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  1. #1
    beyou is offline New Member
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    Apr 2008

    cyp,ene,prop together

    heres the break down im on about my 7 cycle last one was 2 years ago. im 30 yrs 511 and down to 165 now naturally thin gentics.
    i have eq 200 cyp 250 and enet 250 and mastoron 100 (prop). cyp and enet pretty much the same should i use them together?
    im on my second week first week 1cc eq 1cc cyp second week 1cc eq 1cc cyp and depending on some info i wanna through in 1 cc of enet. by week 4 i will be up too 11/2 or 2 cc i was thinking of starting the mast about week 4 or 5? good idea or not. any help to crytic this cycle let me know. i have nolv and clomid. any info at all will be most helpfull

  2. #2
    fdrx7man's Avatar
    fdrx7man is offline Member
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    uhh dude why dont u just search and look.. you will notice not 24 hours ago i said almost the exact same thing using prop, e, and c together for your own blend of test..

    the results are pick e or c dont run both.. u can but why??

    prop is an excelelnt kick starter for test e or c run for 2-3 weeks in the start to get things moving! and also end with a week or two of prop!

  3. #3
    fdrx7man's Avatar
    fdrx7man is offline Member
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    and might as well run mast the whole way.. and perosonally u need to be on test c or e for 10 weeks min..

  4. #4
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    what??? first off it dont matter if you switch from cyp to ena. yes basically the same. but why you changing ur cc's? that makes no sence then your swithcing to prop? i dont understand you objective here?

  5. #5
    beyou is offline New Member
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    i only got 10cc of c and 10 of e thats the main reason i ask so i can run it longer. do them together or one after another

  6. #6
    beyou is offline New Member
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    not switching to prop just goig to start adding. a had also read a form of taking the mast to help with pct after stopping the cyp and e. is this true

  7. #7
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    u shouldnt add a short ester after a long ...u can start with prop then hit up the cyp or enan. for the other question then yeah its okay to switch from cyp to enanth...dont add them just switch....half lifes are a few hr diff/

  8. #8
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    No you need a real pct. Masteron is not pct. You can run masteron at the end of your cycle right up to pct though

  9. #9
    largerthannormal's Avatar
    largerthannormal is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    No you need a real pct. Masteron is not pct. You can run masteron at the end of your cycle right up to pct though
    i dont see where he said he was gonna use this as a PCT bro??? he said he got nolva and clomid for that

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