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  1. #1
    jaysfan773 is offline New Member
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    Just started my first cycle

    Hi, I've been reading on here for a while and this site is fantastic!

    So I just started my first cycle ever
    - 12 weeks.
    - 2cc or Test-Prop Taken every other day.

    My first injection was 24 hours ago - and the injection site (upper-outer quarter of buttox) is still in serious pain.

    I was reading to massage it immediately after the next injection.(I didn't do this). - is there anything else to do to reduce the pain?

    Also - while on the cycle can i take NO2 (Superpump250) or is it pointless? - Also is ZMA pointless too?

  2. #2
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    It's sore most likely due to being virgin muscle, after about your 3rd injection that will be much less painful. How much did you inject? how long and big was your neddle? Massaging is good right after your injection to help disperse the medicine.

  3. #3
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    oh yes, make sure you rotate, test prop requires EOD injections so you will need to use your butt as well as something else, either your shoulders or thighs, that will hurt even more.

  4. #4
    hobbs9963's Avatar
    hobbs9963 is offline Associate Member
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    You need to tell us mgs, not cc's.
    How long you been working out and how serious are you?
    Be straight with us and we'll be straight with you.

  5. #5
    jaysfan773 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the responses The needle was 2" long i think 25gauge. I think Im'm supposed to rotate once a week is that correct?

    I'm not 100% sure on the MG - I will find out for sure tomorrow - Not at home right now.

    I've been working out for 4 years. - I'm very serious - to the fact that I haven't cheated on my diet.. even once.. for the last 4 years. (with the exception of a few beers)

    I started 4 years ago at 146lbs at about 5% bf (i was a runner) now I'm 186lbs about 15%bf.

    I'm 22years old.

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaysfan773 View Post
    Thanks for the responses The needle was 2" long i think 25gauge. I think Im'm supposed to rotate once a week is that correct?
    a 2" long needle is not at all typical.
    If you're shooting eod, you should rotate sites eod.

  7. #7
    Johnny_Rotten's Avatar
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    Hey bro,I was so sore after my first injection. That was nearly a month ago. It was in the glute too & i could barely walk after it. I had to go to work & i was hobbling around like a rape victim haha.But it gets better, i think by about the 4-5th injection i was sweet..It will get better soon. Also just take it slow on pushing the juice in, i've personally found that slow & steady works well for me.Hope it aint too bad. Best of luck bro.

  8. #8
    jaysfan773 is offline New Member
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    Thanks a ton for the help - i'm a bit relieved that the pain will eventually stop (it hurts like a bitch) ah well. it will be worth it. I think I'm going to go out and buy new needles anyways.. I read that 22gauge is better than 25gauge - can anyone recommend the best one to get?

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
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    I use 25ga. Why would 22 be better?

  10. #10
    hobbs9963's Avatar
    hobbs9963 is offline Associate Member
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    Are you shooting now? There's no way you should be injecting anything unless you know exactly what you are shooting. Don't mean to sound like a smart a##. You don't even know the gauge of your needle? I really want to help bro but get your stuff together. AS isn't like beer where you can have a few and go to bed. I'm not being a smarta##.

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    I agree, just from what you have posted, a lot more research should have been done before you shot anything.
    What are your stats?
    What is your pct?

  12. #12
    hobbs9963's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaysfan773 View Post
    Thanks a ton for the help - i'm a bit relieved that the pain will eventually stop (it hurts like a bitch) ah well. it will be worth it. I think I'm going to go out and buy new needles anyways.. I read that 22gauge is better than 25gauge - can anyone recommend the best one to get?
    Different sizes for different locations. 1.5 for glutes and 1.0 for quads and tri's.
    I prefer 23 gauge.

  13. #13
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    agreed with Hobbs, know what your putting in your body. As for needle size, I like to go with the largest gauge I can get away with, for water based gear thats around 25-26 gauge for oil based its closer to 22-23 gauge. Also, rotate every single injection, never use the same spot twice, give it time to heal. use you left glute day 1 next injection on day 3 use the right glute, day 5 use right shoulder, etc.

  14. #14
    jaysfan773 is offline New Member
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    Hi, Thanks for the replies - and the concern - I know I still have alot to learn.

    The concentration is 100mg/ml = So I am taking 200mg every other day.

    It says
    "Each ml contains a sterile solution of 100mg testosterone propinate with 2%benzyl alcohol as a preservative in cottonseed oil."

    The needles I have are 25ga - on the packages - i can't see length measurement but it looks like its a bit over 1".

    For PCT I've got Novadex XT.

    When you asked 'What are your Stats' what did this mean? - Thanks.

  15. #15
    200byjune's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=jaysfan773;3911331]For PCT I've got Novadex XT.

    novedex xt is not a good pct

  16. #16
    jaysfan773 is offline New Member
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    Okay... I did a ton more research and got my shit together.. Thanks very much for the help everyone..

    This is what I am currently doing (on day 6)

    Every other day for 12 weeks
    Testosterone Propinate 200mg Injection

    Every day for the first 4 weeks of the cycle
    Methandrostenolone 25mg

    Every single day for the whole cycle and afterwards
    300mg Milk Thistle

    Every other day for the 12 weeks of the cycle
    .5ml Anastrozole

    PCT - Will do once cycle finishes
    Every day for 30 days
    .25ml Anastrozole
    100mg Clomid

    Please let me know if there are any concerns or problems or suggested changes.


  17. #17
    D-Unit 39's Avatar
    D-Unit 39 is offline Member
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    I would scrap the .5ml of Anastrozole (Armidex) during the cycle unless you have side effects you need to battle.

    Save it for the PCT. And what is the concentration (mg/ml) of your Anastrozole solution?

  18. #18
    jaysfan773 is offline New Member
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    My Anastrozole is 1mg/Ml

    I'll stop using it on my cycle unless I start to feel gyno. - ive been constantly checking...

    How does the rest of the cycle look?

    I did an injection in my leg - it REALLY hurts - i'm having alot of trouble with stairs... I guess it's the 'Virgin Muscle' - Does it take 4-5 shots before the pain starts going away?? is that in total or per muscle group??


  19. #19
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    your prop is 200mg/cc? Thats gonna hurt like hell, esp in virgin muscle..shoot ed to reduce injection volume and try cutting with sterile oil if its still painful..this is why prop usually isnt recommended for a first cycle

  20. #20
    kfrost06's Avatar
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    I personally do not take an AI unless I need it. I would hold off on taking the Anastrozole unless you start to show signs of gyno and even then I would go on Nolva first before jumping on Anastrozole.

    Second I think the PCT could be a little better. I'd wait about 5 days after your last test injection and start 100mg clomid ED and the nolva at 20 mg ED. After first week drop clomid to 50mg. Also take an Anastrozole ED for the first 3 weeks. and the 4th just take the clomid/nolva.

    Good luck with your cycle! Make sure to take before and after pics and post your results.

  21. #21
    jaysfan773 is offline New Member
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    - The prop is 100mg/cc - I'm taking 2cc eod.
    - Sterile oil - thats a good idea.. Where can I get this? (I'm assuming its legal)
    - Prop was not my first choice, but I trusted the source more than sources offering other types.

    Kfrost - I'll make the adjustments to my PCT plan.. I'm using a calandar to make sure I take everything at the right time on the right days.

    I'll have the gf take some before pictures tonight - I almost forgot :P

    One more question - when is a good time in the day to take the Methandrostenolone - is it ok to take with food?.. also am I taking enough milk thistle?

    Thanks again for all the help this is a terrific forum

  22. #22
    jaysfan773 is offline New Member
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    Okay.. As suggested,, I stopped taking Anastrozole every other day..... Now (2 weeks in) I'm getting some light Gyno.... - and I'm a bit freaked.. but going to fix it..

    This guide says to take Letro.. - I'm going to try to get some..
    All you need to know about GYNO.

    Is this the way to go? Is there anything I can do with the Anastrozole?? or do I need Nolva..

    I've got the clomid for the pct but I'm a bit freaked about the gyno and want to fix it Asap..

    Please let me know - Thanks

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