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  1. #1
    Testi20 is offline New Member
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    Jan 2008

    Want to hit single digit BF % need critique on diet and gear

    Need your help guys ...

    215 lbs
    About 14 % bf , vascularity around arms and chest , midsection soft.

    I'm going to run this stack through summer as 2nd cycle:

    1-12 Test E 600 mg/wk
    1-6 Dbol 50 mg/ed

    I know this isn't ideal cycle for cut because of water rentation. However I have never experienced any bloating from test or dbol. My main goal is to drop bodyfat and hopefully hit single digit bf while preserving and gain some mass. Is this possible? or complete waste of gear? Throw in clen and Winstrol ?

    Diet will consist of ....

    6:00 Am Cardio

    7:00 Myoplex Original with 1/banana and oatmeal

    10:00 Fat free Yogurt

    12:00 Chicken breast with brown rice

    14:00 Omelette from 3 whole egg and 3 eggwhites and ham

    16:00 Two bananas, 40 grams Whey Protein as Pre workout

    18:00 Post-Workout Myoplex Original with 1 banana and oatmeal + 20 grams of whey

    20:00 Chicken breast with brown rice/ or Fish with potato

    22:00 20 grams whey protein and BCAA, Before bed

    Training schedule:

    Mon: Chest,
    Tue: Arms
    Wed: Legs
    Thurs: Off
    Fri: Shoulders
    Sat: Back

    With 4-5 days of one hour morning cardio.

    What do you think of my diet ... what needs work

    Please give me all your criticism

    I appreciate your time

  2. #2
    malidfa's Avatar
    malidfa is offline Member
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    you could hit single digits just with good diet and cardio. not sure if i would use enan and dbols for a cutting cycle .
    alos how old are u and have u calculated all the macros on that diet do u know what it works out to be, protein,carb,fat

  3. #3
    BONE.CRUSHER is offline Banned
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    Sydney, Australia
    i would save the fat free yogurt for post workout because it wil have sugar in it. I havent checked with all fat free yogurts but most foods with no fat are high in sugar.

  4. #4
    fdrx7man's Avatar
    fdrx7man is offline Member
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    it looks fairly good i think.. single digits shouldnt be a problem.. heck im going for it as soon as im off my cycle im on.. but ill be usin dnp as a kicker again.. but still my diet will be strict!

  5. #5
    dt_dolce is offline New Member
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    Dec 2007
    looks good to me, if i were to change anything i would say run winny for last 4 weeks and switch your arms and legs, give the upper body more recovery time

  6. #6
    Testi20 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Thanks for your replies

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