this is #4 cycle wise. my stats are a lean 7% 205lbs. i have test p, masteron , eq (only 20cc's at 200mg/cc so i prob will leave this out), and test c. i would like to add an oral and another injectable. this is what i have so far:
wk1-10 test cyp 500mgs wk
wk4-12 mast prop 500wk
wk10-12 test prop 150mgs eod

i was thinking of adding tren and winny or halo so it would look like this:
wk1-10 test cyp 500mgs wk
wk1-8 tren 350mgs wk
wk4-12 mast prop 500wk
wk1-4, 10-12 test prop 100mgs eod, 150mgs eod
wk8-12 winny 50mgs ed or halo 30mgs pre w/o

what do you guys think i should add...? i like the tren/winn or halo idea as i want to stay lean and strong w/o the water. advise???
