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Thread: Test Cycle

  1. #1
    asavage24 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Test Cycle

    hey guys,
    just finished my 10 week cycle of test-e. i was wanting to start cutting by using winstrol or another cutting steroid . is it too late to start another cycle even though i already finished my 10 WEEK test cycle? if i take a short break for PCT using tamoxifen citrate(2-3 weeks or less) and then start winstrol will my natural test levels be screwed up. please help!!!


  2. #2
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Your definitely gonna want to take an appropriate amount of time off. The general rule of thumb is time on + PCT=time off. So 10 weeks plus how ever long your PCT is, which should usually last 4-6 weeks. By the sounds of it, you also need to work on your PCT. Nolva alone will not suffice.

    Remember this is your endocrine system your messing with. You need to take the proper precautions. As for gaining back you naty test levels, the only true way to know is your test levels are normal is to get bloodwork. However, with that short of a break and that PCT I can gurantee it will not be back to normal.

  3. #3
    asavage24 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    sounds good. thanks bro for your time and input

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