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Thread: Drug Testing

  1. #1
    TheRonin's Avatar
    TheRonin is offline New Member
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    Drug Testing

    Hi, I recently had a random drug test.
    I was wondering if my juice would show.

    I currently take Dbol and Sustaplex 325 which contains

    Testosterone Acetate
    Testosterone Propionate
    Testosterone Phenylpropionate
    Testosterone Cypionate
    Testosterone Decanoate

  2. #2
    jAcKeD!!!!'s Avatar
    jAcKeD!!!! is offline chemically engineered
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    On, CANADA
    detention time is 3 months

  3. #3
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2006
    It depends if they are testing for aas or not. Are you an athlete?

  4. #4
    TheRonin's Avatar
    TheRonin is offline New Member
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    Jan 2007
    no I'm not an athlete, I'm in the Military

  5. #5
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2006
    I found this post from Dizz a while ago that sums up what the military tests for.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28 View Post
    I posted this a few months ago in here...

    A normal entry/discharge physical for the U.S. Military is:

    1. Lipid profile
    2. Fasting blood suger
    3. HIV
    4. RPR (syphilis)
    5. Hearing + sight
    6. Recreational drug + Alcohol test (does not include hormones, peptides)

    And then routine physicals while your in only test for the top 5 because they do routine random urine tests anyway...once again..only testing for REC drugs

    Special physicals like Flight, Dive or BUDs test for all of the above plus:
    1. Complete metabolism (chem 16)
    2. Chest X-ray
    3. EKG

    As long as you stay away from street drugs you should be shouldn't be doing that crap anyway in the military and especially if you are flying. I'm pretty sure that even if you take Sudafed you get grounded...

    Hope this helps

  6. #6
    Ghost20 is offline New Member
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    Know this thread is old so I hope I can still get a response. I'm on my 3rd week of sustanon 250. 4th injection will be in two days and my military flight physical for the Guard is this Saturday. Do I have anything at all to worry about??? Plus I'm not quite sure what "complete metabolism (chem 16) is. Thanks so much!

  7. #7
    Jay_notellin is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2005
    They will not test for anabolics unless they suspect it. You should be good to go.

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