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  1. #1
    es1167 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    sust & masteron cycle?

    I have the chance to obtain some sust at 300mg/ml and masteron at 100mg/ml. would these be two good compounds to cycle together? And what would be the ideal dosing to run it at? I'm just trying to get an idea for when I decide to run it later.

    My stats are 6'0 230, 23 years. Not sure about bf but I've been lifting seriously for around 5 years. My most current cycle and my first was Test Prop and Win.

    Prop 1-10 Weeks at 100mg EOD
    Win 5-10 Wekks at 50mg ED

  2. #2
    fdrx7man's Avatar
    fdrx7man is offline Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    yes there pretty good.. id run the sust at 600mg a week for 10-12 weeks..

    and add the mast starting around week 4 to the end at 50mg a day then maybe go up to 75mg a day near the end.. should get some decent size and pretty hard off that stack!

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