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  1. #1
    wukillabee's Avatar
    wukillabee is offline Senior Member
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    Quick Injection Question

    Reading the educational thread on injecting it says to aspirate the syrange by pulling the plunger back while the needle is in u to see if 1) air comes out and if so then inject away or 2) blood droplets come out then withdraw, switch needle and try again because u hit a blood vessel. My question is: is it necessary to do this everytime u inject no matter the injection site, quads, glutes, etc? I know when the doctor gives me a shot in shoulder say like a flu shot they just poke and inject. I dont remember seeing them aspirate the syrange to see if air bubbles come in or blood before they inject.

  2. #2
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Yes it is necessary. The dr isnt giving you a test shot. There are people on here who have shot into a vein by accident and regreted it. Most commonly they feel like they are in severe respiratory distress. Every medication acts differently. Some meds are fine if it goes into the blood stream. Some meds its not good at all.

  3. #3
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    yer you wouldnet want a couple of ml of oil going to your heart............would you?

  4. #4
    wukillabee's Avatar
    wukillabee is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    Yes it is necessary. The dr isnt giving you a test shot. There are people on here who have shot into a vein by accident and regreted it. Most commonly they feel like they are in severe respiratory distress. Every medication acts differently. Some meds are fine if it goes into the blood stream. Some meds its not good at all.
    Finally, thank you for clearing that up for me. I asked the question in my first cycle post and after 2 days of no response i post a new thread and get the answer in less than 5 minutes. Another quick question, after i suck all the juice into the syrange do i A) change the needle then push a tad on the plunger to get the air bubbles out or B) after withdrawing from vial push a tad on the plunger to get the air bubbles out then change the needle before injecting? I would assume A since it would make more sense and if some oil came out it would lube the actual needle that would be going in me. Just want to make sure and get all my bases right before i do this. Thanks again for any help from u guys!

  5. #5
    nowdenlid is offline Banned
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    i draw my oil in the barral then take old neddle of,put new one on press plunger untill 1 drop of runs down pin,then inject.thhe slower you draw the less bubbles you get

  6. #6
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    Go for A. No need to lube the needle that you are going to change. If you go with B you will wind up wasting some of the good stuff.
    You should actually draw all of the fluid out of the needle and into the syringe. Then change needles. This way you are sure that you are wasting as little as possible.
    So in practice you should draw the fluid from the vial. THen pull the plunger out until you have about 1/2 ml of air in the syringe. Remove the needle. I personally tap the plunger a couple of times on the sink to cause the air bubbles to rise to the top ( kind of like you would pack a cigarette). Then put a new needle on and get the fluid to the tip. (I personally think lubing the needle is a waste) Then poke > aspirate > plunge.

  7. #7
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    Go for A. No need to lube the needle that you are going to change. If you go with B you will wind up wasting some of the good stuff.
    You should actually draw all of the fluid out of the needle and into the syringe. Then change needles. This way you are sure that you are wasting as little as possible.
    So in practice you should draw the fluid from the vial. THen pull the plunger out until you have about 1/2 ml of air in the syringe. Remove the needle. I personally tap the plunger a couple of times on the sink to cause the air bubbles to rise to the top ( kind of like you would pack a cigarette). Then put a new needle on and get the fluid to the tip. (I personally think lubing the needle is a waste) Then poke > aspirate> plunge.
    exactly what i was thinking, just wanted some reasurance. I dont mean full on lubing, just pusking out the air bubbles to the point where a drop of oil comes out the needle then poke. Trust me, no way am i tryin to loose or waste any goods! Just tryin to be as safes possible and get the most outa my juice/cycle.

  8. #8
    Barbaros is offline New Member
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    In 9 years of steroid use I had to change 1 needle because of blood coming out, so do it! doesn't happen very often but it does happen

  9. #9
    wukillabee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbaros View Post
    In 9 years of steroid use I had to change 1 needle because of blood coming out, so do it! doesn't happen very often but it does happen
    Will do, thank you! Ive just never heard of this until i read the educational threads talking about it. I remeber my friends at the gym, some i even injected and i/they just poked and injected. Never hears of aspirating the syrange while its in u to see if u it a blood vessel, now i know. My friends were very dumb as u can see, they only used ergopharm's 6-oxo for pct from test & deca cycle, haha. No wonder why they didnt keep their gains and one came out wit bitch tits! Im just trying to learn as much as possible before i start. I plan on starting my first cycle in late august or early september. CHeck out my first thread at the top of this forum titled first cycle help and tell me what u think.

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