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  1. #1
    robot_food is offline New Member
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    Worried about test for MMA tournament

    I am currently in Afghanistan and I have used two doses of Deca (nandrolone deconate) of 100mg each. I have not used any more. I have a MMA tournament in 6 weeks and a physical (with blood/ u/a). The cycle has been discontinued.

    I am a 185 lb male, I do appx 4 hours of grappling and kick boxing five days a week and weights/cardio on weekends.

    What are the chances I will be clean for the test in 6 weeks?
    Anything I can do to facilitate detox?

    Thank you!


  2. #2
    robot_food is offline New Member
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    up to the top

  3. #3
    robot_food is offline New Member
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    If no one knows, would anyone have some other sites/forums that would offer some solid advice?


  4. #4
    D-Unit 39's Avatar
    D-Unit 39 is offline Member
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    Try This

    Try This: Remove Steroids Completely From Your Body! **Proven Lab Tests!**

    Although it says it isn't PROVEN on Deca , some people have said that it works. Also you have had a relatively low dose, so maybe it will work for you.

  5. #5
    robot_food is offline New Member
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    great, thanks man!

  6. #6
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    if your wondering if they can find the deca in your blod in 6 weeks the answer is yes they can. deca can be detected in your blood up to 18 months after your last injection. if your getting tested deca is the worst steroid to use because it can be detected for so long.

  7. #7
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D-Unit 39 View Post
    Try This: Remove Steroids Completely From Your Body! **Proven Lab Tests!**

    Although it says it isn't PROVEN on Deca, some people have said that it works. Also you have had a relatively low dose, so maybe it will work for you.
    I have used the Steroid cleanse with good results after a TPP, NPP and winny cycle. Was tested 2 months after last injection and came through clean.

    The Deca is a nother thing though. The cleanse states that it will not remove the Nandrolone metabolites (although I came clean on the Phenyl Prop ester).

    If you test 6 weeks after your last Deca shot, I would say it is a good chance you are going to test positive.

  8. #8
    robot_food is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord View Post
    I have used the Steroid cleanse with good results after a TPP, NPP and winny cycle. Was tested 2 months after last injection and came through clean.

    The Deca is a nother thing though. The cleanse states that it will not remove the Nandrolone metabolites (although I came clean on the Phenyl Prop ester).

    If you test 6 weeks after your last Deca shot, I would say it is a good chance you are going to test positive.

    Damn, even with a relatively low dose and a consistent and heavy training schedule I would still be disqualified?
    I am sweating this.
    A lot us guys in our unit use them, plus they are easy to get in Afghanistan, so I figured why not give it a shot?

    What about liquid flushing/dilution of piss? Or a leg kit?

  9. #9
    sphincter is offline Member
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    good luck with a leg kit dealio... as for flushing, there is tha standard protocol that helps with some AAS andrecs ofcutting all carbs for a couple weeks and drinking lots of water then a couple days before the test, switch to carb loading... Ithink I got that right butsomeone correct me if I'm wrong.

    if you might get tested, do not use deca .. pretty much anything BUT deca.

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