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  1. #1
    vincor's Avatar
    vincor is offline Associate Member
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    Need to get my MMR Shot and I am on AAS. Please help

    Quick question. I have decided to go back to school and before I start my 1st semester I need to get my Measles, mumps, and rubella shot. Now, before I do, my doc has told me that I need to get some bloodwork done before he gives me the shot. The thing is is that I am on my second full week of sus 500mg wk and deca 400 mg wk. I haven't told him this of course but, do you guys think I have to? What will my bloodwork show? Please help.

  2. #2
    VTliftVT's Avatar
    VTliftVT is offline Associate Member
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    first off he likely will not be testing your testosterone levels or anything else that will show the use of steroids .

    second, if for some reason he is able to determine that you are supplementing or that some levels are off due to AAS, just tell him. dr./patient confidentiality, he can't do your just getting a required school shot so nothing to worry about.

  3. #3
    vincor's Avatar
    vincor is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks bro.

  4. #4
    MrTAME's Avatar
    MrTAME is offline Associate Member
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    plus, if your not on any orals your liver count should still be in the normal range.

    My buddy had to get some bloodwork done because of his related work. He was on a D-bol only cycle and his liver count was 7 times higher than the normal count ( not sure wat they count but it was 7 times higher). He tried to play it stupid to the doc but in the end he had to tell them...they arent stupid, lol.

    but if you arent running orals, you should be fine :-)

  5. #5
    lex57's Avatar
    lex57 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vincor View Post
    Quick question. I have decided to go back to school and before I start my 1st semester I need to get my Measles, mumps, and rubella shot. Now, before I do, my doc has told me that I need to get some bloodwork done before he gives me the shot. The thing is is that I am on my second full week of sus 500mg wk and deca 400 mg wk. I haven't told him this of course but, do you guys think I have to? What will my bloodwork show? Please help.
    they are probably going to just do a titer. so dont worry.

  6. #6
    vincor's Avatar
    vincor is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks guys.

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