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  1. #1
    xavier_888888's Avatar
    xavier_888888 is offline Senior Member
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    Asian newbie on second cycle

    Hi guys I'm running my second cycle and I want to know your imput on this.
    Since I'm asian is there a dose Difference from other ethnicity/? Is there such thing or its a standard dosage for everyone?

    I'm 5'8
    155 lbs
    11% BF

    Week 1 - 10 Sustanon
    Week 1 - 5 Deca
    Week 5 - 10 Winstrol
    Week 11 HCG 5000iu
    Week 12 HCG 5000iu

    second question is how long should I wait till my 3rd cycle?

    By the way Love this site! Very informative and highly recomended.

  2. #2
    Concept420's Avatar
    Concept420 is offline Associate Member
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    I think you need a little work on this one. 5'8" 155 and this is your 2nd cycle? Im 5'8" and i waited til i plateaued at 165 before ever starting my first. And so you know take at least the time off between as time spent on cycle

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1-Deca should be run for alot mroe than 5 weeks.

    2- 155 is very small diet is likely a problem

    3- time off= time on cycle+pct time

    4-Do you even have a planned pct? please dont say HCG

  4. #4
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    2nd cycle?

    I dont htink AAS is your answer, you should be focused on diet. I didnt start my first one till i got up to 180. I think you need to learn to eat big so your body can grow, remember diet is the key here as AAS aren't Magic Beans.

  5. #5
    xavier_888888's Avatar
    xavier_888888 is offline Senior Member
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    I was 165 on my last cycle 2 months ago. I have very high metabolism and can loose lbs in just days. I still keep a good diet so that maybe a part of it too.

    I appreciate your input Concept!

  6. #6
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    "high metabolism" sounds like an excuse to me.....

    how many calories are you eating per day? how much protein?

  7. #7
    xavier_888888's Avatar
    xavier_888888 is offline Senior Member
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    I want to bulk up too, but the same time dont want to loose my abs.

  8. #8
    xavier_888888's Avatar
    xavier_888888 is offline Senior Member
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    2300 Cal, with 150 protein/day I cut the carbo intake into one cup of rice a day.

    My bone structure as an asian guy is not big too maybe Genetics is a factor.

  9. #9
    legobricks's Avatar
    legobricks is offline Retired AR Monitor
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    Quote Originally Posted by xavier_888888 View Post
    2300 Cal, with 150 protein/day I cut the carbo intake into one cup of rice a day.

    My bone structure as an asian guy is not big too maybe Genetics is a factor.
    No, your diet is the factor. You have lots of room to grow. I need 3000 cals to MAINTAIN what I have now. I also get anywhere from 250-300grams of protein while im NOT bulking. Bulking diet for me is something like 5000 cals a day. Do you see what I mean about eating big to get big? Your diet is lacking heavily. Check out the diet section. The reason you got up to 165 last cycle and lost it is becuase it was most likely water/fat gain and you did not eat correctly. While you ended the cycle you still did not keep your diet up in which you wont grow or maintain anything you may have gained resulting in your loss of lbs. Once again AAS are not magic.

  10. #10
    xavier_888888's Avatar
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    I appreciate all your input. Bottom line "DIET" and "EAT MORE". I'll make sure to do that!

    I will keep on reading and learning more from this site .

    Once again Thank you guys!

  11. #11
    Sculpture is offline Associate Member
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    As far as dosage goes, there shouldnt be any significant difference according to race. At your size i would expect 500mg per week sustanon to yeild very very good gains. I think smaller bone structure will make a guy look super impressive when he puts alot of ripped muscle on it. Arnold may hav been 6'2'' but if you look at pictures of him before he juiced he actually had a small bone structure, he was a twig, thats why at 235 pounds he looked like the buffest guy in the world. I'm 6'2'' 245 8% bf and i dont look as impressive as arnold yet because i hav alot bigger bone structure than him so i'd probly have to be like 265 to look like him at 235. Jus my 2 cents.

  12. #12
    xavier_888888's Avatar
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    Been "eating a lot" been following everyones advise this site really helped me a lot. Currently eating about 3000 cal a day.really leared a lot on the Diet forum. Already gained 10lbs. since my last post. I'm preparing myself for my second cycle. Here is my current stat.

    AGE 32
    165 lbs
    Still 11% ( Had it check yesterday before I posted this )

    Cycle would be:

    Week 1 - 10 Sustanon 500mg/week
    Week 1 - 5 Deca 400/wk
    Week 5 - 10 Winstrol

    Now I'm planning my PCT and this is where I need you guys help. What I have on mind is to rum HCG and NOVA. Been reserching on the PCT forum but cant deceide so pls. help!

  13. #13
    PT's Avatar
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    1-12 sust 500mgs a week shot eod
    1-10 deca 400mgs a week

    im not telling you to do it but this is a little better. you need to run deca for at least 10 weeks or its useless. if you dont want to run it that long then look into npp. as for the winny, save it for another cycle. as for pct i would run nolva and l-dex
    Last edited by PT; 03-28-2008 at 12:16 PM.

  14. #14
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    IF your goign to run a cycle your deca shoud be extended to week 10.
    sus should be extended to week 12

  15. #15
    xavier_888888's Avatar
    xavier_888888 is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks Pietro. Thats exactly what i have in mind! can you recomend something for my PCT?

  16. #16
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    1-12 sust 500mgs a week shot eod
    1-10 deca 400mgs a week

    im not telling you to do it but this is a little better. you need to run deca for at least 10 weeks or its useless. if you dont want to run it that long then look into npp. as for the winny, save it for another cycle. as for pct i would run nolva and l-dex

  17. #17
    PT's Avatar
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    20mgs of nolva and .25mgs of l-dex for 30 days. or some like clomid. you can run 100mgs for 2 weeks and 50mgs for 2 weeks but i personally dont use clomid

  18. #18
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    what was your previous cycle??

    that cycle is rubbish im afraid. deca for 5 weeks????? it takes 4 weeks to fully kick in and then your going to stop it??? also your better off using a single estered test if you not planning on injecting every day - id opt for enanthate if i were you. also - no need for the winstrol .

    your cycle should look like - wks 1-12 test enanthate
    wks 1-10 deca
    PCT clomid and nolvadex

  19. #19
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xavier_888888 View Post
    Thanks Pietro. Thats exactly what i have in mind! can you recomend something for my PCT?
    aromasin , hcg , nolvadex see anthony roberts pct i use it every time. go to steroid .com sitemap and go to how to come off section it explains why all these compounds work well together.

  20. #20
    xavier_888888's Avatar
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    My first was 6 weeks cycle of Drol and Sust PCT was HCG 5000iu /wk in 2 weeks. I was not a member of this site yet. So i was just relying on a buddy who used it before( not good ) LOL

  21. #21
    PT's Avatar
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    yea most of us had that same problem our first cycle. i personally didnt even know what pct was.

  22. #22
    xavier_888888's Avatar
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    One more thing! Can I ran Clen in the middle of my cycle?

    it would run like this

    1-12 sust 500mgs a week shot eod
    1-10 deca 400mgs a week
    6 - 12 clen. ( 2 weeks on 2weeks off ) then bendadryl

  23. #23
    PT's Avatar
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    you can if you want but i would wait until after the cycle to run it if it was me

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