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  1. #1
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    test e thwn right into cycle

    I was at the gym a bit ago and was asked by a buddy this question. H has been on tesat e 250. 500 a week 250 monday and 250 thursday for 5 weeks when hes done. he want to get gear, maybe deca and wiini and start a true cycle with test again. he asked me and i told him ill ask the experst. so is it safe for him to do this.

    test 250 2x a week for 5 weeks then:

    test 250 2x a week for ten weeks-deca and winni i think he saiad like the second part of his cyle for the deca and winni stopping 2 weeks prior to the end of his cyle with the deac. i may be botching up when he wanteds to to this and stop but i know he wants to go one week after his first 5 on test, that being a one week break then right into test/deca/winni all at difdferent tims i bel;ive. for ten weeks. so can he do this and if so when would he strat his deca and winni on a ten week cycle to make full advantage of it and stop it in time for a good pct?

    his pct i think he said he has a few different things he can use all good and hes evenm covered if he gets i donty have what his PCT gear is but he said does have a great set of gear or gears for a great waht you think...can hge run like that into a cycle with just one week between his test bing only into his test/deca/winni cycle? i dont want to answer him as i have no idea...i would think to me he could if he started the deca and winni and stopped them at the right times and with a real good pct i would say yes but im to new to say ...since his first 5 weeks were just test...ill ber going back to gym at 500 to finish my workjout so ill tell him then what you aas gurus come up with...thanks on a sprint 6700 and the keys SUCK so please excuse the SLOPPY post

  2. #2
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    i did call him and ask him what he was going to do for PCT in casr you asked and he said hes got a ton for PCT no matter the cycle he does he says hes good for PCT just in case you ask...

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    That's not at all how I would plan or run a cycle, but to each their own I suppose.

  4. #4
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    so if you were him waht would you do...stop for 5 weeks plus then start over...he has the gear comming but i told him to wait like 7 weks then start again but he wantsto run right into with only one week break. what would you do?

  5. #5
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    I'd tell him to run a proper pct or continue the test for 5 more weeks and then pct. I really wouldn't throw more in during the middle of a cycle but as Big said, to each his own.

  6. #6
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    ok thats good, i think hell go for that, one more questions was if he does that cause i mentioned that to him will he be able to go from 500 250 x2 week can he go up to 250 3 x a week on test only cycle inb stead of two times? he is 6'1 and weighes about 220. hes a big tes only with proper pct can he do 3x250 a week for a total of 750 a week he says he heres of folks doing 1`000 a week on just test with proper pct...any suggestions...i think he nuts at 1000 maybe 750 just test but 1000 wow....what u think

  7. #7
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    ok his with what you said, his question is what i posted last. he wanst to know if he can up his test cycl to 250 3x a week. being 750 insated of being 500. will that be ok for him to do being just test and then do a good PCT....?just up it one 250 shot is what he wants to do for his short test only cycle? ok, good, bad or no diff?

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Typically it's the fluctuations in levels that cause unwanted sides, I would just complete the cycle and put a little more planning into the next on so he doesn't want to switch things around mid-cycle. I plan my cycles months in advance, if he's switching things mid-cycle something is already wrong.

  9. #9
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    i told him no changes, now, finish it PCT then think about what he wats then do it and stick to it and dont changeit. if you add something its to tend to issues caused by the gear and thats late to go up one more does on test, stay where your at and wait...he said ok/...hes going to finish this one...wait 7 weeks i dought it but he said 5 +2 for his cycle and then start over. i told him to plan now for what he wants read ask etc. hes goingto join. i topld him if he ask stiupid wquestions like this hes going to get bashed..lomao..but he is listening...he just has the patianst of a nats guys, i told him no more going to me, join the site that way they can bash you for beinmg so dam new well new again after years..nothign is easy, nothing is overnight...this takse tons and tons of work, with diet, workouts time health etc...nothing com,es easy, this amases me...theres no fix in a bottle..there may be iceing in a bottle if you will but if you have no cake what are you going to put iceing on a cup eat read study ask then do.....IMO...thansk again guys

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    His time off after the pct should at least equal his time on cycle, plus his pct time.

  11. #11
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    i told himk the same time plus two weeks for pct since it was just ets, i know some say no pct for test only but why not? i told him 5 weeks on 7 off with PCT, sound right? and how true is the talk about no pct for test?

  12. #12
    jackdup04's Avatar
    jackdup04 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fatherof6 View Post
    i told himk the same time plus two weeks for pct since it was just ets, i know some say no pct for test only but why not? i told him 5 weeks on 7 off with PCT, sound right? and how true is the talk about no pct for test?
    Not true..Still must run pct...

  13. #13
    fatherof6 is offline Banned
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    ok just read it here and there so i asked id rather have thre rigth answer then not...thanks bro!

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