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Thread: Tbol With What?

  1. #1
    respek is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Tbol With What?

    I currently weigh 215 lbs at approx. 15% bf. My goal is to bring my bf down to single digits and maintain (NOT get bigger), and get more vascular/harder. I am going to take tbol for 6-8 wks at 50 mg/daily. What would you recommend that I add to this cycle? Again, I am not looking to get huge and I am concerned about hair loss and shutting down.

    A few compounds I have thought of are (I only want one of them with the 50mg of tbol daily) either primo, parabolin, eq or anavar . At what dosage?

  2. #2
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Well i would have looked at anavar this cycle. With the goals you want, anavar or cheaper winstrol i think would be been a better idea. If you already have the tbol, look into clen for burning the fat. the tbol will cause you to gain muscle and dry weight. but i think you should get that harder feeling that your look for as well. I'm going to be starting a tbol cycle as well. However before that i'm doing a DNP cycle for cutting. You could reverse it and start your tbol cycle then do a cycle of DNP to shred the fat. Bottom line research, let me know what you decide. I'm curious to see which way you decide.

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