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  1. #1
    stonecoldone is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008

    Question Inquiring the best use of the products i have....

    I have a varitety of products and i want to know what the best way to stack what i have. certain times, duration of these. mainly what works together and what inhibits one to work while on the other.

    thanks for your time,

    30ml of deca ,
    300 tabs of wini,
    40ml of wini inject,
    40ml masteron ,
    10ml andropen
    10ml tren ,
    50 tabs anavar ,
    50 tabs A-50,

  2. #2
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Please list the mg/ml of your gear also. Something like this:

    30ml Deca @ 200mg/ml
    300 tabs of winny 10mg tabs

    Also, include age/Stats, cycle experience if any, typical diet, what you have for PCT. The more info you give us about your training ethics the better we can help you

  3. #3
    stonecoldone is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Sorry here is the contents,

    30ml of deca , 200mg
    300 tabs of wini,10mg
    40ml of wini inject,50mg
    40ml masteron ,100mg
    10ml andropen , 275mg
    10ml tren ,75mg
    50 tabs anavar ,20mg
    50 tabs A-50,50mg
    hgh somatropin 10mg per vial
    clen 250ml 20 mcg per 1 ml

  4. #4
    stonecoldone is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008
    forgot to mention i have 60 tabs proviron

  5. #5
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by stonecoldone View Post
    Sorry here is the contents,

    It ok, Please list the following also:

    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    Also, include age/Stats, cycle experience if any, typical diet, what you have for PCT. The more info you give us about your training ethics the better we can help you

  6. #6
    stonecoldone is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008
    33, cycles b4 1st, testaviron depot, cypionate , 2nd- deca200/30ml, wini inject4oml, dbol tabs 5mg 200+, 3rd- deca 200mg 20ml, winstrol tabs alot cant remember, sustanon250, proviron , and maybe d bol, 4th, deca200, 20mg, dbol200 10mg, ethanate?20ml, 5th hgh somatrpoin2kits , gintropin 1 kit, deca, dbol, propinate, another test? 6th, dbol10mg, deca200, propinate?, winstrol10mg, A50, anavar20mg,

    theres what i can remeber

  7. #7
    stonecoldone is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008
    new at these threads, but my diet is good when on the program but when off goes to shit. thats my prob working alot not enough time to prepare. As far as training i have mixed it up from one muscle part per day throughout the week lil to no cardio changing it 2 parts per day, then changing to full body workouts dayin day out(one excercise per muscle group) changing type of excerise to the muscle and it target area each day starting with the biggest muscle part down to the smallest,

    if need anything else let me know

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