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  1. #1
    Leicester82 is offline New Member
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    Angry Accutane-Bad Acne-4 cycles with test-need an alternative?

    Basically I am fed up with acne from Test! Test is the king for building muscle but the acne means that nobody apart from my girlfriend sees my body!! which is pointless with all the work put in. I was just wondering whether anyone has made any decent gains using non-aromatizing gear i.e. i'd rather gain 6ibs muscle from a cycle than 12ib with acne. Also, anyone who has been on accutane before what has been your experience from cycles you have taken atfer, if any? Most people seem to have their acne come back which in theory on how accutane works is true thats why I'm looking for an alternative even if its growth or insulin !!

    Height: 5ft 11
    Weight: 14stone
    BF: 14%
    Age" 26

    Have done 4 cycles

    Cycle 1 Test-e 400mg/wk (12weeks)
    Cycle 2 Test-prop 500mg wk(Obviously split through week) Winny inj 3 times a wk (Not sure on dose) (10 weeks)
    Cycle 3 Sus 500mg/wk deca 400mg/wk (16 weeks)
    Cycle 4 test-e 600mg/wk deca 400mg/wk (16 weeks)

    Been training properly 6 years. Taking gear 2 years. Started at 11 stone and am now 14 stone.

    Thanks for your help

  2. #2
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Forget Accutane.. the most extreme acne medicine out there....

    What are u doing right now to combat ACNE?

    if nothing.. than that might be your problem.

  3. #3
    ReggyD is offline Junior Member
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    If your acne is as bad as mine...then accutane is your only choice really.
    The sides from accutane really arent that bad....just drys the **** out of your lips.
    Just don't take any orals and put up with the dry lips.

    I'd rather be huge and show off my body with some dry ass lips...than small, wearing a jacket everywhere i go...with nice lips.

    I will be starting accutane again in 2 weeks...just so I can use test.

  4. #4
    WhiteRhino is offline New Member
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    Have you tried Panoxyl Acnegel, I have a friend who's suffered from the same and his acne has certainly cleared up from using it. You can get it off ebay.

  5. #5
    double chicken's Avatar
    double chicken is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReggyD View Post
    If your acne is as bad as mine...then accutane is your only choice really.
    The sides from accutane really arent that bad....just drys the **** out of your lips.
    Just don't take any orals and put up with the dry lips.

    I'd rather be huge and show off my body with some dry ass lips...than small, wearing a jacket everywhere i go...with nice lips.

    I will be starting accutane again in 2 weeks...just so I can use test.
    when in your cycle do you start the accutane and at what amount?
    at pct?

  6. #6
    Leicester82 is offline New Member
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    I have always suffered from acne since a teen. This is the 3rd time I've been prescribed it. I have tried everything under the sun! Ha. As my doc and derm say if you've got persistent acne like myself at my age than the only real thing is accutane. I don't mind the sides at all. The stuff is a magic pill. At the end of the day I love training and looking good. Test is the number one by far, but its just not worth the acne. I'm currently on 60mg accutane a day at the mo 2 months in. I am currently on a fith cycle of 600mg test 400 deca which I'm thinking of just cutting off and running pct once deca has had time to clear as want the acne gone.

  7. #7
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    I personally had a very shitty experience with Accutane..

    I took it two summers ago.. during a cycle...

    I had acne keep re-erupting at throughout the cycle..
    I had dry lips, nose bleeds, dry skin, eyes, thinning (or loss of) hair.
    I had to leave work early like 3 times a week throught the summer cause I felt so sick, weak, dehydrated.
    Use up all my sickdays etc..

    It was basically a nightmare.. in the end it came to the point where everyone was telling me to get off that stuff,,,, n i eventually caved in also..

    I was on it for almost 3 months, and it was a living nightmare.
    Acne was pretty much the same as it was before.
    Actually maybe even worse.. it caused me to breakout on my stomach, and all sorts of weird places actually.

  8. #8
    Leicester82 is offline New Member
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    That sonds harsh mate!!
    Lucky for me I just get dry lips skin and the odd nose bleed. I have been on every med known to man before the doc finally prescribed me with accutane at 16. For me it has been a miracle drug, but since taking gear they have just come back. Mainly down to the test. Sus was the worst, will never touch a mixed blend again! There must be loads out there that are prone and use alternatives to test. I was even thinking of doin test@200mg a wk and deca 600mg/wk. I know before you all say it keep test higher, but been reading up on this and as long as you've got some test in you then your not going to get deca dick etc.

  9. #9
    double chicken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leicester82 View Post
    I have always suffered from acne since a teen. This is the 3rd time I've been prescribed it. I have tried everything under the sun! Ha. As my doc and derm say if you've got persistent acne like myself at my age than the only real thing is accutane. I don't mind the sides at all. The stuff is a magic pill. At the end of the day I love training and looking good. Test is the number one by far, but its just not worth the acne. I'm currently on 60mg accutane a day at the mo 2 months in. I am currently on a fith cycle of 600mg test 400 deca which I'm thinking of just cutting off and running pct once deca has had time to clear as want the acne gone.
    do you start your accutane the same time you start your test?

  10. #10
    Leicester82 is offline New Member
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    No started it 2 weeks into course. Do you think that makes a difference? I know that in the first few eeks acne gets bad and erupts all over then skin drys out. Thats what happened on the other times I had accutane, obviously before I started taking any gear. On this one though it seems to clear then flare up again as if the test is fighting against my glands in terms of producing oil.

  11. #11
    Leicester82 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReggyD View Post
    If your acne is as bad as mine...then accutane is your only choice really.
    The sides from accutane really arent that bad....just drys the **** out of your lips.
    Just don't take any orals and put up with the dry lips.

    I'd rather be huge and show off my body with some dry ass lips...than small, wearing a jacket everywhere i go...with nice lips.

    I will be starting accutane again in 2 weeks...just so I can use test.
    I live in the uk and can only get accutane through my doc, so obviously can't keep on going back everytime I doa cycle, although this would be ideal!! I think a lot of the pros take accutane. Imagine the amount of gear they are on! Even if your not prone to acne your going to get some flare up on those amounts.

    I did look @ purchasing it off the internet as I don't have any contacts who can hold of it, but it costs a fortune!!

    Has anyone ever just concentrated on non-aromatizing steroids ? Surely this is what most models etc take as you can't go down a catwalk who shoot atv show with skin that bad!

  12. #12
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leicester82 View Post
    No started it 2 weeks into course. Do you think that makes a difference? I know that in the first few eeks acne gets bad and erupts all over then skin drys out. Thats what happened on the other times I had accutane, obviously before I started taking any gear. On this one though it seems to clear then flare up again as if the test is fighting against my glands in terms of producing oil.
    Thats how my experience was with TEST n accutane..
    I had this vague feeling that the TEST was feeding the fire..

    it caused the massive breakout,, but than it failed to properly clear out.. cause new acne would always pop-up

    they would pop-up and than they would dry out, n disapear, but a new batch wouodl always re-appear.

    and this cycle would just repeat over n over again.

    After 3 months on 20mg accutane a day.. it was worse than ever.

    From my experience, I'd suggest run Accuane after the cycle... if u want to run it..
    During the cycle, just wash your skin well.. with Neutrogena soap bars.. n other safe topicals.

  13. #13
    Leicester82 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    Thats how my experience was with TEST n accutane..
    I had this vague feeling that the TEST was feeding the fire..

    it caused the massive breakout,, but than it failed to properly clear out.. cause new acne would always pop-up

    they would pop-up and than they would dry out, n disapear, but a new batch wouodl always re-appear.

    and this cycle would just repeat over n over again.

    After 3 months on 20mg accutane a day.. it was worse than ever.

    From my experience, I'd suggest run Accuane after the cycle... if u want to run it..
    During the cycle, just wash your skin well.. with Neutrogena soap bars.. n other safe topicals.
    Ye that is exactly the same. Look like I'm just going to have to run PCT or might lower my test to just 200mg/wk 400mg/wk deca and see what thats like.

  14. #14
    DKU's Avatar
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    I had pretty bad acne as a teen, and accutane worked wonders. I just had dry lips and nose bleeds, but it was worth it. I was completely acne free for about 3 years.

  15. #15
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    anyone tried letro agains acne ?

    im on it now and is does dry my acne out, but i only have a little acne on shoulders that popped up in pct.

  16. #16
    ReggyD is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by double chicken View Post
    when in your cycle do you start the accutane and at what amount?
    at pct?
    I'm going to start the accutane asap...I think you're acne should already be cleared up before you start your cycle because it is a lot easier to maintain clear skin than it is to get rid of it.
    Dosage....I'm not sure. I havent used it in years.

  17. #17
    Leicester82 is offline New Member
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    Did you do any cycles after you finished your accutane? If so what was your acne like?

  18. #18
    double chicken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    Thats how my experience was with TEST n accutane..
    I had this vague feeling that the TEST was feeding the fire..

    it caused the massive breakout,, but than it failed to properly clear out.. cause new acne would always pop-up

    they would pop-up and than they would dry out, n disapear, but a new batch wouodl always re-appear.

    and this cycle would just repeat over n over again.

    After 3 months on 20mg accutane a day.. it was worse than ever.

    From my experience, I'd suggest run Accuane after the cycle... if u want to run it..
    During the cycle, just wash your skin well.. with Neutrogena soap bars.. n other safe topicals.
    So i should start it the same time i start my PCT?

  19. #19
    Pooks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by double chicken View Post
    So i should start it the same time i start my PCT?
    yah that would be fine imo.
    the big accutane breakout occurs like 1month into it.. by than u'll be done with PCT..
    than after that accutane should start clearing u out..
    and no agents are in your body that should f with it.

  20. #20
    double chicken's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks View Post
    yah that would be fine imo.
    the big accutane breakout occurs like 1month into it.. by than u'll be done with PCT..
    than after that accutane should start clearing u out..
    and no agents are in your body that should f with it.
    Great. Thanks.

  21. #21
    ARNIE83 is offline Junior Member
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    I live in the UK, and during my late teens i was prescribed Accutane by my doctor, and within 3 months I was cured, i had No side effects accept dry skin around the lips and nose. I am now suffering fom acne again on the shoulders, outer biceps and back area.
    I was led to beleive you would not be prescribed Accutane if you were taking Steroids (they did blood tests). If this is the case what should I do?

  22. #22
    ReggyD is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ARNIE83 View Post
    I live in the UK, and during my late teens i was prescribed Accutane by my doctor, and within 3 months I was cured, i had No side effects accept dry skin around the lips and nose. I am now suffering fom acne again on the shoulders, outer biceps and back area.
    I was led to beleive you would not be prescribed Accutane if you were taking Steroids (they did blood tests). If this is the case what should I do?
    they are really only checking for your liver values.
    Stay off the orals. You should be fine with injectables.

  23. #23
    XxBIG PxX is offline New Member
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    Hey There..I have talked to many people about this subject..accutane and acne...I beleive you need to run a 6month course of accutane before any steroids ...what accutane does is shrink your oil glands..everyone responds different to drugs..after 6 months some peoples acne will never or very minimally come back..for others it will shoot right back...My experience is that I took accutane for 6 face cleared up perfect by month 4 or 5..however when I got off the accutane my face started to break out I decided to take a maintenance dose of two 20mg accutane pills a week..this has proven to be enough to keep me clear even when I'm on a cycle

  24. #24
    Leicester82 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxBIG PxX View Post
    Hey There..I have talked to many people about this subject..accutane and acne...I beleive you need to run a 6month course of accutane before any steroids...what accutane does is shrink your oil glands..everyone responds different to drugs..after 6 months some peoples acne will never or very minimally come back..for others it will shoot right back...My experience is that I took accutane for 6 face cleared up perfect by month 4 or 5..however when I got off the accutane my face started to break out I decided to take a maintenance dose of two 20mg accutane pills a week..this has proven to be enough to keep me clear even when I'm on a cycle
    Where did you get hold of your accutane for 2omg a week maintenance dose? i.e. doctor, dealer, or internet?


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