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  1. #1
    mustanglover001 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2008

    Are My Expectations Attainable?

    Well, I am planning on starting my second cycle in about a month and a half. It will consist of the following;

    Week 1-8 Test Prop 100mg EOD
    Week 1-5 Anavar 50mg ED
    Week 1-8 Arimidex 0.50mg ED (gyno prone)

    Three days after last shot, nolva 40,40,20,20.

    I am currently 5'10'', 206 pounds at roughly 12% bodyfat. My goal is to end this cycle at 210 pounds and roughly 8% this attainable?

    I have over 9 years of weight training under my belt and understand how my body reacts to certain diets. The one thing I don't have a clue on, is how my diet "can" be while on cycle (due to this only being my second cycle). I plan on this being a cutting cycle. So the question,

    If my natural maintance calorie intake is 3000 calories a day, can I go as low as 1500 during this cycle and still attain my goals. My diet is going to be low carb (only carbs will be during breakfast and post workout) and high protein.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I wouldn't cut my calories like THAT, but yeah I think thats within reason (4lb muscle gain w/ 4% bf decrease) - but not on a cycle thats 2/3 as long as it should be...
    you're the only one who's gonna know if you got the genes to do it in one cycle. I'd prob have to bulk 20 lbs then cut

  3. #3
    mustanglover001 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by RapaciousShark View Post
    I wouldn't cut my calories like THAT, but yeah I think thats within reason (4lb muscle gain w/ 4% bf decrease) - but not on a cycle thats 2/3 as long as it should be...
    you're the only one who's gonna know if you got the genes to do it in one cycle. I'd prob have to bulk 20 lbs then cut
    RS- Thanks for the reply.

    What do you recommend the calories should be at? What do you mean by 2/3's as long as it should be?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    well I have done Test E, not prop but the only diff is the short ester, so you oughtta run that at least 10 if not 12 weeks imo. Some guys run it 14/16 weeks, but I'm not recommending that. As for the calories, if your MAINTENANCE dose is 3000 i'd hold it right there with a good diet, which it sounds like you know how to put together. A 4% drop is huge. You can adjust as you go along, but I bet you could actually manage not to gain muscle on a cycle with 1500 cal/day. I dunno tho, like I said I'm diff I'd have to turn into hulk first then cut because of my metabolic rate.

    BTW, can you get masteron ? good stuff, I'd substitute that for the var. I think a vet should chime in, cuz this one's scientific. I would just go balls to the walls and see where I end up. What are u gonna do in your PCT bc ultimately the only results that matter become apparent there.
    Last edited by RapaciousShark; 03-06-2008 at 07:58 PM.

  5. #5
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    Id shoot 100mg ed.

  6. #6
    mustanglover001 is offline New Member
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    I would love to run the prop longer, but due to financial obligations, I only could buy 30ml of prop at 100mg. So, at 100mg EOD, I could go to a max of 8.5 weeks. You think I should hold at maintance calories through out the cycle.

    As for masteron , I will do some research on could be a possibility.


    I think 100mg ED is a little much for my second cycle. My first cycle only consisted of 500mg a week of test e and I blew right up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    o yea, missed that.Guess that's it for my humble suggestions - just the masteron and and two week extension. I bet the vets who compete would know exactly what to do. Happy cycles bro...

  8. #8
    mustanglover001 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input RapaciousShark. Anyone else care to add anything?

  9. #9
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    masteron would work great in there with prop to reach your goals. masteron always makes me hard as hell. personally i would rather drop the var and run the prop and masteron thru the entire cycle and you can shoot them together in the same syringe and that would help with the prop pain. if i were you i wouldnt cut my calories. i would eat healthy foods to gt the 3000 calories and make sure im getting around 400 grams of protein a day and do alot of cardio,

  10. #10
    mustanglover001 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply pietro75.

    So I did a little research on masteron , it doesn't seem to bad at all. How do you guys recommend I add it to the cycle.

    Week 1-8 masteron 100mg EOD


    Week 5-8 masteron 100mg EOD

    BTW I would like to keep the var in the cycle, since I have already purchased it.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I think most dudes run it on the latter half of the cycle, but i'd run it all the way thru if I had the stock. Sell the var

    'never tried var but I watched a gym buddy take it and drop it bc of apetite issues.

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