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  1. #1
    juttsin is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2002

    Yohimburn alternatives?

    hey all, ive seen similar products that sell for half of what yohimburn sells for. i was wondering what other brands people have used, and if you got good results. Yohimburn contains yohimbine and some other substances. And ive noticed other products that sell for half have the same ingredients. Whats everyone think? Why is yohimburn som much. Is the mg higher?

    later everyone.

  2. #2
    juttsin is offline Junior Member
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    Jul 2002

  3. #3
    BigMike J's Avatar
    BigMike J is offline Anabolic Member
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    Apr 2002
    Yohimiburn costs more because it is a name brand product prolly the first of it's kind on the market.. soon after the others followed that are not name brands that is why they sell for much less. Sorta like Xenadrine ane Xtreme Lean. both are virtually identicle in active ingredients, but differ in some shit that doesn't really even help with the thermogenic response. This little diffrence is how they can market there product without violating patent laws. I hope this helps

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    yohimburn is different from EVERY other platform currently available. And it will remain thus, as the ingredients, each of which is specially selected for individual composition are proprietary. Some of them are not available commercially and are contract manufactured to Spec.

    there are other topical yohimbe formulas.. some with yohimbe, some with yohimbinr.. but they use different platforms. They are not "different" versions of Yohimburn.

  5. #5
    chinups Guest
    I heard about people using Prep H for the same results.

  6. #6
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    The Rink!!
    Originally posted by chinups
    I heard about people using Prep H for the same results.
    Prep H will remove water that is still lingering around. Yohimburn is supposed to target fat. So as for removing water..prep H is great..but as for removing fat like Yohimburn not a chance

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