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  1. #1
    Aubs is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008

    is it safe to mix decca and winstrol in the same syringe

    Hi guys im starting my first course of winstroll and decca ive been reading alot and im finding alot of mixed answers, im triying to find out if its safe to inject decca and winstroll at the same time (same syringe)?.

  2. #2
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    wheres the test?? that course going to shut you down completly deca is known for it and so is winstrol , but yeah id say it good to mix them as its safe to mix test and winstrol, but id ask for a little bit more info from the vets, but would say deff get a test on the go aswell.

  3. #3
    STED's Avatar
    STED is offline Associate Member
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    You can mix these two together, looks like a lava lamp and you better give it a shake to mix the 2 compounds together so you get an even shot. but Like Lach says you need some test in ther pal, those 2 together alone is not good!!

  4. #4
    Aubs is offline New Member
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    ok i was miss informed i was told that the two would be a good beginer course what options do i have and how much should i take

  5. #5
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    add 250mg testosteron /week to replace your own testosterone ...

    you might as well go all the way if you like and do 500mg/wk...

  6. #6
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    first off all whats your stats and we can help you out a lot more.

  7. #7
    Aubs is offline New Member
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    im 23 102kg been lifting for about three years i was looking to harden up and push past a few weight goals ive already bought 10ml deca 100 and 20ml winstroll, what do you mean it will shut me down?

  8. #8
    Aubs is offline New Member
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    sorry guys new on the sight posted that one twice
    Last edited by Aubs; 03-06-2008 at 10:44 AM. Reason: Already posted

  9. #9
    DannyNyce's Avatar
    DannyNyce is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aubs View Post
    ok i was miss informed i was told that the two would be a good beginer course what options do i have and how much should i take
    whoever told you this has no idea

  10. #10
    Lach01 is offline Associate Member
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    IMO id go on
    wks 1-12 - test eth / cyp - 500mg wk
    wks 14-18 PCT

    and keep the rest for another time if this is your first cycle.

    if you are going to use the winstrol then do:-
    wks 1-12 - test eth / cyp - 500mg wk
    wks 6-12 - winstrol 50mg/ed
    wks 14-18 - pct

    winstrol at best is not a gd substance to use for first timer so save it for another time and if your using the deca than:-

    wks 1-12 - test eth / cyp - 500mg wk
    wks 1-10 - deca - 300-400mg/wk
    wks 14-18 - PCT

    whats you diet like??

  11. #11
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    womb raider
    Shut You Down=loss Of Sex Drive (limp Dick)depresionk

    You Really Should Look At A Simple Test Cycle

    Weeks 1-12 Test E @ 500mgs Every Week

    Then Pct

    Do You Know What Pct Is???

  12. #12
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
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    You are new so read this before asking anymore questions. This will help you with what you need. Most importantly check out the sections that I bolded for you. You were delt a crappy cycle by someone who knows nothing. Please read and make sure you know what your doing to your body before injecting something you have no idea what it does and why. Once you have taken the time to read and have questions, feel free to ask.

  13. #13
    getfit28's Avatar
    getfit28 is offline Member
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    you should do more research bro..... do you even know what the side effects can be with test, do you know how you can avoid these sides?.. If you thought that deca & winstrol was a good cycle, I'd like to see what your plans are for pct?

  14. #14
    mick86's Avatar
    mick86 is offline Member
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    A friend of mine did a stanazole and deca cycle a while back (it was his first cycle) He got depressed and elbow joit pain that had him sidelined for a while, I would not recomend the two as a standalone combo, especially for your first cycle Aubs, like the other guys say, at very least add some testosterone .

  15. #15
    Aubs is offline New Member
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    Thanks alot guys ill get some test my pct is going to be pregnol which im in the process of buying you guys have been a big help.

  16. #16
    Aubs is offline New Member
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    when i go on i was planning the following diet
    Morning 6 eggs whites and a bowl of oats
    mid morning whey shake
    lunch chicken or fish and veg + potatoe or sweet potatoe
    mid afternoon whey shake
    dinner pretty much the same as lunch but i will have some red meat instead 2 or 3 times a week.

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