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  1. #1
    joshaltizer is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008

    NEED HELP ASAP!!! Test prop. and Test Enth.

    OK...I've read a couple different things and I'd like to get some advice on something. I've got a bottle of test prop (100mg/mL) and a bottle of test enth (250mg/mL). I've read that you can start by using 1mL test prop every other day to get a good jump into your cycle and then continue with the test enth when the prop is completed. This sounded good to me and is what I am most inclined to actually do.
    I was told I could stack 1/2mL of each twice a week (but by the second shot the prop would be out of my system.....). This didn't seem like a proper way to do it.
    And I've read that I could start with the test enth (1mL twice a week) and then jump into the test prop when THAT bottle is completed.

    HELP!!! I'm anxious to get a start on my cycle.

    Oh...I also have a bottle of Trenbolone Acetate and don't know 100% how to incorporate that into this cycle. I have 50 25mg proviron tablets aswell.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    VTliftVT's Avatar
    VTliftVT is offline Associate Member
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    stats and cycle experience? If you are too young and dont have your diet/pct/knowledge down of AAS then you dont need to cycle period.

    I will not be telling you dosages but will show you how to lay the prop/enth out. Once I get your stats and cycle experience I can help you with the amt's to take.

    prop has a very fast half life (1 day) and needs to be shot atleast EOD if not daily for best results. its fast acting and you can begin reaping benefits off of it very quickly. test e has a half life of around 10.5 days (give or take) and needs to be shot twice weekly to keep stable blood levels. with this information you can find that it would be in your best idea to run as such:


    1-2 test prop ("x"mg/EOD)
    1-10/12 (depending on cycle length) test e ('x"mg/week, shot twice weekly)

    the prop will get your initial results while you wait for the test e to kick in. its similar to taking dbol in the beginning of the cycle to get immediate results.
    Last edited by VTliftVT; 04-02-2008 at 07:17 PM.

  3. #3
    joshaltizer is offline New Member
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    Feb 2008
    Age 22yrs
    Weight 174lbs
    Height 6'0"

    My only steroid experience is with test E. I did a 10 week cycle (2 1mL injections twice a week) and then proviron towards the end of my cycle.

    So yes, these are my stats. A dosage guide would be really appreciated. Especially on how to incorporate the tenbolone acetate and proviron into the cycle properly.

  4. #4
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    womb raider
    At 170lbs And 6 Ft Diet Is The Main Factor Here Bro Not Aas........

  5. #5
    VTliftVT's Avatar
    VTliftVT is offline Associate Member
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    I agree, at your height and weight you have a lot more natural growth left. Do you know how to eat and train properly? Do you track your caloric intake or even know what your maintenance is? Until you get all of that down you dont need to worry about AAS. AAS is used when you have reached your natural peak, you aren't there yet.

  6. #6
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

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