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  1. #1
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    Help On Cuttin Cycle!!! Anyone

    Soo i posted sum threads about a good cutting cycle, and still no one has answered my post! so if anyone will point me in the right direction, would really be much appreciated!

  2. #2
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    you should have posted a link to this thread in this post so people can actuall go to the thread you are talking about and help you........................................

  3. #3
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    ur not givin us much to go on here. post some stats, cycle exp, some achievable goals

  4. #4
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    well, after reviewing all the threads you have started... I can see why people are a bit reluctant to help. It seems you don't want to even attempt to research cycles, training and diet on your own. It seems you want people to do all the work for you and spoon feed you this information.

    Take the time to read posts in all the forums, use the search button for cutting cycles, proper diet, workout routines... etc

  5. #5
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    well, after reviewing all the threads you have started... I can see why people are a bit reluctant to help. It seems you don't want to even attempt to research cycles, training and diet on your own. It seems you want people to do all the work for you and spoon feed you this information.

    Take the time to read posts in all the forums, use the search button for cutting cycles, proper diet, workout routines... etc
    no bro not at all, i just need sum examples of some good ones, as to either takin clen by its self, or clen and tren , or clen and t2, you get my picture, i just want to know what the best cutting cycle people would reccommend and i can pretty much take it from there, i dont need help wit my diet i got that, i just need a lil advice on the gear to choose from, THATS ALL! im not askin for your soo called hand spoonin me the info, but just an opinion bro, its not that hard

  6. #6
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    ur not givin us much to go on here. post some stats, cycle exp, some achievable goals
    well heres my stats bro im 22 and i have 5 cycles under my belt all wur bulk cycle, so im kind of new on the whole cutting aspect of it, been doin research and i came across a few cycles but i dont know what to choose from, im 5'10 205Lbs and body fat percent is about 20 to 30 maybe not sure, i just need to shread like 20 pounds quick, the ones im lookin into is either clen by its self, or clen and tren , or clen and t2,3 or 4, or clen and winny, theres a lot to choose from but i just want to know which one would melt the fat better and gain just a lil lean mass and strenght, my goal is to drop weight and my body fat percentage, also i would be on a 2800/93/225/354 diet, and cut the cal down a hair every week, is this a good diet to follow if not which numbers would u reccommend

  7. #7
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    in ur case i'd recommend lots of cardio and a lean diet cuz this is not my field. i never had this problem personally and im not all that read up on clen and the other compounds u mentioned and i dont wanna give u false info.

    but from what i've heard and read during my time here clen+t3 is supppsed to be good for fat loss. as far as dosage and duration is something someone else have to help u wit. or recommend different compounds

    good luck either way

  8. #8
    SayIWont21 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by soccer#3 View Post
    in ur case i'd recommend lots of cardio and a lean diet cuz this is not my field. i never had this problem personally and im not all that read up on clen and the other compounds u mentioned and i dont wanna give u false info.

    but from what i've heard and read during my time here clen+t3 is supppsed to be good for fat loss. as far as dosage and duration is something someone else have to help u wit. or recommend different compounds

    good luck either way
    yea bro thanks, i searched a little and found out that clen and t3 are the best, but one guy had a high dosage intake and he weighed 245 which he can handle that dosage so i just need to know how many mcg of each i would need to take

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