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  1. #1
    kojak_x's Avatar
    kojak_x is offline Associate Member
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    Good age to start a cycle.

    Just quick question, Im ok for a cycle at 27 right?

  2. #2
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    have you gone as far as you can naturally. what are your stats?

  3. #3
    big_dubya33's Avatar
    big_dubya33 is offline Associate Member
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    did my first at 31

    I think 27 is fine with enough training experience (at least 2 years. some on here may say more). w/o some base gains will likely only be moderately sustainable

    good luck


  4. #4
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    please read:

  5. #5
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    I have 2 years of serious training, only 2 years of training period, and I mean serious. If there is a face in my gym that you would have seen there week after week pushing hard all the time it would be me. I have never seen consistency like me. My diet is solid, not perfect (who's diet is). I take bodybuilding serious. Im always reading, always researching.

    My stats are 150lbs 12% BF,

  6. #6
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Pffff if you're 150 lbs and can't get above it naturally, there are SERIOUS problems with your diet and/or training.

    I hate to be the one to burst your "steroids are magic" bubble, but your body needs an adequate amount of calories for growth regardless of if you're on steroids or not. Pretty much all steroids do is speed up protein synthesis. Imagine your body like a house. You can't build a house without enough bricks (calories) no matter how fast your workers can work (steroids).

    Think about it... where do pounds of muscle come from... water? air? oil from steroids? the milligrams of powder that are in steroid oils? Does your body violate the laws of physics and create matter from nothing?

    NO they come from raw materials you provide your body with, aka FOOD!!!

    I can tell you with 100% confidence that your problem is simply not enough calories every day. And maybe your workouts suck too. I was a hardgainer too... until I fixed my diet. Started eating 3500-4000 calories EVERY DAY of clean foods, and guess what? I went from 135 - 185 natural, in 1 1/2 years, with a 1-2% gain in bodyfat. Thats like 4 lbs of fat and 46 lbs of muscle.
    Last edited by AandF6969; 04-03-2008 at 05:47 PM.

  7. #7
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    don't be sorry, if you knew where i started you wouldn't be saying that.
    I started at 115lbs, my mother and father are both under 120 as of now. its called genetics.

  8. #8
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    don't be sorry, if you knew where i started you wouldn't be saying that.
    I started at 115lbs, my mother and father are both under 120 as of now. its called genetics.
    How many grams of protein/fat/carbs do you eat every day?

  9. #9
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    bulking diet I run for 3 months

    358 carbs 35%
    364 protein 38%
    114 fat 27%

  10. #10
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    I'd probably post your diet up in the diet forum meal by meal to see if there are any major problems with it...

  11. #11
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    why the hell am I explaining my diet in a thread I started about age. I'll continue this later, have to go out. I wish I knew you in the realworld cause I sure would like to talk to u face to face

  12. #12
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    why the hell am I explaining my diet in a thread I started about age. I'll continue this later, have to go out. I wish I knew you in the realworld cause I sure would like to talk to u face to face
    lol why? I'm not really intimidated by your 150lbs of pure mass.

    Sorry if I'm pointing out that there may be problems in your diet, and suggesting you provide it to us so we can HELP you... but go ahead and juice, see how your results are with a less than optimal diet. No skin off my back amigo.

  13. #13
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    there aren't problems with my diet, its in check, better then yours if this where a battle. If know what Im doing period. Im genetically a small person, with a very high matabolism.

  14. #14
    SaSqUaDgE's Avatar
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    my parents are little as well and i went from wei***ng to 110 to 195 lbs in a year from hard training and correct dieting so i think just imo you could lift for longer gain all ur natural first

  15. #15
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    ok tough guy, anyways im not planning on a cycle any time soon, mabye in a few years. You just think you know. I most likey lift more natrual then you do juiced.

  16. #16
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    why the hell am I explaining my diet in a thread I started about age.
    ...because age isn't the only indicator of whether or not your ready for a cycle. At 150lbs your not ready for a cycle.

  17. #17
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    I will never reach 195 lbs natraul. I take 5000 cal for 3 months on a diet of a pro would take and still don't gain. I burn with a my physcal work about 3000-3500 cal a day with out weightlifting. With it at least 4000 to 4500, if I stop anywhere under 4000 cal I start losing wieght.

  18. #18
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^It could also be your training.

  19. #19
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    ok tough guy, anyways im not planning on a cycle any time soon, mabye in a few years. You just think you know. I most likey lift more natrual then you do juiced.
    Really? What do you bench and squat? I'd be curious to know. Since we're having a penis measuring contest here.

  20. #20
    tadpoleboyy is offline Member
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    this dude sounds like hes just copy n pasting shit, theres no way you can each that much and weigh 150. Physically impossible. This guy is probably some 16 year old kid on a computer during study hall.

    kojak, you should post some pics of your excellent physic, you seem to know what you are talking about...

  21. #21
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    not another one of these keyboard cowboy threads

  22. #22
    SaSqUaDgE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    ok tough guy, anyways im not planning on a cycle any time soon, mabye in a few years. You just think you know. I most likey lift more natrual then you do juiced.
    ok so im a tough guy cuz im sayen your training needs to be adjusted and so does your diet my bad

  23. #23
    SaSqUaDgE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    ok tough guy, anyways im not planning on a cycle any time soon, mabye in a few years. You just think you know. I most likey lift more natrual then you do juiced.
    oh another thing i havent touched gear im 18 tough guy

  24. #24
    malidfa's Avatar
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    u are at a good age to do a cycle but not at 150lbs u would need to put on more weight before u start a cycle

  25. #25
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    ok guys your all right, at a 150 lbs is not a good weight to start a cycle. Then what would you say a good weight would be then?

  26. #26
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    ok guys your all right, at a 150 lbs is not a good weight to start a cycle. Then what would you say a good weight would be then?
    Depends on your height.

  27. #27
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    5'7 is my height

  28. #28
    AandF6969's Avatar
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    I'd probably say at least 170-180 lbs... should be easily attainable with a proper diet and training.

  29. #29
    hauss man is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969 View Post
    Really? What do you bench and squat? I'd be curious to know. Since we're having a penis measuring contest here.
    don't forget the deadlift

  30. #30
    hauss man is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    I burn with a my physcal work about 3000-3500 cal a day with out weightlifting.
    what is your job?

  31. #31
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    Ok thats fine, I take your word you know what your talking about, but why is it so hard for you to take my word that I'm following a proper diet and training. I know of guys personnally that are 160lbs, around mabey 8% BF. They have been training much longer then me , about 6 years for both of them. There on the sauce by the way.
    I seen the one guy bench 350lbs clean. Now Im 10lbs lighter them him.
    Now the thing pissing me off is that it seems like I have to prove to you that I can't gain any more weight. Doesn't it matter that some people natrually are 225lbs of muscle, and some people are just natraully skinny.
    I know that the sauce is not some magic answer, Im not a moron at 27 years old. Im not going to do something that might kill me or do me damage.
    Also as for actual weight that I lift I do pretty good, (I think anyways,) 225 Sqaut (deep) same for deadlift, 205 for bench. I started real weak I started benching 65lbs ( and that was hard as hell). Oh and that 5x5 for each or 3x8 for each deadlift , squat, bench

    The reason Im looking into AAS is because no matter what you guys say, (I can't spend my life trying to prove to you guys about my diet and training. I personnally truly believe I have come close or truly reached my limit. For wieght and strenght natraully. Im sure after 10 more years Im going to gain more weight and strength, mabey then I'll reach 170-185, no on the real thats along time. Im sure you guys could of reached you current weightand strength natrally in 10 years but you decided to go on the gear instead.

  32. #32
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    Im a butcher, very physical, alot of heavy lifting, You should see me carry a hind of beef on my shoulder at a 150lbs, a hind is about 190lbs of dead weight.
    Last edited by kojak_x; 04-03-2008 at 09:59 PM.

  33. #33
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    I don't want to give the wrong impression that I know everything I DON;t thats why Im asking you guys about something that you all know much more then me about, but just because Im 150lbs you shouldn't assume my training is completly off and so is my diet and that is whats getting me frustrated. Im just small to begin with, Im sure you guys were alot bigger then me when I started. The guys I mentioned earlier, I wounder if they got the same grief as me.
    Last edited by kojak_x; 04-03-2008 at 10:06 PM.

  34. #34
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^^We're simply asking you to post your diet even if you think it is perfect. It's to help you out not to make fun of you. You came on here for help and this is definitely the right place. Now we just need some info from you to be able to give you that help. By the sounds of it your very dedicated and you have pretty decent lifts for your size, but something has to be off if you can't gain weight.

  35. #35
    mkrulic is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kojak_x View Post
    I will never reach 195 lbs natraul. I take 5000 cal for 3 months on a diet of a pro would take and still don't gain. I burn with a my physcal work about 3000-3500 cal a day with out weightlifting. With it at least 4000 to 4500, if I stop anywhere under 4000 cal I start losing wieght.
    youre at least 1200 cals over maintaniance cals. you would be gaining a pound e3d. gotta raise the bs flag on this.

  36. #36
    kojak_x's Avatar
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    sorry its 4000 cal, a day, and I do gain weight, I was up at about 158, but I was also on creatine, after the extra water rentention, clothing, and everything in my intenstines from the steady food always consuming, Im 150. Also I could bring up the cal to at least 4500, but then I would be gaining all fat with very min amount of lean muscle compared to fat. I just dropped some weight (from 158) because I wanted to lose some of the fat. I was 14% BF and now 12%,
    Im also not saying my diet is perfect but Im telling you its pretty good (in my opinion) when I do my bulking fase for 3 months.
    Ok this tread has gone on long enough, Im going to try tonight and give you a detailed explantion of my diet under a new thread in the nutrition. Hopefully you you'll see something Im not and you can help me out and it will be apprieciated. Hey worst comes to worst I'll fix my diet (if it needs fixing) and gain more muscle. Now that can't be bad, and thx for the help.
    Last edited by kojak_x; 04-04-2008 at 04:07 PM.

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