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Thread: Fat on Pecs????

  1. #1
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Fat on Pecs????

    Ok,,, I’m pretty sure I don’t have gyno as I don’t have any lumps nor it’s itchy or hurting in any way. What I do have is this damn fat on my pecs, they do poke out a little and have some fat on the side of my pecs that is not allowing for my pecs to look like they should.. How can I fix this???

    I did get gyno in the past while on some test cyp but I reversed it with letro & lump went away…

    I’m currently on test, deca & have letro on hand.. I’m currently running the letro .25 e4d should I maybe do .25 e2d instead of the four, would this maybe reduce the fat you think????? I just did not want to use too much letro as it might hinder my gains but please bro’s share your knowledge with me ,,, thanks..

  2. #2
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    gyno manifest around and under you nipples, not on the sides of the pecs.
    It could probably be just water, bloat


  3. #3
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChuckLee View Post
    gyno manifest around and under you nipples, not on the sides of the pecs.
    It could probably be just water, bloat

    That's what I'm thinking but not sure if I should up my letro?

  4. #4
    ChuckLee's Avatar
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    Yes, try to build it up to see your bloating fade away

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    getfit28's Avatar
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    will do, you don't think it will hinder my gains tho??
    I guess we'll have to see.. thanks bro

  6. #6
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by getfit28 View Post
    Ok,,, I’m pretty sure I don’t have gyno as I don’t have any lumps nor it’s itchy or hurting in any way. What I do have is this damn fat on my pecs, they do poke out a little and have some fat on the side of my pecs that is not allowing for my pecs to look like they should.. How can I fix this???

    I did get gyno in the past while on some test cyp but I reversed it with letro & lump went away…

    I’m currently on test, deca & have letro on hand.. I’m currently running the letro .25 e4d should I maybe do .25 e2d instead of the four, would this maybe reduce the fat you think????? I just did not want to use too much letro as it might hinder my gains but please bro’s share your knowledge with me ,,, thanks..
    Look up ( Google ) .. Pseudo gyno (fat in chest area ) ..


  7. #7
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    Look up ( Google ) .. Pseudo gyno (fat in chest area ) ..

    Will do, thanks Mec.

  8. #8
    FortKnox36's Avatar
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    Maybe you could hop on a fat burner?

    Have you always had fat on you pecs even before you started your cycle?

    If so...then it just may be a genetic thing that you tend to accumulate fat on the pecs..which really isnt a huge problem. All you have to do is lose the fat with diet and cardio. Also.. a good fat burning supplement might help as well. I like clen .

    Best of luck,

  9. #9
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    Maybe you could hop on a fat burner?

    Have you always had fat on you pecs even before you started your cycle?

    If so...then it just may be a genetic thing that you tend to accumulate fat on the pecs..which really isnt a huge problem. All you have to do is lose the fat with diet and cardio. Also.. a good fat burning supplement might help as well. I like clen .

    Best of luck,

    Yes,,, I alway had some fat on pecs but I think I now have more than before but I think it might be the dbol ..... ( bloat )... I wil lup my letro... but I' curious about clen I have to do some research on this as I've seen a lot of people liking it,,, can you use clen with any cycle your on?

  10. #10
    FortKnox36's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getfit28 View Post
    Yes,,, I alway had some fat on pecs but I think I now have more than before but I think it might be the dbol..... ( bloat )... I wil lup my letro... but I' curious about clen I have to do some research on this as I've seen a lot of people liking it,,, can you use clen with any cycle your on?

    I dont have much experience using clen while on cycle. I used clen during my PCT. It really helped me feel like I was still on cycle due to the vascularity and energy it gave me. I look at clen as a janitor. It cleans you up.

    In you situation i think it would greatly benefit. Up the letro during your cycle to deal with the bloat. Add clen into your PCT to burn the fat. Once your done with PCT make sure you keep on a strict diet and maybe even up your cardio a bit to keep the pecs lookin nice.

    Hope this helps,

  11. #11
    getfit28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36 View Post
    I dont have much experience using clen while on cycle. I used clen during my PCT. It really helped me feel like I was still on cycle due to the vascularity and energy it gave me. I look at clen as a janitor. It cleans you up.

    In you situation i think it would greatly benefit. Up the letro during your cycle to deal with the bloat. Add clen into your PCT to burn the fat. Once your done with PCT make sure you keep on a strict diet and maybe even up your cardio a bit to keep the pecs lookin nice.

    Hope this helps,
    Thanks Bro,,, yes I will up the letro & I will get some clen to use with pct...

  12. #12
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    merc will letro do anything for pseudo-gynocomastia???? i see so many reviews and stuf its not even funny.

  13. #13
    VTliftVT's Avatar
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    This is just something to think about if you don't get that cleared up with a fat burner/letro as you have been discussing.

    You may have high cortisol levels which can cause thinning of the legs and arms and increase of fat on the chest. I highly doubt you have the problem but just something to keep in mind in case it isnt resolved.

  14. #14
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    what if the guy is huge every where low say 8-10% bf and fatty tissue deposits on the chest? no lumps just fatty tissue ..can it be removed chemically? also say if they guy had the gland removed in surgery and still had some fatty tissue would this cure it. im not hijacking just kinda adding to the question. i think the answer would help others as well. i know this subject is different per individual and what exact type of gyno but. just something to think about..

  15. #15
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by largerthannormal View Post
    merc will letro do anything for pseudo-gynocomastia???? i see so many reviews and stuf its not even funny.
    Cardio and diet work great on pseudo gyno ... It is just fat .. true gyno is the acual formation of female breast tissue .


  16. #16
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    k try this on....say i guy had gyno (from puberty) had it removed (surgically) and still had a bit left over has now become very fit and and muscular but just can get that perfect physic because of that not fatty tissue but actuall breat tissue still left. see i dont think a chemical no matter how strong or cardio would do anything for this? or am i wrong?

  17. #17
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    sorry i guess that wasnt the same type of not on the same page as everyone else...

  18. #18
    PEWN's Avatar
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    i suggest reading this All you need to know about GYNO.

  19. #19
    Garbanzo Dude is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by VTliftVT View Post
    This is just something to think about if you don't get that cleared up with a fat burner/letro as you have been discussing.

    You may have high cortisol levels which can cause thinning of the legs and arms and increase of fat on the chest. I highly doubt you have the problem but just something to keep in mind in case it isnt resolved.
    I have always had thin legs....ok size arms...but fat in the chest area is a big problem for me .....I'm sure I have never had gyno as far as can remember but I was a fat kid....even as I got older and lost the fat around the rest of my body the chest fat always was and cardio do help......but I cloud never get it to go away there a blood test for corstisol levels???

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by PEWN View Post
    i suggest reading this All you need to know about GYNO.
    yeah i read that one still doesnt have the answer i lookin for exactly..i think i know the answer but i dont wanna hear it.

  21. #21
    largerthannormal's Avatar
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    or were u talkng to garbanzo?? sorry

  22. #22
    Wavelover is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merc. View Post
    Look up ( Google ) .. Pseudo gyno (fat in chest area ) ..

    Again a good read.
    Differentiate between true gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia/lipomastia. These 2 entities may be distinguished by having the patient lie on his back with his hands behind his head. The examiner then places his thumb on each side of the breast, and slowly brings them together. In true gynecomastia, a ridge of glandular tissue will be felt that is symmetrical to the nipple-areolar complex. With pseudogynecomastia, the fingers won't meet until they reach the nipple.

    Pseudogyno may be helped also by Liposuction.

  23. #23
    RAWDEAL:'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getfit28 View Post
    Ok,,, I’m pretty sure I don’t have gyno as I don’t have any lumps nor it’s itchy or hurting in any way. What I do have is this damn fat on my pecs, they do poke out a little and have some fat on the side of my pecs that is not allowing for my pecs to look like they should.. How can I fix this???

    I did get gyno in the past while on some test cyp but I reversed it with letro & lump went away…

    I’m currently on test, deca & have letro on hand.. I’m currently running the letro .25 e4d should I maybe do .25 e2d instead of the four, would this maybe reduce the fat you think????? I just did not want to use too much letro as it might hinder my gains but please bro’s share your knowledge with me ,,, thanks..
    Good post...i also have noticed some bloat around my pecks this cycle...test-e 750 wk/deca 550mg wk, and dball50mg ED..all these ester cause water retention, however i did have some Fat ect..on chest befor cycle, 1/2 as much though..i'm running letro at 2.5mg ED.. because i have Gyno, a bad lump, acually was sharp too, and one week into letro and it's half as bad...this does have sides at this drive/joint pain/and ofcourse counter acting my muscle building, but i have to get rid of this gyno...i wanted to run Nova too, but there is a bad reaction i here w/ Nandrolones and nova..worse Gyno !!!!!!!! i would up the dose bro to EOD..and Even try .5 ! if it's water it will dry you out and you will notice after 2 weeks..also focus on some light weight high rep fly's, bench press ect...tightin up..kinda like i make my wife do KEEGLE exersizes after those too kids popped out, LOLOLOL !

  24. #24
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    UPDATE..Thanks to all.... anyway, I just want to say that I now started the letro eod which I was initially going to do but I just did not want it to hinder my gains while on my cycel...
    Not sure if it's just me but Letro works great with me,,, it removed gyno in the past for me & now since I up my letro I started getting heat flashes and I was sweating like crazy at the gym & I see the that the fats on my pecs have reduced....

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