Hi all,

Just got 400 **** var in. Debating whether to do 70mg/ day for 8 weeks or 80mg/ day for 7 weeks. What do you think?

Am really exited about **** products as heard nothing but positive feedback.

Also have some testoviron test e left over from my first test e dbol cycle. Tempted to run 250-350mg/week along with the var but got acne quite bad on my last cyle (test e 500mg/ week 12 weeks, dbol 30mg/week, 4 weeks.) and don't want a repeat.

Unfortunately as I ran 2 compounds I dont know if it was the test or dbol that triggered it! If only I'd listened!!

I am trying to cut fat and add 7-10lbs LBM.

Any advice and recommendations are much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.