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Thread: hgh

  1. #1
    twiggy1986 is offline New Member
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    Mar 2008


    lo guys,
    3wks into a cycle of 2ml of test400 wk and 50mg tbol ed thinking of adding hgh to my cycle-would u guys recommend i finish my current cycle 1st or go for it? Also, does hgh work like test in the sense that more hgh =more gains?i know it takes a while to kick in thinkin of frontloadin? Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    how about some stats first? And more test does NOT equal more gains..not sure why youre thinking that one..what are you hoping to achieve by using HGH?

  3. #3
    twiggy1986 is offline New Member
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    maybe wrong bout the test just goin on exp and what iv read.stats are 21yrs 6ft 1 178lbs bf 7%. With the hgh the gains are good and hoping it will help with the cartiledge problems i have in my knees maybe wrong just a thought!

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    have you done any research on HGH? Its not something you use short term, its a long term committment >6 months or so..and youre probably too young to really benefit from it anyway..besides its not really a mass building compound either..based off your stats, I think you need to work more on your diet and stay away from the gear..youve got plenty of room to grow naturally first

  5. #5
    inkslinger's Avatar
    inkslinger is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by longhorn814 View Post
    have you done any research on HGH? Its not something you use short term, its a long term committment >6 months or so..and youre probably too young to really benefit from it anyway..besides its not really a mass building compound either..based off your stats, I think you need to work more on your diet and stay away from the gear..youve got plenty of room to grow naturally first
    definitely bro - you're only 21 - i wouldnt even think of touching AAS/HGH until 24-25 ... then you kinda level off.. anywho .. since you're already on.. finish what you have started , stay away from HGH ... you need to be on it 6 mo.s plus and its really pricey stuff to be playing with when you dont really know how to utilize the substance

  6. #6
    twiggy1986 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice guys probably a future cycle. Geneticaly i think i have already reached my peak- my old man n his old man werent the biggest of guys! Can u guys recommend anything that will be easy on my joints but i dnt wana blow up like dbol or anadrol

  7. #7
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by twiggy1986 View Post
    thanks for the advice guys probably a future cycle. Geneticaly i think i have already reached my peak- my old man n his old man werent the biggest of guys! Can u guys recommend anything that will be easy on my joints but i dnt wana blow up like dbol or anadrol
    what does your diet look like? How many cals you eat daily and how many come from pro/fat/carb? if you cant gain naturally at your weight, i highly doubt you'll gain much from steroids ..that tells me something is wrong with your diet..youve got to eat, eat, eat, and eat if you wanna get big

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