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Thread: EQ and DBOL

  1. #1
    Doc40's Avatar
    Doc40 is offline Associate Member
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    EQ and DBOL

    Can anyone recommend a good cycle with the two. Thanks

  2. #2
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    Um, those two exclusively? You are aware how they compare chemically right? You should be able to answer this one I'd say. Not to be an asshole, sorry if I am being one, but I wouldn't even bother using both at the same time personally.

  3. #3
    atwa is offline Associate Member
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    get some test in there and it will do wonders.

  4. #4
    Nathan's Avatar
    Nathan is offline Retired Moderator
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    You know what, don't listen to me. What I was getting at was that they are similar chemically. I would go with eq and something else, like fina and test say. D-bol is harder on the liver and aromatizes much more and so if you can afford eq, I'd personally go with that. It depends on the goals I guess but they are generally used to different ends. d-bol ---> bulking and eq ---> cutting. They both stimulate hunger, eq will increase vascularity whereas d-bol won't really, no bloat with eq, no liver pains with eq, etc. D-bol, though, kicks in much faster. I'm having trouble explaining myslef so I hpoe I got my point across and I'll shut up now.

  5. #5
    verdeda is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by Nathan
    You know what, don't listen to me. What I was getting at was that they are similar chemically. I would go with eq and something else, like fina and test say. D-bol is harder on the liver and aromatizes much more and so if you can afford eq, I'd personally go with that. It depends on the goals I guess but they are generally used to different ends. d-bol ---> bulking and eq ---> cutting. They both stimulate hunger, eq will increase vascularity whereas d-bol won't really, no bloat with eq, no liver pains with eq, etc. D-bol, though, kicks in much faster. I'm having trouble explaining myslef so I hpoe I got my point across and I'll shut up now.

    I`m planning a bulk cycle in Dec. with 400mg. Eq,500mg cyp per week 1-10, and I was going to kick it off with d-bol 25mg. ED for weeks 1-4. Is there something else besides the d-bol, and Fina that will throw the mass on. My stats are 32yo 5`6 @ 215lbs. 12%BF. This will be my third cycle. Peace

  6. #6
    Ranger Guest
    verdeda, that cycle looks pretty good, and Nathan is correct about the dbol and EQ being alike.

    The exception is, EQ has the ester chain Undecylenate which has a release pattern of around 28 days making it one of the longest acting ester chains there is...what this does is allow EQ to aromatize into a simple estrogen thus reducing the chances of the harsher estro sides...gyno, water retention...etc.

    I've done a few EQ, dbol cycles, and had decent results....but, they were much better when I added a bit of test....

    Just my opinion though....


  7. #7
    Doc40's Avatar
    Doc40 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for answering that question, I wasnt positive that they were alike. I was thinking of going with sus and dbol first but I wasnt sure if EQ would work out with dbols. Thanks

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