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  1. #1
    grec79 is offline Junior Member
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    Just got in my gear!!

    So I just got some Mexican gear, I have 3 X 10ML bottles of Test E 250mg; and 32X 10ML bottles of deca 300mg. My cycle will be 250mg of test E3D, and 150 mg of Deca along with it so it will pretty much consist of: 500 mg of Test E / wk. and 300 mg of Deca/ wk. I have been taking Letro for about 7 days now and am gonna stay on it at .25mg a day for another week or so, then I will probably only use Liquidex if need be. My stats are age 29, 155lbs, about 8% body fat haven't measured just going by what people say, 5' 8", I have been taking in about 3500 calories on workout days and about 3200 on non work out days, Usually about 250- 300 grams of protein, about 350- 400 grams carbs, and 65- 80 grams of fat, this will be my 2nd cycle last year did Test Prop 300, and Deca 300. I have 3ML 23G 1" pins and plan on doing glut shots. Are these the right size needles for my app. So my only questions really are: 1: Should I up my calories intake? or cut it ? 2: Should I front load my first 2 Test shots instead of 250mg every 3rd day do 500mg? 3: what would be my ideal PCT for this cycle? I have on hand about 15 ML of Letro and 30ML of Liquidex. and finally 4: Should I use Clen about 5 weeks into this cycle to keep water retention down? thanks to anyone who helps me out I know I am asking alot. There are just so many different opinions from everyone that I am lost now, and I know theres a whole bunch of you who really know your sh!t, and I respect your opinions.
    Last edited by grec79; 04-23-2008 at 03:33 PM.

  2. #2
    orton4 is offline Member
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    1.5"pins are a bit better on glutes depending on how much fat you have there... and what are your goals for the cycle? I would up my cals to about 4500.. you can front load if you want but seeing that you have 20ml of test, i would shoot every mond and thursday, i wouldnt front load so i can run a full 10 wks of the test... 12 wks would be better, but doesnt seem like you have enough to do that... and make sure you dont run your deca longer than your test. i would stop deca 2 weeks prior to test.. but seeing your cycle will only last around 10wks... 8 weeks doesnt seem like enough time to fully and efficiently run your deca... i would try to score some nolva and run that in your pct when you finish up with the cycle along with the liquidex

    bump for more opinions

  3. #3
    grec79 is offline Junior Member
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    i just edited the post I have 30Ml of test and 20Ml deca I made a mistake it was 3 bottles test and 2 Deca. I will be shooting for 12-13 weeks on Test and 10- 11 weeks on the Deca. thanks for the advice. Would you say I should run the liquedex durning my cycle I am very gyno prone, and if so, what doseage? Thanks

  4. #4
    orton4 is offline Member
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    ahh okay that sounds a lot better... umm yeah def if your gyno prone id say run it through out... whats it dosed at?

  5. #5
    PimpStick's Avatar
    PimpStick is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by orton4 View Post
    1.5"pins are a bit better on glutes depending on how much fat you have there...
    Amen to that. I find that 1.5 is great for glutes or quads.

  6. #6
    grec79 is offline Junior Member
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    Its from ARR its says its 30 ml bottle at 1ml/mg so 1ml of liquid would be 1 mg I think am I right this stuff always confuses me!!! I think I would want to take .25 mg a day right so that would be 1/4 ML

  7. #7
    orton4 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by grec79 View Post
    Its from ARR its says its 30 ml bottle at 1ml/mg so 1ml of liquid would be 1 mg I think am I right this stuff always confuses me!!! I think I would want to take .25 mg a day right so that would be 1/4 ML
    yeah thatd be right... id go .25 EOD then see how it feels... if nips get sore go to ed

  8. #8
    grec79 is offline Junior Member
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    thank you!!

  9. #9
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    ok so you alrdy did a cycle and your only 155?! snds to me like your doing something wrong, but hey what do i know.

  10. #10
    grec79 is offline Junior Member
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    I did a half a cycle i should say it was like a year and a half ago, and all I had was one 10ml bottle of Prop300 and 1 10Ml of deca300 did 1cc of each a week, not knowing I should have been doing Prop eod and had no PCT , so by the time it was kicking in I was pretty much done with the cycle cause I had run out!!! Plus I had no knowledge as I do now and wasnt eating right!!
    Last edited by grec79; 04-24-2008 at 02:31 PM.

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