here feel about my cycle. Here's the info:
    Not 100% sure on dose sizes yet.
    and clen with them.

    and is a PCT needed for a 1st timer?

    Thanks and please don't flame me!

  2. #2
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hogloggins View Post
    Ok guys, I know how the majority feels about oral, but I am getting them for damn near free and a legit source. It's gonna be my 1st cycle and I have reached alot on it. But I have a question on what some pros here feel about my cycle. Here's the info:
    Not 100% sure on dose sizes yet.
    and clen with them.

    and is a PCT needed for a 1st timer?

    Thanks and please don't flame me!
    I know you said not to flame, but I'm going to anyway:

    That cycle sucks. And yes, of course you need pct. I don't know what you researched, but it wasn't how to do a proper cycle. You should at least have figured out the dosages for this shitty cycle.

    Ok, now that I got that out of my system. Why did you choose to cycle winny and d-bol? What are your goals for this cycle? What are your stats?

  3. #3
    hogloggins is offline New Member
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    Fair enough.
    Stats are
    6'5'' 230lbs.
    not trying to body build are become meathead (no offense). Just trying to get a boost and back to my old self I was after Army time. Thats why I know it's not a super cycle but need to help me put for futre acadamy training and summertime. What would you suggest?

  4. #4
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Body fat, age and I'm still wondering why you choose winny and d-bol?

  5. #5
    High-roller is offline Member
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    Canada eh
    Well man, I am not the best in here but they are all going to say you need Test, and it is true.

    And test isn't that much.

  6. #6
    Sculpture is offline Associate Member
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    Hey bro don't be down just because 95% of the guys on here will flame you for not doing a test cycle. You can make great gains on d-bol alone at a moderate dosage like 20mg per day for say 8 weeks. I've never used winny myself and I probly wouldnt run the two together in the same cycle. For one thing it's a lot of stress on the liver and also I'm not sure how those two work together, it may be a good combo I'm just not sure. D-bol is a bulking steroid it'll make you bigger, winny is a cutting steroid to make you hard and lean. Yes post cycle therapy would be wise even though d-bol at a moderate dose like 20mp per day will only shut your own testosterone production down by about 1/3 (in other words you will still have 50-75 percent of your natural testosterone production while on the d-bol at 20mg per day). You'll keep more of the gains with pct. If you run the winny and d-bol at the same time you will be more suppressed and you will definitely lose a lot without pct. Hope that helps.

  7. #7
    hogloggins is offline New Member
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    27 yrs 20% b/fat
    I didn't really "choose" it. should I do a test w/ it?

  8. #8
    facile's Avatar
    facile is offline Member
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    just because it is easy to get or cheap, doesn't mean it is a good idea. Do some more research and listen to the vets, they have never steered me wrong.

    Save you nickels and do a good cycle, unless of course you are under 21, are you?

    Add test

  9. #9
    facile's Avatar
    facile is offline Member
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    oops, 27, slow post, I don't agreed that 20 mgs of Dbol only suppress 20% of your natural test, everyone is different, use test only for your 1st time you will get great results if you eat and train right, PCT is a must, do some research and plan it out!

  10. #10
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hogloggins View Post
    27 yrs 20% b/fat
    I didn't really "choose" it. should I do a test w/ it?
    I would run just test. My favorite cycle is still my Test E cycle (with fake d-bol).

  11. #11
    High-roller is offline Member
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    Canada eh
    And about d-bol only I can tell you, I did it starting at 155, gain 170, sitting at 165 now without PCT, But I eat crazy still, If I had test and a good PCT Damn... God only know what may of happened.

    Listen to them Vets cause just taking d-bol wasn't what I did to gain, I had to eat and not eat junk but good stuff. To tell you the truth it may of just, been my eating that got my gains?

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