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  1. #1
    LiftingInTheUSA's Avatar
    LiftingInTheUSA is offline New Member
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    Unhappy Grade 2 muscle strain

    Hey all,

    I was just getting ready to start my cycle this week but injured my lower back doing hack squats last weekend. The doc says it's a grade two muscle strain and will take 4-6 weeks to heal. I know I need to rest up so I can get started ASAP.

    Guess I have some questions though. I'm really anxious to get started but it seems now I have to hold up. Does it make sense to start the sauce in a few weeks while the muscle is still healing? Will the sauce help the muscle heal more quickly? I definitely don't want to reinjure the strain or even prevent it from healing completely - just searching for some advice on getting back to strong form ASAP.


  2. #2
    D-Unit 39's Avatar
    D-Unit 39 is offline Member
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    Bump... wondering the same thing.

    Does juice help with Tendon strains either?

  3. #3
    Igifuno's Avatar
    Igifuno is offline AR's Italian Tonic
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    nope, not with tendon strains. In my experience, you can really screw yourself by pushing a muscle tear. Some believe that AAS can help heal tears, and AAS is regarded to accelerate muscle recovery, and what we're really doing when lifting is tearing small muscle fibers. i'd go to a doc or even a massuse, rolfer, etc. to help with recovery.

    L USA, I would strongly suggest delaying your cycle until you're back is healed. I'm recovering from a herniated disk and several pulled muscles as a result of the lower back area weakening due to the disk and "inactivity" issues. Stay active though with respects to light lower back stretches and low impact cardio, etc... - whatever doesn't strain your back. Also, going forward be very concious of how you bend over and how you lift things. Bend down by the knees and tighten your abs when bending over or lifting something up. Back trouble is a bitch, bro - good luck and be smart.


  4. #4
    LiftingInTheUSA's Avatar
    LiftingInTheUSA is offline New Member
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    This is just the kind of advice I was looking for. I'm so eager to get started but if I don't take care of my back I have a feeling it might come back to haunt me years down the road.

    I'll hold off - thanks much!

    Take care,

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