Thread: new cycle
03-05-2008, 12:27 AM #1
new cycle
i am planning on doing a first cycle and i am wondering what the proper dose would be i don't want to do to high of a dose and i also would like some good gains. In doing my research i am reading different things. what i would like to do is some deca and everthing i read says to do deca with some test so what i'm wondering is the amount of each. i read in some places to do 2mgs of deca per pound of bodyweight for no less than 12 weeks to be effective then i read in other places to not go over 300 to 500 mgs a week total (all compounds) i'm getting a little confused. i have also been told that 500 mgs sust and 375 deca will be fine but with all the reading i have been doing i'm starting to question whether or not that is too high. any thoughts on this would be welcomed
my stats are 6 feet 190 pounds 10 - 12 percent bodyfat training for 3 and a half years 30 years old
I can't tell you what the EXACT best dosage/regimen should be, but I can tell you what I've done (or would do):
with your stats,
test 500mg wks 1-13
deca 400mg wks 1-11
PCT start time depending on test ester (I prefer enanthate but if sus is all you have, then start PCT at wk 16 : 2 wks after last shot)
no doubt there will be countless opinions disagreeing or agreeing with mine but like I said, you make the decision. Also, with your stats, you're ripe for gear, assuming your diet is rock solid.
cheersLast edited by InsaneInTheMembrane; 03-05-2008 at 01:45 AM.
03-05-2008, 10:51 AM #3
wouldn't it be better to start pct on my last week instead of two weeks after to jumpstart my natural test. thought that was what i read anyway let me know what you think
03-05-2008, 11:06 AM #4
Just use Test as a 1st cycle, plain and simple. PCT start times depends on the ester or type of AAS you are using. So the faster the substance leaves your body the faster you start PCT. Hence it will depend on the type of test you will be using. There is a thread on PCT start times I believe.
like prada said, the longer the ester, the more time it takes to clear the system...starting PCT the week after your last shot of a long estered test is pointless because your body's natural production is still suppressed from the negative feedback by the exogenous test.
03-05-2008, 11:50 PM #6
thanks guys i appriciate the input probably gonna do sust 500 mgs for 12 weeks and skip the deca i'll hang on to it until next year that seems to be the way to go for my first cycle. also what would be the best bet to reduce water retention
thanks again
03-06-2008, 01:00 AM #7
Good idea on doin only only test first cycle. Im on test prop 450mg/week for my first cycle and I've had no water retention at all. Good luck
03-06-2008, 09:16 AM #8
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