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  1. #1
    PowerLift86's Avatar
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    Advice and thoughts on first cycle..

    Hey everyone,

    To give you guys an idea of where I am, I started powerlifting at the age of 17, I am now 22, so I have 5 years experience, 3 state records, and have competed in probably 6+ meets. Not trying to "wow" anyone, just giving some background. I got out of powerlifting in the past year and have been mostly working out to try to maintain, due to joint problems with my elbows, hips, knees and shoulders. My shoulders and elbows are getting better and my hip is getting worse, knee stays the same, SO I don't squat anymore, or IF I do, its relatively light 225<. My best lifts in the gym are a 405 Raw bench, 500 w/ shirt, a 550 squat (w/ suit) and a 600 deadlift with a suit. I have lost a bit of size since I stopped powerlifting, and have been all natural up until last week, when I got my first injection. My current status, is 5'11" 217 lbs, 43 1/2" chest, 50" shoulders, 16 1/2" arms/calves and 23" quads. I'm not sure of my old measurements, but I used to be about 220 with 17-17.5" arms and 27" quads (thats all I can remember). I am unsure of my bf%, I do carry extra weight, if I had to guess I would say 22%? Thats kinda a wild guess, if you want I could post some pictures of me now.

    Now to the juicy part, never cycled before, wanted to try and help my joints out and get back to where I was, or better (in terms of looks). My original cycle was going to be 1cc of Deca , once a week. On recommendations, I went to 1/2cc of Deca and a 1/2cc of Sustanon 250, both once a week, within the same pin.*edit* Also, this is a 8 week Cycle, and I plan to do another to "attempt" a beach body.*edit* I have no PCT planned, because from what I have been told, I am taking so little, it (hopefully) won't give me gyno, acne I am not worried about so much, I rarely get it and I have upped my water intake to about 1 1/2 gallons a day (aside from other fluids, ie milk+protein shakes). *edit* I am not worried about bodily hair ( I am already really hairy ) or losing hair on my head, I have already started balding due to genetics, and shave my head.*edit* I am also taking Saw Palmetto and Milk Thistle.

    As for diet, I am trying to lean out, so I have been gearing more towards healthy, lower fat foods. I drink 2-3 50g protein shakes a day, and my diet consists mainly of grilled chicken, with brown rice and vegetables. I do not count calories (yet?), I just use basic guidelines and foods, ie, rice cakes, tuna, fruit, veggies ect. I know I should be shooting for 1.5-2g of protein per lb of bodyweight, but have not gotten to that intake level yet, I just got my first injection 4 days ago, and do not expect results for another 2-3 weeks.

    I guess my question is, is this a good first cycle? Am I doing anything wrong? and basically any general feelings or thoughts on it, what I should expect, really anything.

    Hopefully I provided enough information without being too long winded, thanks for your time.

    Last edited by PowerLift86; 04-03-2008 at 12:01 PM.

  2. #2
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Great First Post Bro..

    Well First Of You Will Need A Pct Even If The Dosage Is Low As All Aas Will Shut Your Natty Test Down...

    Now The Basic First Cycle Should Be Test E At 400-500 Mgs Every Week Split Into X2 Shots Per Week 250mgs Mon And Same Thurs) For 12 Weeks

    You Caan Add A Dianabol Kicker To Get Your Self Going While You Wait For The Test To Kick In...

    If You Have Bad Joints Deca Will Help Alot Nd You Can Add It At Around 200mgs A Week For A Good Joint Lube If You Want To Go Full Whack With The Deca It Will Be 400mgs Every Week.

    Weeks 1-12 500mgs Test E Evry Week

    Weeks 1-10 400mgs Deca Every Week

    They Are The Basics Bro Now You Need To Go To The Pct Forum And Rad Read And Read Some More,also Go Look At The Steroid Profile Forum AT THE COMPOUNDS YOU WANT TO RUN And Look Into A.i,s For Controling Bloat Ect

  3. #3
    BIGDOGIRISH's Avatar
    BIGDOGIRISH is offline Associate Member
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    1/2 cc of each in 1pin seems like a lot of an injection.
    Isnt that 10ml in 1 needle??????

    How many mg of each you taking?

  4. #4
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BIGDOGIRISH View Post
    1/2 cc of each in 1pin seems like a lot of an injection.
    Isnt that 10ml in 1 needle??????

    How many mg of each you taking?
    no man 1/2 cc= 0.5 ml

    so x2 1/2 cc =1ml

    about chairshot

  5. #5
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    The thing is, going on cycle is only going to make you lift heavier which is going to do more damage. Yes deca will make the pain go away (temporarly) but comes back when I stop using it. I really think you need some time off to let your body naturally repair, if you keep training your only going to do more damage no matter what you take, pain is your body telling you something is hurt and not to use that body part as you are.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  6. #6
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    yes very true and i couldent agree moe^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  7. #7
    PowerLift86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    The thing is, going on cycle is only going to make you lift heavier which is going to do more damage. Yes deca will make the pain go away (temporarly) but comes back when I stop using it. I really think you need some time off to let your body naturally repair, if you keep training your only going to do more damage no matter what you take, pain is your body telling you something is hurt and not to use that body part as you are.
    I understand this, and I am willing to do it still. Thing is, I have already rehabilitated my shoulder and elbows through a modified training routine, and have taken over a year off from powerlifting to assist the healing of my joints. Thus my shoulders and elbows are back on track, and I can bench heavy again.

    On the other hand, the other joint issues, ie, my knee and hip, I cannot rehabilitate. Where I currently work, it is a solid concrete floor, where I walk all over every day, and at a fast pace, its just the type of environment I work in, and this is required of me, I am working towards getting more of a desk job to help the healing, but plan to be at the same place for a minimum of 5-10 years regardless.

    I do appreciate your input and understand the risks involved,

    Thank you,


  8. #8
    hauss man is offline Member
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    what exactly are your injuries

  9. #9
    PowerLift86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hauss man View Post
    what exactly are your injuries
    I wouldn't call them "injuries", in fact I didn't, thats not important, I just have join pains. Used to be shoulders/elbows/knees/hips. NOW it is just my right knee and left hip, ache, to the point where I have decided, rather than powerlifting now, I would like to be able to walk in 30 years. I could continue to lift with these joint pains, but I know it would only degrade them.



  10. #10
    hauss man is offline Member
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    i know a little bit about joint pains lol. what feds did you compete in?

  11. #11
    PowerLift86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hauss man View Post
    i know a little bit about joint pains lol. what feds did you compete in?
    Just the APF and AAPF.



  12. #12
    hauss man is offline Member
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    do train in briefs? i know that if i squat raw for an extended period of time my hips will start to ache. and are your knees coming forward when you squat?

  13. #13
    PowerLift86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hauss man View Post
    do train in briefs? i know that if i squat raw for an extended period of time my hips will start to ache. and are your knees coming forward when you squat?
    I trained with briefs when squats got to 315+, and yes my knees come forward.



  14. #14
    PowerLift86's Avatar
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    Anyone have any thoughts on the makeup of my cycle?

    As for PCT from what I am gathering (correct me if I am wrong), at this level of use, I shouldn't be worried about gyno, acne and all the other bad effects of cycling, but PCT for this would be more to bring my test levels to a natural level when coming off the cycle as to not stop all gains and lose it all?



  15. #15
    PowerLift86's Avatar
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    Also, I have read a bit a bout Anavar , and thought about implementing it into my next cycle (8 week beach body cycle

    Any thoughts on this? it would be once a week 125mg of Deca w/ 125mg of Sust250 and then the anavar would be what? 80mg a day?


    Last edited by PowerLift86; 04-05-2008 at 09:09 AM.

  16. #16
    PowerLift86's Avatar
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    According to the BMI Bodyfat Calculator, : "You have a Body Fat Percentage of 21.23%. You may want to try the south beach diet."

    haha, I guess thats a more accurate BF% than my guess on my first post at the top.

    So From what I am hearing, I should be shooting 200mg of Deca once a week, and maybe 100mg of sust250 eod?

    I am only on my 2nd week, getting ready to inject tommorow, Can I "salvage" this cycle?


    Last edited by PowerLift86; 04-05-2008 at 10:22 AM.

  17. #17
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    you will not benifit much from that cycle actually proboly not at all. 500mgs test is best

  18. #18
    PowerLift86's Avatar
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    Well thank you all for the opinions, I realize I am doing a low dosage, in my life right now, I cannot afford to gain weight too quick (too many questions), and I am looking to lean out a bit, this is why I am not taking Dbols or anything. For my next cycle I am thinking something like;

    week 1-10 Deca 1x a week 250mg
    week 1-12 Sust250 200mgX2 a week
    week 6-12 80mg of Anavar a day


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