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  1. #1
    wu-chambers36's Avatar
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    Talking ATTENTION ALL Should AAS be legalised questionnaire research ?????

    Should AAS be legalised questionnaire

    I will appreciate it if you can please contribute to my humanities coursework.
    Please reply clearly. Multiple choice questions should be answered by highlighting in red or underlining or circling the answer. You can answer in full confidentially as you personal information would not be shared. It is preferable that answers be provided by persons in the UK as my research is mainly based on UK Laws but anyone is welcome to participate.

    1. Your age (for statistical reasons)

    A. 16-18 B. 18-20 C. 20-30 D. 30-50 E. 50+

    2. How long have you being using Anabolic steroids ?

    3. Many claim steroids is a drug that is used by those who do not wish to devote time and effort into a sport therefore, take steroid in order for quick result. What is your view?

    4. Have u from personal practice experienced any health issues regarding the use of steroids?

    A. Yes B. No

    If yes, please explain?

    4. Research suggests that the increase in male hormone testosterone increases aggression, whilst on cycle has your aggression increased.

    A. yes B. No

    If yes, in that state do you see yourself as a threat to society or others due to this aggression?

    5. In a single word, how would you describe your knowledge of anabolic steroids ?

    6. What is your view of professionol athletes using enchantment drugs (basketball, football, body building)?

    A. NO in any sport B. Yes ok in any sport C. Depends what type of sport

    7. How do you think the media has affected the view of the public regarding AAS?

    8. As you are all body builders, what role does AAS play in this sport?

    9. In detail, Do you think AAS should be legalised and why?

    10. Do you think steroids are morally wrong (a form of cheating, or self harm)?

    Thank you for your cooperation feels free to add any adiniol information below

  2. #2
    samcam's Avatar
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    Who wants to know?

  3. #3
    Lexed's Avatar
    Lexed is offline Anabolic Member
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    I dont think they should be unless just like you go for a driver license test you should take a test on steroids and get licensed. You gotta know everything pct proper diet and with supervision of a doc then yes I would..

  4. #4
    wu-chambers36's Avatar
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    reply by filling in the questionnaire
    all other coments would be discarded
    thank you

  5. #5
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    1. c
    2. almost 2 yrs
    3. cant gain more natty
    4. no
    4. no
    5. good
    6. okay
    7. negatively
    8. not a body builder
    9. there are more dangerous drugs than aas that are legal.
    10. absolutely not

  6. #6
    lex57's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wu-chambers36 View Post

    Should AAS be legalised questionnaire

    I will appreciate it if you can please contribute to my humanities coursework.
    Please reply clearly. Multiple choice questions should be answered by highlighting in red or underlining or circling the answer. You can answer in full confidentially as you personal information would not be shared. It is preferable that answers be provided by persons in the UK as my research is mainly based on UK Laws but anyone is welcome to participate.

    1. Your age (for statistical reasons)35

    A. 16-18 B. 18-20 C. 20-30 D. 30-50 E. 50+

    2. How long have you being using Anabolic steroids ?15 years

    3. Many claim steroids is a drug that is used by those who do not wish to devote time and effort into a sport therefore, take steroid in order for quick result. What is your view?as said here many times by Lego,"they are not magic beans" you cant take steroids one day and wake up he next with muscles. sorry still gotta have hard work. people dont understand

    4. Have u from personal practice experienced any health issues regarding the use of steroids?

    A. Yes B. No

    If yes, please explain?

    4. Research suggests that the increase in male hormone testosterone increases aggression, whilst on cycle has your aggression increased.

    A. yes B. No

    If yes, in that state do you see yourself as a threat to society or others due to this aggression?i am a threat to society without aas!

    5. In a single word, how would you describe your knowledge of anabolic steroids ?aboveaverage (u said single word)

    6. What is your view of professionol athletes using enchantment drugs (basketball, football, body building)?

    A. NO in any sport B. Yes ok in any sport C. Depends what type of sport

    7. How do you think the media has affected the view of the public regarding AAS?putting in the spotlight has made it more prevalent. just look at all the 18 and 19 year olds who wanna juice here in threads on a daily basis.

    8. As you are all body builders, what role does AAS play in this sport? pro bodybuilders dont juice do they?

    9. In detail, Do you think AAS should be legalised and why?if alcohol and tobacco are legal gear should be for sure. maybe not over the counter but it should not be the same as coke!

    10. Do you think steroids are morally wrong (a form of cheating, or self harm)?

    no cuz you still gotta work hard. for some it may even be a placebo effect. you could probably give somebody gso and tell them its gear and they will probably workout harder, diet better, and see more results.jmo

    Thank you for your cooperation feels free to add any adiniol information below
    youre welcome
    Last edited by lex57; 03-08-2008 at 01:40 PM.

  7. #7
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wu-chambers36 View Post

    1. Your age (for statistical reasons)

    A. 16-18 B. 18-20 C. 20-30 D. 30-50 E. 50+

    2. How long have you being using Anabolic steroids ?
    Not long, a couple oral prohormone cycles

    3. Many claim steroids is a drug that is used by those who do not wish to devote time and effort into a sport therefore, take steroid in order for quick result. What is your view?
    If you do take steroids, you should and probably will put more time and hard work into working out/dieting. It is not that simple. It not as if you can take them and just sit on your couch.

    4. Have u from personal practice experienced any health issues regarding the use of steroids?

    A. Yes B. No

    If yes, please explain?
    gyno issues, but it was from me being young and dumb. If used properly, it would've never happened.

    4. Research suggests that the increase in male hormone testosterone increases aggression, whilst on cycle has your aggression increased.

    A. yes B. No

    If yes, in that state do you see yourself as a threat to society or others due to this aggression?

    5. In a single word, how would you describe your knowledge of anabolic steroids ?

    6. What is your view of profession athletes using enchantment drugs (basketball, football, body building)?

    A. NO in any sport B. Yes ok in any sport C. Depends

    7. How do you think the media has affected the view of the public regarding AAS?
    Its terrible really. The media puts a really negative view. Theres a fine line between ABUSE and USE. If used properly, the benefits are actually greater than the few "risks" and side effects. But the media rather bash on people who abuse them and end up with problems.

    8. As you are all body builders, what role does AAS play in this sport?
    Im not a body builder. I am more sports related. But I do think trying to gain that edge in sports isnt cool. Until they make it legal in sports, if ever, then its a no no and whoever gets caught should be punished of some sort.

    9. In detail, Do you think AAS should be legalised and why?
    Im on the fence with this one, because as stated above, you got people who abuse them, just like with anything. On a side note, I do they need to make cigarettes illegal. Way more people get diseases and die from cigs and alcohol, yet do you see the media trying to bash that? no....Its kinda like the saying "you gotta call the fouls on both sides of the court ref"

    10. Do you think steroids are morally wrong (a form of cheating, or self harm)?
    When used properly, no, no self harm.
    I do think it is cheating if you are playing sports of some kind.

    Thank you for your cooperation feels free to add any adiniol information below
    2 words: USE and ABUSE.

  8. #8
    Ark22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lexed View Post
    I dont think they should be unless just like you go for a driver license test you should take a test on steroids and get licensed. You gotta know everything pct proper diet and with supervision of a doc then yes I would..
    Agreed 100%. The majority of people that are new get a hold of steroids and just know because someone has told them. Therefore they dont research for themselves the chemicals, PCT, AI's, Diet, Training, etc. So like lexed said they should be put through a test!

  9. #9
    wu-chambers36's Avatar
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    keep them coming people
    and please answer formally and no use if explicit or slang language
    because your answers will be printed and put in a appendix
    (your name will be kept secret of course)

  10. #10
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wu-chambers36 View Post

    Should AAS be legalised questionnaire

    I will appreciate it if you can please contribute to my humanities coursework.
    Please reply clearly. Multiple choice questions should be answered by highlighting in red or underlining or circling the answer. You can answer in full confidentially as you personal information would not be shared. It is preferable that answers be provided by persons in the UK as my research is mainly based on UK Laws but anyone is welcome to participate.

    1. Your age (for statistical reasons)

    A. 16-18 B. 18-20 C. 20-30 D. 30-50 E. 50+

    2. How long have you being using Anabolic steroids ?
    a year and a half

    3. Many claim steroids is a drug that is used by those who do not wish to devote time and effort into a sport therefore, take steroid in order for quick result. What is your view?
    i would like to think im alot more dedicated to what i do than people who join the gym for 2 months after christmas because they smoke or drink too much. steroids will help me reach my goal faster but the time and dedication to a certain routine is probably alot higher than most no users would like tho think!

    4. Have u from personal practice experienced any health issues regarding the use of steroids?

    A. Yes B. No

    If yes, please explain?

    4. Research suggests that the increase in male hormone testosterone increases aggression, whilst on cycle has your aggression increased.

    A. yes B. No

    If yes, in that state do you see yourself as a threat to society or others due to this aggression?
    i dont think many people live up to the media hype and dissolution of roid rage to be honest. it one of those things they use to scare people, i feel little difference to my mood when on or off to be honest.

    5. In a single word, how would you describe your knowledge of anabolic steroids ?

    6. What is your view of professionol athletes using enchantment drugs (basketball, football, body building)?

    A. NO in any sport B. Yes ok in any sport C. Depends what type of sport

    7. How do you think the media has affected the view of the public regarding AAS?

    8. As you are all body builders, what role does AAS play in this sport?
    it all depends on the individuals own goals, some a large part, others a small part. its all about choice.

    9. In detail, Do you think AAS should be legalised and why?
    yes, theres worse drugs out there that are heavily taxed by the government smoking/drinking/gambling. i think these three are by far more addictive and life destroying than a natural hormone used to improve a persons mood and body compsition.

    10. Do you think steroids are morally wrong (a form of cheating, or self harm)?
    in some sports i would say cheating is a factor, morally wrong? No. Self harm definatly not although this is down to knowledge and education.

    Thank you for your cooperation feels free to add any adiniol information below

    i did humanities when i was a kid at secondary school. im going to take a wild stab in the dark and say your 15 or 16 years of age? BINGO haha

    then again im not an arsehole so ill answer for you anyway.

    good luck with your coursework.
    Last edited by Crest; 03-08-2008 at 11:29 AM.

  11. #11
    Misery13 is offline Not Here
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    Between mrs.misery's legs
    2. 5yrs have to have a good base before you can start taking AAS, I work alot harder while I'm no it's not a easier way.
    4.most all but not so much that I was "out of control"
    5.growing's there so use it but be responsible. your research before you judge...
    8.I'm a powerlifter
    9.yes...prescription drugs are more deadly and abused than is alchohal...
    10. not at all...

    my wifes answers...

  12. #12
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Ok, I hate survey's but I absolutely CANNOT pass this one up.

    Quote Originally Posted by wu-chambers36 View Post

    Should AAS be legalised questionnaire

    I will appreciate it if you can please contribute to my humanities coursework.
    Please reply clearly. Multiple choice questions should be answered by highlighting in red or underlining or circling the answer. You can answer in full confidentially as you personal information would not be shared. It is preferable that answers be provided by persons in the UK as my research is mainly based on UK Laws but anyone is welcome to participate.

    1. Your age (for statistical reasons)

    A. 16-18 B. 18-20 C. 20-30 D. 30-50 E. 50+

    2. How long have you being using Anabolic steroids ?
    Approx. 3 years

    3. Many claim steroids is a drug that is used by those who do not wish to devote time and effort into a sport therefore, take steroid in order for quick result. What is your view?
    This is the question that made this survey worth while answering. I cannot stand all the people that see/hear steroids and think that it is a miracle drug or as I always say "Magic Beans". What people dont realize is that most users of anabolics (who actually know what they are doing and do it right to maximize gains and minimize side effects) have researched countless hours on proper usage of AAS and its side effects. Users have tested cycles and different compounds to develop effective cycles for beginners all the way up to professional level. Most young males see "steroids" in the news and how big Barry Bonds is or how strong Roger Clemens is and then they instantly think that steroids are a magic bean to get them huge in a months time. I don't care how old you are, how much weightlifting you have done, 99% of the population that don't know about steroids believe all the media hype about "Roid Rage " and "death" which all is completely bogus and blown WAY out of proportion. AAS asisst you in growing muscle, yes that is right they assist you, not magically make you huge in 1 night. It takes heavy intensity in the gym, proper rest for muscles to grow, LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of food that the average person would NOT be able to eat or handle. For using AAS, you need to condition your body for eating as many calories as bb'ers do for packing on muscle. People need to teach themselves to eat clean/whole foods as bb'ers do preparing for competition or just putting on nice LBM. Can this be achieved naturally? Yes it can, but your body will only limit you to a certain degree of growing. By using AAS in conjuction with a HIGH caloric diet one can surpass that plateau but once again ONLY to a certain extent. Thats when the human genes come into play which will limit you and NO if you dont have the genes then you will not be as like all the IFBB pro's out there. So to wrap it up AAS definately helps one grow muscle faster but still without proper diet, training, rest you WILL NOT and I'll repeat, WILL NOT achieve the results you see in all the magazines, news, pictures (even with AAS genetics can still limit you). One must learn the proper way to grow naturally before resorting to AAS and then once that individual has learned how to eat big and train correctly he/she must learn the science/chemistry behind AAS and how it affects your body. Once you have the knowledge and have had assisted help (from AR of course ) then start your AAS cycle. Until then NO AAS!!!

    4. Have u from personal practice experienced any health issues regarding the use of steroids?

    A. Yes B. No

    If yes, please explain?
    Through my own ignorance and experience I have suffered light gynocomastia from some of the new designer supplements call phera-plex. I advise all individuals to stay away from pro-hormones due to the fact that there is little research behind them and can result in a slew of problems with miniscule gains. I have also run into problems of using different compounds such as tren without the use of tesosterone. But while running into increased agression, acne, lethargy, depression I quit so I could find out why it was happening and how to combat sides....once again research and devotion to the subject.

    4. Research suggests that the increase in male hormone testosterone increases aggression, whilst on cycle has your aggression increased.

    A. yes B. No

    If yes, in that state do you see yourself as a threat to society or others due to this aggression?
    My answer was NO and im answering THIS question to sum things up. Testosterone can actually increase ones mood which creates the "sense of well-being" Why do you think people go on HRT and TRT? Low testosterone levels will actually create depression, lethargy, lack of motivation, lost sense of well being, agression, etc. Now, there are compounds out there like 19nors (deca, tren...) that when taken without the use of testosterone along side of it will bring out these negative sides and here is why: When you inect an endogeneous substance such as tren, what happens it your body senses an increase in hormones and recognizes it as testosterone. Your body then decides to hault testosterone production as long as your using the Tren. Even tho your body thinks it is testosterone, it cannot use the tren as testosterone therefore your body will lack all the benefits of testosterone (revert back to my HRT/TRT comment). If an exogeneous form of testosterone is administered with the tren then the sides are combated. There are other side effects such as increased prolactin levels, high estrogen, increased progesterone, etc....but whith proper knowledge of the substance before using, once can take preventative measures and obtain the proper ancilleries to combat those side effects. (These are in extreme measures tho and is a pre-caution to all users becuase not everyone is the same) Aggresion tho, if you are an a**hole before AAS then your are going to be that same a**hole while on AAS. A user needs the discipline/maturity level to control ones emtions as we all know that hormones in general affect the human emotions.

    5. In a single word, how would you describe your knowledge of anabolic steroids ? You tell me.

    6. What is your view of professionol athletes using enchantment drugs (basketball, football, body building)?

    A. NO in any sport B. Yes ok in any sport C. Depends what type of sport

    7. How do you think the media has affected the view of the public regarding AAS?
    The media is full of BS and "money making" news. They do not care about the truth, all they care about is getting the most ratings and money. What else do you think most of the world surrounds itself on? MONEY! Not the well being of humans, its sad but true and most people are too ignorant to realize this (another sad part). All it takes is a bit of research about these compounds and youll instantly know the media is full of crap.

    8. As you are all body builders, what role does AAS play in this sport?
    They have seperated bodybuilding from natural bodybuilding for a reason. Even with the use of AAS, proper diet, training, rest, etc... the average human CANNOT obtain the results that the pro's do which is WHY they are IFBB pro's. To push your genetics to the NEXT level with AAS until you have peaked........thats pretty damn impressive!

    9. In detail, Do you think AAS should be legalised and why?
    Yes I think AAS should be legalized becuase with proper knowledge and use it can become an effective tool in some of todays demanding jobs. (policemen, firefighters, Correctional officers, etc...) Before legalizing tho they should set a mandatory age of.......21 or even 25 where one must go through the college to get certified to use. Once certified, he/she must take a test and pass with a score of at least 90%, then be filed. Then be issued a card similar to D.L. in which in order to buy AAS at the pharmacy they must present the card (just like buying alcohol).

    10. Do you think steroids are morally wrong (a form of cheating, or self harm)?
    No, not in the least bit.

    Thank you for your cooperation feels free to add any adiniol information below
    Your welcome, feel free to read and teach yourself about the truth behind AAS.

  13. #13
    lex57's Avatar
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    i knew the magic beans were comin as soon as i saw your name posting here

  14. #14
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    i knew the magic beans were comin as soon as i saw your name posting here
    Magic Beans FTW!

  15. #15
    wu-chambers36's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by legobricks View Post
    Ok, I hate survey's but I absolutely CANNOT pass this one up.

    Your welcome, feel free to read and teach yourself about the truth behind AAS.
    u just made my essay a whole lot more fun
    lets see how the teacher will counter your points
    Last edited by wu-chambers36; 03-08-2008 at 12:51 PM.

  16. #16
    jaydub's Avatar
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    wait.. where am I?..
    1. c
    2. few years.. 5 or so
    3. thats a long answer...
    4. yes, blood pressure, acne. but all went back to normal after use.
    4. A. oh no. the ones that use roids as an excuse are idiots that should have never touched them
    5. extensive
    6. b
    7. negatively. lots of false information in the media
    8. major role
    9. yeah. make em legal. i think anyone should have the freedom in a free country to juice up
    10. oh no.

    Thank you for your cooperation feels free to add any adiniol information below[/QUOTE]

  17. #17
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wu-chambers36 View Post
    u just made my essay a whole lot more fun
    lets see how the teacher will counter tour points
    Anytime bro, there are other VERY knowledgable members here onthis board too. Im sure your teacher doesnt know much as most dont, they are one minded and taught a certain way. Very rarely do you get a teacher who is open minded to a subject so frowned upon due to the media hype BS. I do believe that if you back your teacher into a corner on the subject, he/she will interrupt and ignore you or revert obscene "facts" stated by the news and if that doesnt work then he/she will just say, "Well they are illegal to posses and use so why would you risk that?" In which you can reply, "they are not illegal, they are a controlled substance which can be obtained with a Rx from a doctor." Like I said tho, there is a lot of information onthis board that is posted in "sticky threads" in which you can find TONS of info on. Each section is also dedicated to certain things like, AAS questions and answers section, PCT section, diet section, workout section, bb'ing section, etc...... the list goes on but you get the point.

  18. #18
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by wu-chambers36 View Post
    keep them coming people
    and please answer formally and no use if explicit or slang language
    because your answers will be printed and put in a appendix
    (your name will be kept secret of course)
    For what purpose ? is this for a university ??

  19. #19
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    school, 11-16 years....

  20. #20
    wu-chambers36's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    For what purpose ? is this for a university ??
    people please answer in the format i have provided

    WU - Please answer my question so I know this is something that's not againest our board rules... Thanks .. Merc.
    Last edited by wu-chambers36; 03-08-2008 at 01:30 PM.

  21. #21
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by wu-chambers36 View Post
    Advanced levels ... your teacher wants you to cover this topic ?

  22. #22
    wu-chambers36's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    Advanced levels ... your teacher wants you to cover this topic ?
    no u can pick anything regarding morality and law
    steroids is aginst the law to a certion extent (class c drug)
    and there are moral issues sourounding it.
    i have to do primaary research (ask people)
    secondary research (science and facts)
    then evaluate each
    and come to a conclusion

  23. #23
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by wu-chambers36 View Post
    no u can pick anything regarding morality and law
    steroids is aginst the law to a certion extent (class c drug)
    and there are moral issues sourounding it.
    i have to do primaary research (ask people)
    secondary research (science and facts)
    then evaluate each
    and come to a conclusion
    ok .. just checking to see if this is something that is against the rules of the board..

  24. #24
    wu-chambers36's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    ok .. just checking to see if this is something that is against the rules of the board..
    why don't u do one as well
    will be very helpful

  25. #25
    redz's Avatar
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    1- C(20-30)
    2- Less than 1 year
    3- Steroids can help you achieve goals but are not magic beans, I worked out naturally for years before trying them.
    7-It has demonized steroid users and made them out to be the same as hardcore drug addicts who all have roid rage
    8-Professional sports are supposed to be the best in the world so if to be the best steroids will help then why not. The end goal is to be the any cost.
    9-I am undecided weather they should be legal or not. I see harm in over the counter sales as more minors and un-educated people would be getting on cycles without the proper knowledge of what they are doing. On the other hand the government is makign it more dangerous by basically forcing anyone out there who wants to use them into using under ground labs where the quality and sterility is always in question. I am torn on this issue as I think steroids are easy enough to get as it is.
    10-Steroids are not cheating, they are like the icing on the cake for a training routine. I feel healthier and very happy while on steroids. It is an uplifting experience.

  26. #26
    wu-chambers36's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    1- C(20-30)
    2- Less than 1 year
    3- Steroids can help you achieve goals but are not magic beans, I worked out naturally for years before trying them.
    7-It has demonized steroid users and made them out to be the same as hardcore drug addicts who all have roid rage
    8-Professional sports are supposed to be the best in the world so if to be the best steroids will help then why not. The end goal is to be the any cost.
    9-I am undecided weather they should be legal or not. I see harm in over the counter sales as more minors and un-educated people would be getting on cycles without the proper knowledge of what they are doing. On the other hand the government is makign it more dangerous by basically forcing anyone out there who wants to use them into using under ground labs where the quality and sterility is always in question. I am torn on this issue as I think steroids are easy enough to get as it is.
    10-Steroids are not cheating, they are like the icing on the cake for a training routine. I feel healthier and very happy while on steroids. It is an uplifting experience.
    next time please reply in the questionnaire format i have provided at the top.
    this is making it very complicated
    as i have to go back to the question in order to match it to the answer
    thank you anyway

  27. #27
    wu-chambers36's Avatar
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    thank you all
    u are much more reasonable then the lazy and critical folks of
    who wouldn't take it seruisly
    im going to log of know
    but any one who wishes to reply
    please do i so i will check again tomorrow

  28. #28
    wilson9d's Avatar
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    3. Many claim steroids is a drug that is used by those who do not wish to devote time and effort into a sport therefore, take steroid in order for quick result. What is your view?

    This is an absurd question I eat, chicken, whey protein, milk, broccoli, green beans, and old fashioned oats. I work out 3 hrs a day 5 days a week, plus play, basketball, football, and I go biking and running just to stay fit and look good. I dare anyone who says it’s the easy way to get off the couch and play. AAS is nearly pointless without a strict regimen.

    4. Have u from personal practice experienced any health issues regarding the use of steroids?

    B. No

    If yes, please explain?

    4. Research suggests that the increase in male hormone testosterone increases aggression, whilst on cycle has your aggression increased.

    B. No

    If yes, in that state do you see yourself as a threat to society or others due to this aggression?

    5. In a single word, how would you describe your knowledge of anabolic steroids?


    6. What is your view of professionol athletes using enchantment drugs (basketball, football, body building)?

    I dont care. Besides they are pervasive in every sport.

    7. How do you think the media has affected the view of the public regarding AAS?

    Negatively. No one cared about aas until Conseco wrote his book, the media and the politicians noticed the public response to aas and baseball and grabbed the ball. The media formats the news to produce ratings, and the public loves to jump on the bad wagon. Bad news sells. Everyone is taking their turn sticking their hand in the honey jar. Aas will always have a stigma in the us as a result.

    8. As you are all body builders, what role does AAS play in this sport?

    Not a bb'er

    9. In detail, Do you think AAS should be legalised and why?

    Yes, I don’t like being told what I can and cant do. Ill do what I want and accept the consequences of my actions. I don’t like being imposed upon by stupid uninformed legislation. I resent the political system when it makes my life difficult over carp that doesn’t matter instead of doing something that make a difference. There are worse drugs out there that are heavily taxed by the government smoking/drinking these are far more dangerous, addictive, and have greater negate affects on lives. I equate aas to plastic surgery and I thing if we can put silicone, botox, and lipodisolve in our bodies we can put aas in them as well.

    10. Do you think steroids are morally wrong (a form of cheating, or self harm)?

    No. Self harm is about knowledge and education and if it where not a black market drug we would not have these problems.

  29. #29
    Sculpture is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2008
    Yea AAS should be legal because were being treated like stupid little kids that can't think or make decisions for ourselves (which may be true about a good chunk of the general public).The thing is, the more the goverment thinks for us the stupider and more helpless and complacent we will become which is impending doom if you relly think about it. Personally I dont need to be sensored or raises or controlled or anything else by the damn governmeant thats supposedly there by the people for the people. If someone hurts themselves with steroids when theyre legal too bad shit happens people kill themselves every day doing dumb shit and its rediculous that we try to outlaw any substance. Let people be resposible for themselves. People drink and smoke and medicate themselves to death every day but theres money in that for the stupid ass governmeant so its no big deal but God forbid we let anyone build some extra muscle because then they may b harder to control like stupid little complacent sheep. I cant even begin to describe how insulted i am by the rediculous amount of laws in this country. Why don't we just crawl into tubes where we can safely live out our lives being used for our energy like in the matrix. What the hell is the point of a life where your not allowed to do anything outside the status que, I'd rather not live at all. I break a grip of laws in my day to day life and its not because I'm out of control or evil or hurting anyone. I do more to help people than anything but I simply cannot comply with the rediculous demands of an ever more out of control governmeant imposing more bullshit laws and regulations on me every month. AAS are just 1 of an endless supply of examples of how we have no real freedom at all. Even if you own a house, what happens if you dont pay you TAXES on it. They take it away so it was never really yours to begin with. Were being forced to play rediculous games we didnt invent or agree to (or atleast I didn't) and whats it all for , so the rich jackasses that run our lives can keep us stupid, complacent, scrambling to pay our bills and under theyre complete control. It really is that simple for me and I will leave this country because of it!! Geee I'll bet in the countrys where AAS are legal to use there has been all kinds of horrible concequences......or not!!

  30. #30
    Sculpture is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    OOH and by the way. I've only expirienced improvments in my outlook and health from the cycles os AAS ive done.

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