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Thread: advice please

  1. #1
    Wasted_2k is offline New Member
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    May 2006

    advice please


    hi guys just wondering if i could trouble you for some advice,im about 5 weeks into my first course current shooting 2ml per week sunday-wednesday of anomass 400 (testosterone deconate 225 mg,nandrone deconate 100mgboldeenon undecylenate 75mg per ml)
    however i dont feel any differnt i have not got any stronger or no change in my mood,muscle dont feel harder etc,

    ive had a chest infection for the past 2 weeks and i am currently taking ciprofloxacin.which finished in 4 days

    Im thinking the gear is moody from what i hear u should really feel a diffrent on your first cycle,should i pull of cycle and commence therapy just in case?

    diet wise im eating 3600 cal a day
    230g carbs
    270g protien
    50g fat

    also a firend i know from the gym is using the same stuff and he says he feels no differnt (8th jab)either no temperment change etc so id dont think me being ill for past 2 weeks has anything to do with it,im lost.PLease help

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated,thank you
    Last edited by Wasted_2k; 04-17-2008 at 03:39 AM.

  2. #2
    ChuckLee's Avatar
    ChuckLee is offline Scammer
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    EDIT OUT THE UG LAB NAME, IT'S AGAINST THE RULES!!!!! you are shoting 450mg test, 200mg deca and 150mg of EQ per those dosages you'll see only few gains from the test. If you are an experienced AAs user you could bump it at 3 or 4ml per week to achieve something from deca and EQ as well.
    What are your stats? Age?


  3. #3
    Wasted_2k is offline New Member
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    May 2006
    No im not an experienced aas user,this is my first course,do u think the dosage is too low??

    obvoulsy my concern is that if its not real what damage am i doing injecting,would it be best to pull of the gear start pct in a few weks then start a new cycle?? or am i being over cautious?

  4. #4
    PT's Avatar
    PT is offline DUNAMIS ~ AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    first off 150mgs of eq and 200mg of deca are way to low of a dose to see results. 2nd, if this is your first cycle a simple 500mgs of test a week would do the job. try posting a pic of your gear and maybe someone can tell you if it is real or fake

  5. #5
    Wasted_2k is offline New Member
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    May 2006
    yeh il upload a pic,im due to jab again today but iam worried now as the more i think about it the more i worry its no good,on a side not my testicals have no shrunk and dont feel tight or any diffent.

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