Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
WOW buddy..750mg/w of test is way much for a newb... ur androgen recptors are perfect ..start off with 500mg/w def because if you **** with your receptors now u will need more and more test or pure androgens in your future cycles to see any gains!..and chuck the anadrol because ur bf is way to high!

DO NOT DO WINNI WITHOUT TEST PROPINATE!..winni does not burn fat its put striations in ppl with low bf percentages!, so without diet and cardio, winni does not burn bf {but clen does}. If anything test with aid in burning fat b/c androgens burn fat also!...do ur research!
bro i appreciate ur help, ive already decided not to do a cycle, and plz dont tell me to do my research ive done it already and still am doing it cuz if i wasnt id already be half way into a fuc**d up cycle like many other people on this forum